Soo finally, some more news. Firstly in a previous post i said 1/3 was complete. I have no idea how the fuck i counted that but 1/4 is now definetly finished. Including one of the major scenes staring 5 characters plus some background characters.
Im also going to release the chapter in 2 parts so you guys won't have to wait to long for more content. Soo if you think of it like that then im halfway there with the new contents images (whitch is the seacond to last part and what takes most time).
Also, does anyone know of a good notebook program? 39 pages of sex scenes can get a bit messy in google docs, even with the chapter outline.
And finaly in other news i tested out Honey Select 2. They have a lot of neat upgrades over the origional. My favorite being a really neat pattern system that let's you add stuff like stripes, stars, flovers and plaid to almost all clothes. You can also color pretty much every clothing piece now whitch is really great. I spent most of my time testing to create some characters.