VN Ren'Py Completed A Promise Best Left Unkept [Bonus Scenes S2 7-8] [Hangover Cat Purrroduction]

4.10 star(s) 102 Votes
May 4, 2019
Because as a genre is has quite a few haters. Personally I am just as bored with the same big dick shota + mother + 2 sisters genre that's copy-pasted as well. They are similar in how much potential they are wasting. Both betrayal (ntr) and incest are juicy subjects that can make for really interesting stories. But most devs ignore that and just make the same game.

There are plenty of manga and webnovels that deal with cheating in more interesting ways but hentai always sticks to same scenes, same story, same ending.
Hardcore agree. I would say a big part of that is that good writers are pretty few and far between. Most of the best hentai manga are tropey as fuck but have amazing art or manage to hit a chord in some way that draws you in. There are thousands of super generic ones where you just feel super pandered to and it ruins the charm of the work even if the art is decent.

Games have similar issues with writing. The split of how much to write is hard as well. Obviously it's easier than making loads of images, but too much writing or plain pedestrian writing will put the player hard. If I'm not enjoying a game I'll just skip through to the sex scenes and they'll never be as effective as they would be in the writing had drawn me into the situation.

John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
as far as I understand this will be the next game aya focused and start at that decission

so aya will get the whole focus with dating,romance, ntr

and I guess laura as the sidechar this time
An Aya focused game? Let's fucking go! That's even better than just another route!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Dose anyone actually like Laura i don't personally
I find her hot and i like her personality more than Aya, does that count?
But I do not see NTR heroines as waifu material.
The Aya path hasn't even started yet? I thought this was the full release? I dont understand why you would do a steam release if the game isn't finished. So they Aya part was just a DLC the entire time and she wasnt meant to have an actual route?
To get sales? Like there are games that do chapterly releases so they can sell on steam and their stories are nowhere near complete. Here you have fully completed routes and really good amount of content.
I think dev only said that the Aya path is planned but whatever it will be part of game or separate - he will decide once he gets there.


May 26, 2019
Why I have the impression that Aya Route will now suddenly reveal that Laura has ties with some Italian Mafia or some shit like that? Or she becomes a crime boss out of nowhere to fuck shit up?

Those three are walking problems you know...I wonder how Harry attracts those kinds of people. Is it the perfume?
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May 26, 2019
It is gonna be fairly tedious watching Aya get seduced by Luca over and over in five different ways.
And then growing mad because she can't live without his cock and Harry's musk I suppose.
Poor Harry can't take a rest. No one wants to let him rest. Someone should take those three and ask them.

"Okay, why can't you leave him alone? I mean, is his smell so good you can't stop trying to catch him like a prize or something?"

Also again, am I right to assume that if Harry were to run away to some cabin in the woods, he would see three scary faces on the windows?
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Sep 13, 2021
Dose anyone actually like Laura i don't personally
The problem with Laura is that she becomes LESS sexy the more you play.
But she had great foundation.
It's just hard to get some jealousy for a girl, who HATES her boyfriend. That's simply not how jealousy works.

Aya is a crowd favorite (for now) because she actually crazy in love with Harry.
So people want to see her NTRed - precisely because of that. Because of contrast.
For now.
She'll start hating Harry and it would be the same as with Laura.

More hate => less jealousy.
More love => more jealousy.
It's that simple.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2020
What? No. Only the vanilla loud crowds do not want Aya to be corrupted. The rest of us want her to be corrupted and break Harry's heart.
Very cultured. Idk why but seeing Laura get corrupted didn't give me any satisfaction. Seeing her mom got corrupted did. Maybe I just don't like Laura as a character. After reading how her relationship developed with Harry I think Aya's story will be the NTR story I'm looking for. But Aya doesn't seem like a character that would easily be corrupted or even be corrupted at all for that matter. I'm looking forward for what the dev has in store for her, I heard she would have fewer endings because of her personality and tbh I think I agree with that decision. The last thing we want is to pull shit out of nowhere just to make Aya corrupted.


May 11, 2020
What? No. Only the vanilla loud crowds do not want Aya to be corrupted. The rest of us want her to be corrupted and break Harry's heart.
but she can only be corrupted if aya and harry are happy and in a relationship which requires build up
honestly I really want to see the build up of the relationship between Harry and Aya first. Since I don't really call it NTR unless the two are in an intimate relationship. Luca just helps Aya in separating the two of them, but is still focused on Laura initially.

Then after the Harry and Laura break up, Luca realizes that he only gets off with stealing girls from Harry, thus throws Laura aside and set Aya as his next target. I mean he already has blackmail material to Aya with them conspiring to separate the two. (Though I hate blackmail in NTRs, so I hope the story doesn't have that as the main driving force of the corruption)
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May 26, 2019
The problem with Laura is that she becomes LESS sexy the more you play.
But she had great foundation.
It's just hard to get some jealousy for a girl, who HATES her boyfriend. That's simply not how jealousy works.

Aya is a crowd favorite (for now) because she actually crazy in love with Harry.
So people want to see her NTRed - precisely because of that. Because of contrast.
For now.
She'll start hating Harry and it would be the same as with Laura.

More hate => less jealousy.
More love => more jealousy.
It's that simple.
But that would just make her not sexy in the end, right? After all she would just hate Harry and be...well, exactly what Laura is.
Honestly I wonder how Harry would change with that heartbreak. Would be fun if he just became uncaring.

Hate can be fun, but there is something amazing on just not caring at all.
Love can be broken, so as hope.
I just think that one is missed, as far as characters can be talked about. Love is...what? Nothing before hope. Without hope...what there is? It is a funny place.

I just think about those characters' hopes being crushed to dust and dunno, for some reason it seems to crystallize something so amazingly fantastic...
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Sep 13, 2021
But that would just make her not sexy in the end, right? After all she would just hate Harry and be...well, exactly what Laura is.
Honestly I wonder how Harry would change with that heartbreak. Would be fun if he just became uncaring.

Hate can be fun, but there is something amazing on just not caring at all.
To get addicted to Luca's cock she doesn't need to hate Harry.
She can even fall for both of them at the same time - just for different reasons.

Just like you can fall in love with two different girls.

Hate in porn games could be fun if it leads to hate-fuck. Again - because of the contrast. Both Laura and Aya hated Luca's guts and their sex scenes was hotter because of it.
"I hate him BUT I cant stop cumming on his cock." is just hotter then plain "I can't stop cumming on his cock."
It shows heir emotions more (like suicide for Romeo and Juliette makes their love more tangible).
But simple:
"I hate him SO I'll go to another man." is not a contrast. And it sups any jealousy for the girl on top of it.

Because contrast for Jealousy is Love.
"I love him more then my life BUT I can't stop cumming while cheating." is hotter then plain "I can't stop cumming while cheating."

By the end of Laura's route she throws away BOTH: hate for Luca and love for Harry.
There's no contrast left.
So she gets less sexy the more you play.
Now she's just a woman with the shitty thoughts doing shitty things.

That does NOT have to be the case (with her or Aya).
For example:
She could become more addicted to Luca, feel more reverence towards his vile strength while being mentally destroyed by him AND BECAUSE OF IT getting more appreciation for Harry's kindness and genuine love, his care.
That way BOTH contrasts will grow the more you play.
And, hence - she would become SEXIER the more you play.

Which should be the case.
Your plot needs to snowball, not kneecap itself.
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Dec 19, 2019
Updated bonus scenes (1-6):

PC: -
Mac: -
Android: -
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May 26, 2019
To get addicted to Luca's cock she doesn't need to hate Harry.
She can even fall for both of them at the same time - just for different reasons.

Just like you can fall in love with two different girls.

Hate in porn games could be fun if it leads to hate-fuck. Again - because of the contrast. Both Laura and Aya hated Luca's guts and their sex scenes was hotter because of it.
"I hate him BUT I cant stop cumming on his cock." is just hotter then plain "I can't stop cumming on his cock."
It shows heir emotions more (like suicide for Romeo and Juliette makes their love more tangible).
But simple:
"I hate him SO I'll go to another man." is not a contrast. And it sups any jealousy for the girl on top of it.

Because contrast for Jealousy is Love.
"I love him more then my life BUT I can't stop cumming while cheating." is hotter then plain "I can't stop cumming while cheating."

By the end of Laura's route she thews away BOTH: hate for Luca and love for Harry.
There's no contrast left.
So she gets less sexy the more you play.
Now she's just a woman with the shitty thoughts doing shitty things.

That does NOT have to be the case (with her or Aya).
For example:
She could become more addicted to Luca, feel more reverence towards his vile strength while being mentally destroyed by him AND BECAUSE OF IT getting more appreciation for Harry's kindness and genuine love, his care.
That way BOTH contrasts will grow the more you play.
And, hence - she would become SEXIER the more you play.
TBH I just think it would be the same as that ending in which Laura kills Luca.
Then again the level of selfishness in 'I want my cake and my cookies' is really impressive, but here is also another thing. Her mind destroyed due to it, we know she could kill Luca easy peasy.

For some reason I just don't see any ending in which she does not hate Harry. She might say she wouldn't tell to not 'hurt' him ( is the SAME KIND OF CONDESCENDING BULLSHIT LAURA HAS) but at the end of the day, the moment he discovers, I feel it would be too late for him, quite literally.

He might try to leave and Luca order Aya to use her Yakuza goons to arrest him or smth, because we know how much Luca cannot bear living without Harry I guess. Or she might be aware of all the pain she causes on him and for some reason still love and care for him (at this point I am not sure that is love, it is plain obsession and insanity) but from Harry, I guess she would only have hate and disgust. Her and Laura.

(To that point I wonder if Luca would just let Harry go. He effectively killed his 'will to love'.)

She could become more addicted to Luca, feel more reverence towards his vile strength while being mentally destroyed by him AND BECAUSE OF IT getting more appreciation for Harry's kindness and genuine love, his care.
Would that be the case? She has an alternate self that I don't think that likes Harry at all, or at best likes him akin to a fun prize to rub at Laura's face.

Also just feels strange. She clearly does not love him at all.

Eh. I guess I can't understand that. I just think she hates him at that point and is lying to herself.

NTR requires aspects of love I sorely lack, I suppose. I see and I think 'well...tell him what it is going on instead of trying to make him guess. He at least ask questions and wish to know, tell, and let what it is next happen'. Obliviousness might be annoying, but it is hardly something worse than betrayal/backstabbing and rape.
4.10 star(s) 102 Votes