After playing this game fully again, I have come to this thought and feeling. Kendra is the only character that I can really give a slight pass on. Reason she has a mental disorder if it be schizophrenia, Bipolar or something else. We know she is not fully there she is in some sort of delusion. They showed she takes medicine you can only guess when Anna started getting attention at work, got the job she thought she was getting and then sees Anna with David she snapped. That is why I have a sort of I understand stance. Now for the other people(guys) I have no sympathy for them cut their balls off. There is no mental issue its just fucked up intent. David if there is a DEV god will fuck up(break/rupture their balls) Chris, Robinson, Jake, call the cops and say Marvin was near his baby girl he is a sex offender convicts don't like sex offenders especially when a baby is involved
and Hank sue him for sexual misconduct and assault destroy his livelihood. Did I miss anyone let me know I happily will delve out punishment