i have the 8 most problem(for now)
1st. i can't call catherine, every time i go to the construction site, i always get the leave disappointed, i can't call her before the message is shown. and after it says " leave disappointed " i can call her.
what seems the problem?
i think when i charmed her, i can charmed her police sister
2nd how can i save leanne from the thrall? can you tell me step by step.
the walktrough on the folder file does not help with stuck i am going through.
if i charmed leanne can i make her spirit break down easily?
3rd i already got the stake from the bush in the wild range.
but i can't do anything to the vampire, it always says restart.
is it going to be easy after i used or before i use that stake?
4th where can i find the next dragon gem? so i can put the 2nd one to the dragons eye
5th where i can find camryn? i already possess her, and is it always end up as you have to end possession?
that happened to me, and now i ended i can't repossess here anymore
6th where i can find the 2nd dragon's eye?
7th when i can charm the guard at the bank and the girls at the park can i charmed all at once?
8th the diane quest, where will i go to find the documents?
9th just a question, no problem her, but i wonder when will bambi's mom return?
i did a lot of mistakes here. like before i made tess return to my home and before i charmed tess husbands.
there is a lot of option/conversation missing. like i ask john to find something ( i forgot what ) but i already did a lot of thing and now, there are no conversations.
by the way, i am playing the conspiracy path
1. Wait until the message appears, but don click it. Go to your phone, Address Book and you should be able to charm her.
2. To save Leanne, you need to have Mother Superior in the room with her. You also need to have her Rosary in your inventory. As well as the
Mirror of Souls unlocked. Once you have those, click Clairvoyance on the statue and it should say it's in a
Place of Power. After that speak to everyone (i don't remember who) about how to save her from demons. Check your Notes to see if all four steps have been completed. When that happens, make sure to attune the hexagram of the Hidden Room. You can do that by using Teleport and scrolling to the very top. You should have an option "Attune Hexagram". When that's done, go to the church and teleport her to the Hidden Room. That's it. DO NOT place the Rosary on the statue. Always keep it in your Inventory.
3. You need to give the book to Sarah. She'll use a spell which she can later teach you. Make sure to be with her during the night of the attack. The spell's name is
Mir Daru.
4. I don't think there is one. Maybe someone else can tell you.
5. Go to the police and talk to them about it.
6. I don't think there is one. Maybe someone else can tell you.
7. You can't charm the bank guard yet.
8. Tell Diane to come with you. Go to the TV Station, enter Madison's office. Talk to Diane and then use "Pass" while you're still in the office.
9. That I'm not sure. I know she's in the game because I have her charmed, but either check the gym or periodically check with Bambi. She just appeared one day for me, so I don't know the conditions.