Ran into a bug/glitch sometime back that I'm not sure the cause of, but I got around to 'fixing' it.
So if anyone runs into a glitch where they permanently lost a tribe member (excluding the time one serves as a prison guard), this will help restore it. For me, I believe it happened when I was still working on the workshop in Rumah and started the storehouse as well, maybe with a recall mixed in somewhere. Whatever it was, something I did made me permanently lose a tribe member, leaving me with only 4/5 workers for the rest of the game. To fix it, I used a save editor and changed variable (not the switch) 672. It changes the number of idle workers in Rumah. I bumped it up 1 and now have all 5 workers back. Seems to have worked fine without breaking anything.
So kind of a bug report (although I'm not sure exactly sure what I did) and kind of a fix to anyone who experienced this issue.