VN Ren'Py A Thousand Rounds [Ch. 1.0] [NME Artworks]

4.90 star(s) 9 Votes
Feb 25, 2022

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Hey everyone. Great news. I'll have the last of this scene rendered and postworked tonight. I'll test the binary which our lead programmer debugged. So far the testing has been good. If all the testing goes well, and I don't see anything else I need to change/edit/redo then I should have a beta out to the testers either tomorrow or Tuesday. While they hack away at it, I'll start working on the final scene of the chapter. I have a very clear vision of what needs to happen, just need to figure out how to do it without it coming out like tongue punching a shitty butt-hole. Lol.

The music is being a total nightmare. If there is anything that's going to stress me out nearing the release, it'll be the fucking music. Ugh...

Well, that's it for this log. Short and sweet. I hope you all have a great week. To my followers, I'll catch you next Sunday. To my Patrons; you know where to find me.

Stay frosty,
Feb 25, 2022

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Hey everyone, hope you had a great week and an even better weekend. Got a lot done this week. Cloon was able to fully debug everything and I found most of the background music/SFX. I got a lot of the spot rendering done for mistakes / redo's. The beta binary was sent out to the testers and aside from typos and a couple other things I can't change at this point, nothing game breaking happened. So that's huge fucking news, and I couldn't be happier with the results. I know you all will be too. I'm already about 20 scenes into the finale, and I really hope that workflow stays this smooth. A good chunk of the ending will require me to utilize new skills/methods I haven't before, though, so we will see how smooth that part is when we get there. The writing is almost complete. Maybe like 90%. The ending to this (not so little anymore) prologue was set before I ever started it, so that's probably why it was so easy to write. It's mostly filler dialogue now that needs to be written to set up the main story, but even that is pretty much written out in discussions with the team. So, it's just about getting it organized and plugged into the script at this point. I do still need to scene specific music, but thankfully I have some help on that front this time, so it should be a relatively easy process compared to the previous release.

I don't feel like jumping back through this and checking if I already said it, but in the next release, with all of the changes to the code, ALL SAVES ARE BROKEN. Just something to keep in mind. Cloon was awesome though and has added a little trash bin at the bottom of the save windows for you to quickly delete from within the game. So no need to worry if you don't know where to find your saves locally. Anyways, that's it! I'll keep hammering away at the remaining action items, and hopefully we will be ready for the release soon™.

I hope you all have a great week. To my followers, I'll catch you next Sunday. To my Patrons; you know where to find me.

Stay frosty,
Feb 25, 2022

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Hey everyone. What? It's Monday? Da fuck? Yeah so I didn't realize the lapse over the weekend. It was busy to say the least. This week was shit. Ran into an issue that set me back some 44 renders. I got them made up though. So we're back on track there. Cloon is making the changes that the Beta pointed out, and I'm hacking away at these renders as fast as I can without rushing shit. As you well noticed I needed to start labeling these what they are. This whole Chapter 1 and Chapter 1.5 thing was a bad call considering this is, and always has been a prologue. It just ran away from me, and turned into two parts. The fact is, this takes place well before the main game, and as such I need to change the designation before the final release. Might as well start now.

Music has gone nowhere since Beta. From the feedback, nobody thought anything was out of sorts. But I still need to nail down the last few songs and a couple more scene specific ones to fit the mood. All in all, we are still moving along. I wish I was farther into it, but the important thing is that there isn't any creative blocks. Right now anything holding me up is a skill issue, that I intend to remedy one way or another. Anyways, have a great rest of your week everyone.

To my followers, I'll catch you all next Sunday (unless I lose track of what day it is like this time). To my Patrons; you know where to find me.

Stay frosty,


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hey everyone! Punching it early, since my whole life has pretty much shifted a few hours anyways. For those who don't know, my fur missile was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few weeks back. Her schedule has been a bit off since then. She pretty much gets me up at 0400 or earlier every day now. Ramped up for a morning run and a fat ass breakfast. Crazy girl... She's blind, so it's not her fault she can't tell it's the ass crack before dawn. Anyways, since she's landed with me she's been on my schedule all these years. The least I can do is adapt to hers for the final stretch. Alright, enough of the doom and gloom.

I'm working in a bit of a limited capacity until the 7th since my son is visiting from Cali. However, these really early mornings have been pretty beneficial for game development. I'm over halfway, and I'm going to reach the big moment for this chapter either today or tomorrow. How long it'll take is still in the air, since like I said, it's not something I've done before, and will require both art and Renpy manipulation which will be new to me. Thankfully, I got one hell of a co-dev and Renpy is his side bitch. So, I'm more worried about the art coming out like trash than anything else. I'm not going to commit to a date, but release is coming soon™.

I'll leave it there so I can get back to it before the rest of my world starts spinning. For my followers; I'll catch you next week. To my Patrons; you know where to find me.

Stay frosty,
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Feb 25, 2022

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Hey everyone. Doing this really early this week, since I'll be on the road from tomorrow morning until Tuesday. The scene is coming along. With my son here, and the holiday, work slowed to a crawl. Still making headway though. I'm at the meat of the scene, which is going to take a lot of focus, so I haven't dove into it yet. I wanted to wait until I could tackle it in one go, which right now just isn't feasible. I'll knock it out as soon as I'm back though.

On to the news that is both great, and will probably scare a lot of you. After this release, I'll be pausing Patreon again until September. I recently made a HUGE leap in success with my character conversion to Blender. I'm talking game changing. So much so, that I'm confident that if I just focus my energy on polishing it, I can realize that goal of mine before the main story even starts. For those of you who've been around, you know that the models I work with wouldn't port over using the well known tool called Diffeomorphic. It's a great tool, and it did a lot, but the compatibility with my models just made it near useless for me in respects to converting my characters. However, after a lot of back and forth with some industry creators, and many hours on Youtube and inside Blender. I think I've figured out a combination of methods, mainly manual, that I can implement to get my characters successfully converted. However, during this period, Cloon and I will continue to work on the story, planning, and backend related stuff we have planned for the next go. So development isn't halting, it's just having a shift in focus. Now... if by September I still haven't successfully, or at least, converted to a quality I'll be happy with; I will forgo the conversion and start working on the chapters artwork in Daz. The goal will always be to migrate entirely to Blender, but whether that happens before Chapter 1, or at the start of book 2, remains to be seen. Here's to hoping though.

For all my stateside brothers, I hope you all had a wicked 4th. For everyone else, I hope you guys had a great week. I hope you all have a good weekend, and a great week to follow. That's it for now, I'll check back in with everyone next Sunday with hopefully a solid release date.

Stay frosty,
  • Yay, new update!
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4.90 star(s) 9 Votes