VN Ren'Py Completed A Promise Best Left Unkept [Bonus Scenes S2 7-8] [Hangover Cat Purrroduction]

4.10 star(s) 102 Votes


Sep 13, 2021
Beyond that, let's face it... a lot of people ARE sheep who only regurgitate whatever opinions are fed to them by other people.
That is a common cognitive mistake.
In terms of the success of your actions (how 'right' they are) being full blown "sheep" and full blown "independent thinker" would be effectively the same thing.

Every single dictator thinks that he knows better then everyone else.
Every single totalitarian dictator, who terrorizes his subjects - telling them what they can and cannot say, who they can love, how they can dress, what they should buy and where they can walk - all of it because, obviously, he knows everything better then everyone, he wouldn't make mistakes and he doesn't need to listen to anyone.
He is not sheep.
And he doesn't need some idiotic sheep to mess up a whole country on some 'elections' or whatnot.

That is also the logic of democratically elected politicians, who then go and ignore the will of people who elected them.

And of course the feudal failed-states are full of "independent thinkers".

Truth is, everyone works with insufficient information. EVERY action you make IS a mistake - in a sense that given enough time and information you always can make a better choice.
Both you and me included.
Listening to other people when you don't know what's going on - and we never know perfectly what's going on - is a very important instinct, that actually allows our society to somewhat function and not fall apart completely.

So yeah.
Sheep<----------------->Independent Thinkers.
It's a scale.
And both extremes are, surprisingly, equally bad.

And should be treated as equal.

You're also trying to lay all the blame on Laura for the whole madness, when Harry absolutely has a lot of blame on his head too. In fact, he has the most blame, given that he's the one that opened the gate for Luca in the first place, no matter how you look at it.
That is so common, there's an actual term for it:

"She wore such a skirt - what was she expecting? She's practically invited him to rape her."

Laura was a victim, weakling and an idiot - but that's not why she deserves the 'blame'.
It's because later she conspired and took part in Luca's plans as an accomplice.

Ironically, some of the suggestions in this thread from our zealous fans - for Harry to "man-up" and "stop being such a pussy" - could've indeed shift a blame at him.
For disproportional retaliation.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
I will not comment on the first part of your post, and I genuinely recommend editing that out. As I said in my original post, debating too hard on what counts as sheep or not, as well as why I think this and that on the subject, requires going majorly off-topic, and even worse, into stuff like politics, all of which is against forum rules.

As for the other part.

I'm not sure if the poster I was replying too was doing victim blaming or not... hard to be sure. His English is a bit hard to parse at times tbh. That said, while Laura is definitely a victim in the whole mess, it's not entirely true either. In the sense that her own idiocy and/or pride is what causes her to sink.

What I mean by that is that she accepted to play Luca's game, even though anyone with two brain cells would have realized that he wouldn't have proposed the game in the first place if there was any real chance for her to win. She didn't even stop to consider that her own sexual experience was extremely lacking, while Luca was a massive playboy since high-school. She also didn't really stop to think all that deeply about his motives for his actions. In most paths, she pretty much never realizes that Luca's actions towards her are all motivated by his hatred of Harry, which automatically makes it clear that his interest in her will drop significantly once she's no longer useful in tormenting Harry.

Quite frankly, there were a LOT of things that she could have done differently if she stopped to use at least a couple of braincells.

It's... how should I put it. If you're hiking in the woods and you get attacked by wolves, you're unlucky and you're a victim. If you go to the zoo, cover yourself in blood and jump into the wolves' cage, you're a moron and you pretty much deserve the obvious end result.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? As far as I'm concerned, Laura wasn't the hiker in the woods, she was the moron that jumped in the wolves' cage, albeit because someone told her to do it and she couldn't think of a better idea on her own.

Hell, even Luca mocks her about it. I don't remember which route it was, but he flat out tells her that she was basically an idiot and that Harry would have preferred to outright go to prison rather than have this situation happen. One has to question if she actually did what she did for Harry's sake, or because she couldn't stand the idea of not being able to solve a situation on her own.


Sep 13, 2021
No. Victim-blaming towards Harry - not Laura.
You're also trying to lay all the blame on Laura for the whole madness, when Harry absolutely has a lot of blame on his head too. In fact, he has the most blame, given that he's the one that opened the gate for Luca in the first place, no matter how you look at it.

And again - even if she "jumps inside a tigers cage" - she may be a moron, but you don't really 'blame' her for that.
Maybe lough at her.
Unless she opens up the cage for the tiger to attack other people. With the intention of harming one specific person no less.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
No. Victim-blaming towards Harry - not Laura.
So, you're trying to say that I'm victim blaming towards Harry?

Because if so, I shall respectfully disagree on account of the fact that Harry is still the biggest moron in the whole mess, and none of the situation would have happened if he had a normal person's level of distrust towards Luca. Or, if, y'know, he respected basic IT security procedures that any tech company with any amount of self respect has.
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Sep 13, 2021
So, you're trying to say that I'm victim blaming towards Harry?

Because if so, I shall respectfully disagree on account of the fact that Harry is still the biggest moron in the whole mess, and none of the situation would have happened if he had a normal person's level of distrust towards Luca. Or, if, y'know, he respected basic IT security procedures that any tech company with any amount of self respect has.
He wore a short skirt like an absolute moron that he is - so he got raped.
And he didn't even bring a stun-gun with him.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
He wore a short skirt like an absolute moron that he is - so he got raped.
And he even didn't bring a stun-gun with him.
That's really not how that works...

Though the first fact I want to correct here is that I never said that Harry deserved to have all the crap happen to him. No one would deserve that, realistically speaking... but given that he's a character in hentai VN, well, I'm not exactly going to lose any sleep over it either.

However, more important than that is that we have to draw a line at some point, where one's idiocy is not excusable, otherwise everyone's 'just a blameless victim'. Yes. In a perfect world, we'd all be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. That perfect world isn't this one, and it isn't the one Harry lives in either. Because said perfect world isn't a thing for him or us, it means that both him and us have a certain level of responsibility to ensure our own safety in any situation where we should know better.

Wearing a short skirt isn't an excuse to get raped. Wearing a short skirt and walking down a hidden alley where you heard rumors that rapists lurk around won't make what inevitably happens justified or deserved... but whoever does it is still an absolute moron.

At the end of the day, Harry is an absolute moron. Being a nice person won't protect you from the bad shit out there.
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Jul 22, 2019
I think there is a bit of idiocy in everyone. Laura trusts herself so much that she believes she can beat Luca by herself and then sees that it is impossible for her when she sees that she is not really who she thinks she is or how strong she thinks she is. Then leave the whole matter to Harry trying to solve it and rescue her from the mess she got into, in some routes Harry manages to at least get her away from Luca and in others he doesn't. Here it all comes down to whoever may distrust more of their strengths, Harry of Laura and Laura of her pride in seeing herself different from her mother.
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Sep 13, 2021
Wearing a short skirt and walking down a hidden alley where you heard rumors that rapists lurk around won't make what inevitably happens justified or deserved... but whoever does it is still an absolute moron.
Yes, but you don't blame the girl for it. Maybe lough at her - sure. Learn from her mistakes - absolutely. But you don't BLAME her.
It's an important distinction precisely because it's done all the time in the real world.
So "all the time" that we have to invent specific term for it to combat such behavior.
Like 'racism', or 'transphobia' - 'victim-blaming' is a marker to control ourselves from harmful behavior.

You avoided topic of the politics - understandably - so I won't bring examples, but I'm sure you can draw some parallels - even from resent news.
When victims are blamed for the position they are in - and then we always take another step. We stop helping them, we leave them to get out of their own mess, and in the end we treat them as a collateral when we have to actually deal with the abuser.
Or sometimes worse.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Yes, but you don't blame the girl for it. Maybe lough at her - sure. Learn from her mistakes - absolutely. But you don't BLAME her.
It's an important distinction precisely because it's done all the time in the real world.
So "all the time" that we have to invent specific term for it to combat such behavior.
Like 'racism', or 'transphobia' - 'victim-blaming' is a marker to control ourselves from harmful behavior.

You avoided topic of the politics - understandably - so I won't bring examples, but I'm sure you can draw some parallels - even from resent news.
When victims are blamed for the position they are in - and then we always take another step. We stop helping them, we leave them to get out of their own mess, and in the end we treat them as a collateral when we have to actually deal with the abuser.
Or sometimes worse.
I suspect I get what you're trying to say...

However, you need to take a step back a bit. You're trying too hard to apply real life values and the like to a discussion about fictional characters. Not just fictional characters, but fictional characters in hentai VN with a Netorare focus, a genre that always amplifies and exaggerates a number of character flaws.

It's partly my fault too for comparing things in any way to real life without considering that some people may be more sensitive to certain subjects than I am... but we should remember that assessing the situation(s) in this VN, and assessing similar situations in real life will not work anywhere near the same.

Harry and Laura are not real people, so the fact someone says that they do or don't deserve X or Y isn't inherently a bad thing, nor will it necessarily reflect anyone's view of the same situation in reality.

I say plenty of stuff about the characters, and we can commend the writer for making them detailed enough for people to care about them in various ways. However, I will explicitly note that I have absolutely no idea what I'd think about this sort of situation if it actually happened in reality. Beyond the fact that I'd think that Luca should go to prison for the rest of his natural life and a few more decades on top of that if his life was somehow extended.

That said, I genuinely don't believe that this specific situation could happen in reality for... a lot of reasons. NTR is, after all, one of those genres where you have to at least partially turn your brain off to enjoy it, and which falls apart if you look at it too hard. I will give the author props for reducing the amount of brain shut-down needed for this one, but he couldn't avoid it completely.
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Sep 13, 2021
You're trying too hard to apply real life values and the like to a discussion about fictional characters.
Oh absolutely not.
We're just discussing our reaction to the story, nothing more - which of our thoughts on it are rational, which of them are 'good' or 'useful'.
And which should be inhibited.

That's 1 of the 2 purposes of any story in the end.
Another one being raw emotions.

In terms of fictional characters - Laura is the strongest.
She's just a fucking cripple who goes against the purpose of the plot with all the strength of her character arc.
And I victim-blame it on the author.
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May 26, 2019
While the idea that Harry is weak is debatable in some ways, one can't argue with the fact that he absolutely is emotionally weak. That's simple facts. His response to trauma and stressful situations tends to be that he falls apart, and falls apart badly at that, to the point where in some cases he absolutely never recovers. Like the Fallen Hero ending. Was that situation horrible? Yes. Was his reaction to it something you can attribute any strength too? Absolutely not. Being traumatized is one thing. Getting off to the videos and everything else is taking things in a direction that only shows emotional weakness.

Also... Laura didn't say that 'everyone' is a sheep. She said that 'everyone in the office' is a sheep. That's a pretty important distinction. After all. It's absolutely true. If they weren't sheep, that vote would not have happened the way it did. No one with an opinion of their own and confidence in their own skills and abilities would have ever taken her side in that sort of situation.

But no one except for Harry and Aya actually had an opinion of their own or confidence in their own skills... and things went wrong. Laura pegged them exactly right.

Beyond that, let's face it... a lot of people ARE sheep who only regurgitate whatever opinions are fed to them by other people. I could give way too many examples, but that means going into politics and whatnot, and that's against forum rules.

Point is, as far as I'm concerned, you're focusing on the wrong things. You're also trying to lay all the blame on Laura for the whole madness, when Harry absolutely has a lot of blame on his head too. In fact, he has the most blame, given that he's the one that opened the gate for Luca in the first place, no matter how you look at it.
Oh no, Harry is also faulty, my issue is that while Harry is an emotionally weak little stupid bastard...he NEVER makes such claims of everyone being 'weak' while implying himself as being above.

If anything it is far easier to him to indulge in self loathing and a load of bullcrap. My problem is mainly due to Laura being a massive hypocrite.
She is not strong, she is as weak as the rest so she is the last one to talk about 'strength'. If anything?

She can't even call Harry 'weak' as a flaw since her herself can't even see weakness in herself. If she saw and tried to outgrow from it? Fine, you get to judge.

Harry do see weakness in himself, he just is in a frankly idiotic self imposed hole of 'I can't, I am weeeeak' which...attracts flies. Bot Flies. He is a rotting corpse.

Guess what Aya, Laura and Luca are? Carrion feeders/Bot Flies/Trash/Maggots. That is what they are.

Henceforth why while I get why people hate Harry and I agree over the reasons, he is really toxic...I don't get why Laura and the rest aren't put on the same trial. So yeah. To hell with all of them. They are all toxic and the only thing who can reddemn them is fire. Pure scorching fire that would leave only pure ashes.

...Ham aside...yeah. They all suck.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Oh no, Harry is also faulty, my issue is that while Harry is an emotionally weak little stupid bastard...he NEVER makes such claims of everyone being 'weak' while implying himself as being above.

If anything it is far easier to him to indulge in self loathing and a load of bullcrap. My problem is mainly due to Laura being a massive hypocrite.
She is not strong, she is as weak as the rest so she is the last one to talk about 'strength'. If anything?

She can't even call Harry 'weak' as a flaw since her herself can't even see weakness in herself. If she saw and tried to outgrow from it? Fine, you get to judge.

Harry do see weakness in himself, he just is in a frankly idiotic self imposed hole of 'I can't, I am weeeeak' which...attracts flies. Bot Flies. He is a rotting corpse.

Guess what Aya, Laura and Luca are? Carrion feeders/Bot Flies/Trash/Maggots. That is what they are.

Henceforth why while I get why people hate Harry and I agree over the reasons, he is really toxic...I don't get why Laura and the rest aren't put on the same trial. So yeah. To hell with all of them. They are all toxic and the only thing who can reddemn them is fire. Pure scorching fire that would leave only pure ashes.

...Ham aside...yeah. They all suck.
I dunno... Harry does seem to look down on "sluts", specifically the sluts that moan out loud crazily when Luca fucks them. His wording in some of those sections makes it pretty clear that he thinks they're inferior women... because... uh... Because they like to feel good?

Oh dear. "How dare you bitches have a better sex life than my GF?"

Also, he had some comments about some of his colleagues along the lines of them being nerds that would evaporate in the presence of real women. There was definitely wording there to imply that he felt himself superior to "those nerds" because he managed to hook-up with the hottest woman in the company. Hell, when Aya insults a number of them, he doesn't actually disagree with her, he just doesn't want shit to be started in the office because she's being loud and insulting, but from the looks of things, he absolutely did agree with her about them.

So nah. Harry has his own moments of thinking that people are losers and that he's a winner.

He's a nice guy overall, but he's a hypocrite about various things too.


May 28, 2023
I dunno... Harry does seem to look down on "sluts", specifically the sluts that moan out loud crazily when Luca fucks them. His wording in some of those sections makes it pretty clear that he thinks they're inferior women... because... uh... Because they like to feel good?

Oh dear. "How dare you bitches have a better sex life than my GF?"

Also, he had some comments about some of his colleagues along the lines of them being nerds that would evaporate in the presence of real women. There was definitely wording there to imply that he felt himself superior to "those nerds" because he managed to hook-up with the hottest woman in the company. Hell, when Aya insults a number of them, he doesn't actually disagree with her, he just doesn't want shit to be started in the office because she's being loud and insulting, but from the looks of things, he absolutely did agree with her about them.

So nah. Harry has his own moments of thinking that people are losers and that he's a winner.

He's a nice guy overall, but he's a hypocrite about various things too.
imo probably reaching there although luca did mention harry was a massive prick who flaunted his morals back in highschool though its questionable on whether its that luca was in fact a cunt or if its just luca overreacting (as usual) about him

Still though I wouldnt say its like he looks down on them its probably just them being annoying when hes trying to do anything but listen to someone else moan through the wall I'd be annoyed at that too lmfao


New Member
Apr 1, 2020
For the longest time, i've hated mind control or hypnosis, ntr stories. But is there really a difference between regular ntr and mind control ntr? Normal ntr is almost always the same old corruption story. The girl get rapped or has a one night stand, and she magically lose all reasoning and betray her love ones. The magical dick control her mind instead of that dumb phone app.


May 26, 2019
I dunno... Harry does seem to look down on "sluts", specifically the sluts that moan out loud crazily when Luca fucks them. His wording in some of those sections makes it pretty clear that he thinks they're inferior women... because... uh... Because they like to feel good?

Oh dear. "How dare you bitches have a better sex life than my GF?"
Is it due to his natural asshatery or due to what happened with him and Luca? Because honestly it feels to me that Luca would willingly make it so or try to make Harry a moralistic POS because if he didn't care...then he wouldn't have much ground to harm him., the issue is Luca doing that to hit him, while his answer is wrong and he is...ah, they both suck. Honestly? They deserve to have their cocks crushed with a jackhammer, throw the remains to the dogs and slice their wrists.

Leave them bleeding to death, send pics to Laura and Aya with a message.

"True Best Fuck Ever. Never again they shall have such experiences!"

...well, that was dark. Sure they would be okay with that.

Also, he had some comments about some of his colleagues along the lines of them being nerds that would evaporate in the presence of real women. There was definitely wording there to imply that he felt himself superior to "those nerds" because he managed to hook-up with the hottest woman in the company. Hell, when Aya insults a number of them, he doesn't actually disagree with her, he just doesn't want shit to be started in the office because she's being loud and insulting, but from the looks of things, he absolutely did agree with her about them.

So nah. Harry has his own moments of thinking that people are losers and that he's a winner.

He's a nice guy overall, but he's a hypocrite about various things too.
Nice? You are being charitable to him, right?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
imo probably reaching there although luca did mention harry was a massive prick who flaunted his morals back in highschool though its questionable on whether its that luca was in fact a cunt or if its just luca overreacting (as usual) about him

Still though I wouldnt say its like he looks down on them its probably just them being annoying when hes trying to do anything but listen to someone else moan through the wall I'd be annoyed at that too lmfao
It's not just the annoyance of noisy neighbors, that's normal.

That said, I may be misremembering this... but, I'm pretty sure there was at least one moment where he had a reaction along the lines of "what self respecting woman would ever behave like that"? or some such, as if it's inherently wrong to get fucked so hard that you end up screaming nonsense from the pleasure.

His behavior when Maya was basically begging for help was not a point in his favor either, and that particular aspect of his personality didn't really change through most of the story and the majority of the paths.

Is it due to his natural asshatery or due to what happened with him and Luca? Because honestly it feels to me that Luca would willingly make it so or try to make Harry a moralistic POS because if he didn't care...then he wouldn't have much ground to harm him., the issue is Luca doing that to hit him, while his answer is wrong and he is...ah, they both suck. Honestly? They deserve to have their cocks crushed with a jackhammer, throw the remains to the dogs and slice their wrists.

Leave them bleeding to death, send pics to Laura and Aya with a message.

"True Best Fuck Ever. Never again they shall have such experiences!"

...well, that was dark. Sure they would be okay with that.

Nice? You are being charitable to him, right?
Dude... you really hate these characters, huh?

For the longest time, i've hated mind control or hypnosis, ntr stories. But is there really a difference between regular ntr and mind control ntr? Normal ntr is almost always the same old corruption story. The girl get rapped or has a one night stand, and she magically lose all reasoning and betray her love ones. The magical dick control her mind instead of that dumb phone app.
Depends. For badly written NTR? No. For stories like this one where the corruption takes longer than a month and has more factors to it than just the guy's dick, then yes. Regular NTR stories, when written well, tend to feature a much better and gradual process of corruption and overall better established characters. Most stories don't have that though.

This one does.

There's specifically one path and ending where Laura doesn't completely fall all on her own, simply because Harry makes the right moves for her to be fully confident in their love and his ability to accept her as who and what she is, and not just the image he has in his head of her.

All that said...

NTR is the kind of genre that will always have at least some ridiculous things in it. You'll always have to turn some of your brain off to enjoy it. The hallmarks of a good NTR story is basically not needing to turn your brain off TOO much, beyond that, mileage will vary depending on personal preferences and what you're getting out of the NTR genre.

Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
It's not just the annoyance of noisy neighbors, that's normal.

That said, I may be misremembering this... but, I'm pretty sure there was at least one moment where he had a reaction along the lines of "what self respecting woman would ever behave like that"? or some such, as if it's inherently wrong to get fucked so hard that you end up screaming nonsense from the pleasure.

His behavior when Maya was basically begging for help was not a point in his favor either, and that particular aspect of his personality didn't really change through most of the story and the majority of the paths.

Dude... you really hate these characters, huh?

Depends. For badly written NTR? No. For stories like this one where the corruption takes longer than a month and has more factors to it than just the guy's dick, then yes. Regular NTR stories, when written well, tend to feature a much better and gradual process of corruption and overall better established characters. Most stories don't have that though.

This one does.

There's specifically one path and ending where Laura doesn't completely fall all on her own, simply because Harry makes the right moves for her to be fully confident in their love and his ability to accept her as who and what she is, and not just the image he has in his head of her.

All that said...

NTR is the kind of genre that will always have at least some ridiculous things in it. You'll always have to turn some of your brain off to enjoy it. The hallmarks of a good NTR story is basically not needing to turn your brain off TOO much, beyond that, mileage will vary depending on personal preferences and what you're getting out of the NTR genre.

Sorry, I understand the point about NTR, but we who are generally accused of hating them coincidentally all have the same reason, that their nature is so extreme when it comes to character roles, you can understand it, if you don't create a Mc with the fetish and his mental weakness or a Mc who suffers the horns behind his back, because he's an idiot, these stories wouldn't have the right plot, but here also lies the contradiction, but no one is asking to change the plot or things too demanding, but you have to understand that the NTR genre needs a refresh, moreover in many you don't really have choices, they are more porn comics with some interaction, but precisely the lack of choices that we lack in this type of game, not it's only MC who is helpless, but we players too, to date, I believe that only 5 games make you act with anger towards the wife and the bull, leading either to revenge or to separation, but the rest are copy and paste, put for example, many times the option of choosing whether to be a slut or not is nenahc and I find it a fair thing, because you don't make us play with Mc but rather with the enemy, then we start from the fact that the wife cheats, is a slut etc. instead we should have the choices as a function of MC, even when he has his fetish, he still has to dictate the condition, because basically he gives his wife the pass for her enjoyment, here many instead transform Mc's fetish into a weapon to wife and lovers, totally wrong, if we talk about open relationship, or sharing etc. Of course, if we have a wife who secretly cheats, these options normally don't exist


May 9, 2020
It's not just the annoyance of noisy neighbors, that's normal.

That said, I may be misremembering this... but, I'm pretty sure there was at least one moment where he had a reaction along the lines of "what self respecting woman would ever behave like that"? or some such, as if it's inherently wrong to get fucked so hard that you end up screaming nonsense from the pleasure.

His behavior when Maya was basically begging for help was not a point in his favor either, and that particular aspect of his personality didn't really change through most of the story and the majority of the paths.

Dude... you really hate these characters, huh?

Depends. For badly written NTR? No. For stories like this one where the corruption takes longer than a month and has more factors to it than just the guy's dick, then yes. Regular NTR stories, when written well, tend to feature a much better and gradual process of corruption and overall better established characters. Most stories don't have that though.

This one does.

There's specifically one path and ending where Laura doesn't completely fall all on her own, simply because Harry makes the right moves for her to be fully confident in their love and his ability to accept her as who and what she is, and not just the image he has in his head of her.

All that said...

NTR is the kind of genre that will always have at least some ridiculous things in it. You'll always have to turn some of your brain off to enjoy it. The hallmarks of a good NTR story is basically not needing to turn your brain off TOO much, beyond that, mileage will vary depending on personal preferences and what you're getting out of the NTR genre.
I agree with you and I will add that Luca IMHO is in love with Harry. if i have to prove my statement
As Elie Wiesel said "the opposite of love is not hate is indifference". Luca is dedicated to Harry more than every girl from what we see here.In psychology some people they tend to destroy what they can't have . It's a mix of self destructive behaviour , obsession, and cognitive dissonance.I haven't played all the game as I came for the vanilla ntr ending. And that ended to soon.But i watched the discussion and I asked here and there some things. So I may be wrong
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Jan 31, 2021
The problem with Laura is that she is honestly an idiot.
She thinks that being the hardworking, efficient person with a good image is exclusive with her desire for sex.
She is pathetic, that is all.
Anyone knows you can have a big sex drive and still be effective in your functions or in a leadership position.

It is all about a place for things, but alas Laura cannot conceptualize both due to her mother.

As said, she could have figured it by the end, but that requires a slap on the face and a kick into her ego that the game can't or she will be 'lesser' than Harry.
Laura is nothing but a roadside slut that's all, gals like her belongs to streets nothing else. Everything starts with her submitting HERSELF to the bully. She could have said she doesn't care what happens to her bf and for that she's not going to bend, but she does it. Because somewhere subconsciously she wanted to cheat. She just didn't found a way till now. Here in this case she both finds a way and a reasoning to cheat.
Way - Luca, reasoning - she's saving her dumb bf. She gave herself the reasoning that, "it's her duty to save her dumb bf", and later on "if my dumb bf is dumb and can't satisfy me it's his fault and this situation is in my gain". Laura is type of woman who should never be a mother, if she ever gave birth to NORMAL child, that child's life will become complete hell.
She is use and throw type of woman. Today Luca is satisfying her, tomorrow Chad will satisfy her, day after tomorrow Dick will satisfy her, after that she will need all 3 guys combined to satisfy her.

And Harry is also a big dumb passive idiot. Why would you ever get friendly with your Bully? Doesn't matter how much time has passed you would always remember how you're bullied and never forgive them, IF you have guts. Ok, fine you might be physically, positionally inferior to them but you'll never be friendly with such guy ever. You should have the mentality to literally f k them the first opportunity you get, which also IF you get and keep them at arms length. If you're working together, be completely professional, that's it. Harry, a dumb dog deserved to be cucked.

Aya is just immature, mature girls will never like weak willed men like Harry. Once they smell weak willness they'll immediately dump them.
She's having those stupid crush dreams cause of her age. What a girl thinks in her 20s and a lady thinks in her 30s is vastly different, reason is at 30 most women become mentally mature.

Only good guy here is Luca, LoL. He's mature and knows how to give girls happy ending. The maturity which he recieved after having a slut mom.
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May 26, 2019
Laura is nothing but a roadside slut that's all, gals like her belongs to streets nothing else. Everything starts with her submitting HERSELF to the bully. She could have said she doesn't care what happens to her bf and for that she's not going to bend, but she does it. Because somewhere subconsciously she wanted to cheat. She just didn't found a way till now. Here in this case she both finds a way and a reasoning to cheat.
Way - Luca, reasoning - she's saving her dumb bf. She gave herself the reasoning that, "it's her duty to save her dumb bf", and later on "if my dumb bf is dumb and can't satisfy me it's his fault and this situation is in my gain". Laura is type of woman who should never be a mother, if she ever gave birth to NORMAL child, that child's life will become complete hell.
She is use and throw type of woman. Today Luca is satisfying her, tomorrow Chad will satisfy her, day after tomorrow Dick will satisfy her, after that she will need all 3 guys combined to satisfy her.

And Harry is also a big dumb passive idiot. Why would you ever get friendly with your Bully? Doesn't matter how much time has passed you would always remember how you're bullied and never forgive them, IF you have guts. Ok, fine you might be physically, positionally inferior to them but you'll never be friendly with such guy ever. You should have the mentality to literally f k them the first opportunity you get, which also IF you get and keep them at arms length. If you're working together, be completely professional, that's it. Harry, a dumb dog deserved to be cucked.

Aya is just immature, mature girls will never like weak willed men like Harry. Once they smell weak willness they'll immediately dump them.
She's having those stupid crush dreams cause of her age. What a girl thinks in her 20s and a lady thinks in her 30s is vastly different, reason is at 30 most women become mentally mature.

Only good guy here is Luca, LoL. He's mature and knows how to give girls happy ending. The maturity which he recieved after having a slut mom.
You are being far too charitable to Luca, aka, the 'mature' guy who is still pissy over something Harry told him in high school. So much for an 'mature' guy. Gods, when I saw his reasoning in the 'Good Ending', I laughed at him because he made the whole scene pure cuck on himself, would be far more humiliating for Harry if he raped Harry.

At least he isn't fucking a woman thinking on another man.

He can fuck whoever he wants, he is still sucking off to Harry, can't let something he said to him back in high school go?

Pathetic. He sounded like a prissy bitch angry because her boyfriend ended up with her.

He might become mature...if he is properly crushed, left unable to move his legs and get an erection. A good series of well hard hits on his spine would do it just fine. He will come out unhappier than before.

Laura is a fool for that reason. She thinks she can have her cake and eat it too up to a point. That is not how this works. She could leave Harry at any moment, but she can't.
Her lust is breaking him, as such she also deserves to be broken as much as him. Not in sexual manner. Perhaps seizing away her capacity to get off is how it might be done. She will never be happy.

Harry is a fucking passive idiot who comes close to conclusions...but fails over his inability to understand that no one is 'perfect'. What he actually deserves is to have everything smashed on his face, and if he dares to break? Show him again and again until he relents and accepts it. He won't ever be happy. Also let the psychotic bitch Aya and the stupid ignoramus Laura watch. He will just hate everyone and never be happy.

Aya needs to watch all of that and see Harry hating her a lot.
Then have Luca killing him out of sheer insanity and spite (because he would still somehow blame Harry for his woes) then she would kill him and kill herself.

Luca deserves as much happiness as the rest.
They miiiiight be able to embrace it, but the old...delicious phrase must apply.

Misery Makes Character.

Ham aside again :LOL:
No one there deserves happiness.
They deserve a shitload of misery before even being granted a glimmer of happiness. This game's only sin is only having Harry suffer.
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4.10 star(s) 102 Votes