VN Ren'Py A Thousand Rounds [Ch. 1.0] [NME Artworks]

4.90 star(s) 9 Votes
Feb 25, 2022

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Hey everyone. Great news. I'll have the last of this scene rendered and postworked tonight. I'll test the binary which our lead programmer debugged. So far the testing has been good. If all the testing goes well, and I don't see anything else I need to change/edit/redo then I should have a beta out to the testers either tomorrow or Tuesday. While they hack away at it, I'll start working on the final scene of the chapter. I have a very clear vision of what needs to happen, just need to figure out how to do it without it coming out like tongue punching a shitty butt-hole. Lol.

The music is being a total nightmare. If there is anything that's going to stress me out nearing the release, it'll be the fucking music. Ugh...

Well, that's it for this log. Short and sweet. I hope you all have a great week. To my followers, I'll catch you next Sunday. To my Patrons; you know where to find me.

Stay frosty,
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Feb 25, 2022

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Hey everyone, hope you had a great week and an even better weekend. Got a lot done this week. Cloon was able to fully debug everything and I found most of the background music/SFX. I got a lot of the spot rendering done for mistakes / redo's. The beta binary was sent out to the testers and aside from typos and a couple other things I can't change at this point, nothing game breaking happened. So that's huge fucking news, and I couldn't be happier with the results. I know you all will be too. I'm already about 20 scenes into the finale, and I really hope that workflow stays this smooth. A good chunk of the ending will require me to utilize new skills/methods I haven't before, though, so we will see how smooth that part is when we get there. The writing is almost complete. Maybe like 90%. The ending to this (not so little anymore) prologue was set before I ever started it, so that's probably why it was so easy to write. It's mostly filler dialogue now that needs to be written to set up the main story, but even that is pretty much written out in discussions with the team. So, it's just about getting it organized and plugged into the script at this point. I do still need to scene specific music, but thankfully I have some help on that front this time, so it should be a relatively easy process compared to the previous release.

I don't feel like jumping back through this and checking if I already said it, but in the next release, with all of the changes to the code, ALL SAVES ARE BROKEN. Just something to keep in mind. Cloon was awesome though and has added a little trash bin at the bottom of the save windows for you to quickly delete from within the game. So no need to worry if you don't know where to find your saves locally. Anyways, that's it! I'll keep hammering away at the remaining action items, and hopefully we will be ready for the release soon™.

I hope you all have a great week. To my followers, I'll catch you next Sunday. To my Patrons; you know where to find me.

Stay frosty,
4.90 star(s) 9 Votes