And how in "The Edge Of" the male main character is not going to commit suicide, kill the two girls and not the bully at the end or get out of this toxic environment, and just accept that he suffered bully and betrayal and life that follows? It's a shame that all your characters who are bullied and betrayed are such passives. I'd like to see one of these characters act differently than just accept the bad stuff as if he likes it.
Even betrayed people don't turn to murder all that often, certainly not towards the person they love. Towards the culprit- yea more likely. However while Sam was kinda crazy and it would fit him, Harry is peaceful fella. There is no aggression in him and in his case suicide is far more likely option then revenge. So i don't think you will find here what you are looking for.
tl; dr; What I especially like in APBLU is that Harry (opposite to Sam in The edge of) until now really isnt a purely jealous weakling and that its rather bad cummunication with Laura, misunderstandings and Luca's manipulation that lead to lauras corruption and infidelity rather then his weakness. He stays of course somewhat oblivious and naive but that is far more likeable then the crazy, all time jealous and selfdestructing nature of Sam
This is i think a huge change for people that self insert themselves. In Edge of you could say that MC is the reason behind all of the events, in a way you it is just karma catching up with him. While he is realistic character, people like him don't realize themselves they are the destructing factor. But for readers his faults are clear and he invokes little to no sympathy, meaning it will be hard for them to associate themselves with him.
Meanwhile Harry is the good guy, he is clearly the victing here. He might be weak or naive but he is trying his best to do good things and as such is very much invoking sympathy.
Is there any other games where bully fucks wife or girlfriend or mother??like this game??
If you want MC to be bullied by those that steals his girl then there numbers of those- Dark Hero Party would be one example.
If you are however looking strictly for childhood bully to steal the girl then i don't recall any worth suggesting. Actually in Minako [by Happy Life] the blonde guy was bully of the MC i think.