In the medieval era, feudal age, marriage arrangements were common between nobles, for the sake of power.
Even if we go far, you can see that some nobles were related in blood, to keep this power to the family. One example are the spanish royalty, were they can sing " I am blue" without remorse.
Giron is evil? fuck this, he is just acting like any medieval noble would do, "get power" and play the wonderfull world of politics.
About the virgin stuff, it was stated in history that being a virgin is a political asset. Means purity and the most important thing" He/she doesnt have any kids that could be a problem on hereditary fights(Welcome initial plot). It was so important that asset, that it was stated:
A girl is "fertile" when they have their first menstruation. And why is this important? Because is the time thatthe marriage can be put in place.
About the daughter of a noble being a maid, the only reference I have is about "Wu Zetian" who turned to be an empress. So maybe and just maybe, the shots goes there. We have an assian after all.
I dont know why people are scandalized. There are evil people in the medieval times? But of course. What happened to "Here comes the spanish inquisition"? We are lucky that Chyos didnt introduce religious people fuycking kids for the sake of pleasure.Yet.