Others Abandoned A Very Small Business [v0.3.1.1] [Grabiobot]

4.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Game Developer
Aug 7, 2017
Finally, the plane has taken off and ‘Love in the Clouds above Trinity’ is flying through the clouds.
We, the Society of Lust, hope you enjoy this romantic adult project of us.
LICAT is a so-called kinetic visual novel.
It tells the sweet and passionate story of the fated meeting of two people in the clouds above Trinity.
Okay, above Trinity is not entirely accurate, but you get the gist of it.
As ‘Love in the Clouds above Trinity’ was initially intended to be released for Valentine’s Day, it is female friendly, which does not mean that there is no sex, quite the opposite.
Therefore, we dare you to read it together with your girl.
We guarantee you will not be disappointed; when you do so, it would instead happen that you have to satisfy her after she read it with you.
We tested it ourselves.

Love in the Clouds above Trinity’ is the first release that belongs to one of our three interwoven projects of the Trinity-verse which is called ‘Lewd Stories of Trinity’.
We are already working on the next release of this project.
Therefore, if you, your girl or both of you liked LICAT consider supporting us in our endeavor to create adult games with quality.

Last but not least, let us take a look behind the scene.
The changes made to the c-cup programming language are starting to pay off. Thanks to them, it is now possible to use the scroll wheel of the mouse to navigate back and forth between the text passages already been read.
Also, due to these changes, we were able to implement a nice transition effect between the renders, so they look almost animated, which we are sure all of you will appreciate as much as we do.
Furthermore, the changes made to the game engine allow now an enrichment of the game texts, like multi-coloring and additional effects, like the scrolling text, which are both featured in the end titles.
You may notice that LICAT uses the .vrod file format for its resources.
In this way, we isolated the resources of LICAT, like code and graphics, from the resources of other games we will publish in the future. That means we will be able to deliver all future games as some form of DLC for the original installation files of our project, Lewd Stories of Trinity.

We wish you a lovely time while flying with us to Trinity and into the Trinity-verse!

Society of Lust



Futa lover!
Jan 28, 2018
We inform you with this post that we have renamed the Patreon page.
Therefore, if you have any bookmarks or links associated with Grabiobot’s patreon page, please take care that you will use the new URL.

As I am not alone anymore doing all the works by myself, we have decided that it would be best to rename the page to prevent confusion.

The new name will be Society of Lust.
Therefore, the new address will be:

The Society of Lust also has its own website. However, as it will be brand-new, there will be not much to find yet, but we intend to offer you in future a lot of information and background to our projects. We will inform you of the actual website address, as soon as we have created a presentable site.

Most of you already know, who we are, but in case you do not know, yet.
The Society of Lust consists of Grabiobot (coding & renders) and AbyssalEros (setting & stories).

However, we are not alone, as we have help from several dear friends, first there is the fabulous Farra Triss, who serves as our precious advisor and lovely muse; then there is the honorable Shenz, who functions as our loyal admin for our Discord channel and as our uploader on F95 Zone; and last but not least there is the incredible Fàχёš, who does fantastic videos and magnificent graphics based on the renders of Grabiobot.

More about the Society of Lust will be revealed soon on our website, on Patreon, and within our projects themselves.
Discord link no longer works


Jun 7, 2017
I'm glad to see Developers are able to slowly break the grip Patroen. I'm pretty sure A Very Small Business isn't violating their "guidelines". They want the money but are unwilling to stand up for Free Speech. VN are stories of the mind and imagination. While I don't like stories of violence or r*pe, they are only stories. If it was 30 years ago Patroen would ban Gay stories. Patroen is trapped in the moral equivalence of the 1950's. They block searches for adult content but are more than willing to take the patron's money. Good Luck Grabiobot. Keep up the good work.
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The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
@RegularJoe: I am not sure if you are referring directly to us with your statement:
They want the money but are unwilling to stand up for Free Speech.
I think that it is not the case, as you surely mean some other game creators and maybe Patreon itself.

But just in case this statement is directed to us, I want to tell you that we are not after the money, primary. I do not know when you looked the last time at our Patreon site, but you cannot say that we earn money at the moment. Grabiobot is rather investing seriously instead of getting rich.
Earning a bit of money would surely help him to cover the costs; and before you ask, I do all my stuff for free.

Yes, Patreon sucks, huge!
And I am sure the next big thing that will be banned at Patreon will be regular sex, that does not give the possibility to involve at least one person from the LGBT community because everything else would be discrimination of them. (Just to point it out, this is a sad joke! No lashing out at the LGBT community.)

The problem with Patreon is something akin to Amazon, Google, and Facebook, there is no serious alternative, and if you do not use it, you are fighting against windmills like some Spanish knight on his horse.

Yes, the projects of do not violet their shitty guidelines, yet.
What the future may bring is insecure.
And this is not because we want to make something that is against the guidelines of Patreon, but because they can at anytime decide that our games are against good Christian behavior as non-monogamous behavior, like open relationships and polyamory, is against the God-given law they abide.
Last edited:


Jun 7, 2017
@RegularJoe: I am not sure if you are referring directly to us with your statement:

I think that it is not the case, as you surely mean some other game creators and maybe Patreon itself.

But just in case this statement is directed to us, I want to tell you that we are not after the money, primary. I do not know when you looked the last time at our Patreon site, but you cannot say that we earn money at the moment. Grabiobot is rather investing seriously instead of getting rich.
Earning a bit of money would surely help him to cover the costs; and before you ask, I do all my stuff for free.

Yes, Patreon sucks, huge!
And I am sure the next big thing that will be banned at Patreon will be regular sex, that does not give the possibility to involve at least one person from the LGBT community because everything else would be discrimination of them. (Just to point it out, this is a sad joke! No lashing out at the LGBT community.)

The problem with Patreon is something akin to Amazon, Google, and Facebook, there is no serious alternative, and if you do not use it, you are fighting against windmills like some Spanish knight on his horse.

Yes, the projects of do not violet their shitty guidelines, yet.
What the future may bring is insecure.
And this is not because we want to make something that is against the guidelines of Patreon, but because they can at anytime decide that our games are against good Christian behavior as non-monogamous behavior, like open relationships and polyamory, is against the God-given law they abide.
Nope Just Patroen. I think Developers are doing their best to deal with the hand the Patroen has dealt them. F95Zone does a great job promoting Games and Comics. If it weren't for F95zone, you really wouldn't know any of the great games out there. AND there's always a link to the Developers Patreon (or website) to help Devs earn some money too.
Like I said before... try to search Patroen for any Erotic game title and you won't find anything. At the least you should get an "Adult Content" warning. But No, you get a bunch of random results. Still Patreon will take money for Erotica even though you can't search the site for it.


Uploader Fossil
May 2, 2017
game is dead?
On Friday, March 9th, we will finally release the already announced story, ‘Love in the Clouds above Trinity’ short LICAT, that was originally intended to be published together with another story for Valentine’s Day.
Unfortunately, we were not able to make both of them in time. We have talked elsewhere about the reasons.
Our last plan was to release the novel on Women's Day as an alternative date for Valentine's Day, but administrative problems force us to release it a day after it.

Although we missed the intended release date by miles, we will release the other longer and juicier story about Laura’s first Valentine’s Day Date with our protagonist form AVSB next.
However, let us come back to Christine, Jack and their ‘Love in the Clouds above Trinity’.
You may wonder what this Trinity is.
Trinity is the city where Laura and the protagonist of AVSB live. And because it is the same city, you can expect to see more of Christine and Jack in the future.
That brings us directly to the future of our game development.
We have to inform you, that ‘A very small business’ is obsolete.
Wait, you now ask, what does that mean? Were you not just talking about a city where Laura and the protagonist live and about a story of their first Valentine’s Day date?
You are right.
While AVSB is the past, the Trinity-verse is the future.
What is the Trinity-verse? You now want to know.
The Trinity-verse is a world created by AbyssalEros based on AVSB and many and long talks with Grabiobot.
Trinity itself is a big city within this world, where most of the upcoming stories will be staged, and we called the world Trinity-verse because it is an altered version of our own earth. This earth is very similar to our known one, but in some parts, it differs immensely.
As an example, the vast island on which Trinity lies is in our reality a non-existing island in the Atlantic somewhere near the coast of Brazil.

However, what exactly is this peculiar Trinity-verse in game terms?
That is easy to answer.
In game terms, we, the Society of Lust (SoL), will henceforth have three distinct but interwoven projects.
The first one will be called ‘SoLGames’, which will be a collection of mini-games done with the improved game engine. Besides the fun purposes, they are developed for testing the engine and for catching feedback from you, before we implement these features into our main game.
Actually, ‘Gabiobot’s Puzzle Game’ was so to say the first ‘SoLGame’.
The second one will be called ‘Lewd Stories of Trinity’ (LSoT) and you have with ‘Love above the Clouds of Trinity’ the first story of this anthology collection.
Every story that does not fit within our main game, but plays within the Trinity-verse, or any story that is a side story to our main game, will be collected in LSoT.
The first side story will be ‘First Valentine’s Day Date’, short FVDD, as this story is very telling of the mood of the main game we think it is best to be released prior of it.
Each of these stories will be released as soon as they are done.
Now, you surely may ask yourself, what that main game will be; and you are right if you suspect that this game will be somewhat like AVSB.
We are working on a reboot of the original game, and we are progressing very well regarding the programming language used to code the game engine. The next phase is to implement all the needed features within this improved engine. All the enhancements will be done gradually through the games and the stories that will be part of ‘SoLGames’ and ‘Lewd Stories of Trinity’.
In regards to the written stuff, AbyssalEros has already written around 100.000 words for the Trinity-verse, and he has plenty ideas for more erotic stories.
The new main game itself will be called ‘My Life with Laura’ (MLwL) to represent the core of the story in a better way. In fact, it will be a significantly enhanced version of the original AVSB with more text, more mechanics, more freedom, more sex, and, of course, many more of these renders you appreciate so much.
We do this enhancement due to the encouraging feedback and the demand for a better game experience we got from you, our audience.

At this point, we have to inform you, that we will not release ‘My Life with Laura’ before we have not included all the additional stuff, game-mechanic changes, and additional stories, up to the original plan we had for the releases of AVSB 0.3.2. We think it would not be a good decision to reboot a game which has less content than the current AVSB, and as we cannot give you an exact date, ‘My Life with Laura’ will be rebooted as soon as it is done.
Meanwhile, we will provide you with more side stories, the first will be the promised Valentine’s Day date story and, some times later, we will present you the Introduction story of the upcoming game ‘My Life with Laura’ as a temporary stand-alone story.
In this way, you can taste the flavor of the new game even before it will be released.

All in all, releases of the Trinity-verse verse (‘SoLGames’, ‘Lewd Stories of Trinity’ and ‘My Life with Laura’) will be for some time done-when-they-are-done-releases.
As we are only two people doing everything on our own, and good renders need their time, we cannot promise you at the moment monthly releases.
As soon as we are ready to release the first version of ‘My Life with Laura’, we assume that we can provide you with monthly releases, again.
We hope you are still staying with us to support us and that you are as excited as we to make this lewd journey into the Trinity-verse.

Thank you for your support!
Society of Lust
Because of the Reboot of the game, i set the thread to onhold, until the new game is published and ll get a new thread.


The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
@dreamlord666 Like Cirelc said AVSB is not dead, we are just working like hell at the reboot, which takes a bit of time because Grabiobot is rewriting the whole engine source code to fit better our imaginations and plans for the Trinity of our projects.
You can visit us anytime at our website:
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Ionut Muresan

New Member
Feb 2, 2018


The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017

While in the first part we talked about the new character models of the two main characters of My Life with Laura, we want to tell you this time something about another model.

This time the model is not so sexy but offers plenty of room for erotic situations.

Actually, we are talking about the house where our couple lives, of course.

This House will play an important role and is indirectly involved in the deterioration of our protagonist's relationship with Laura.

Unlike within the previous concept of A Very Small Business, the house now belongs to our couple and is no longer rented. This means, of course, that our protagonist does not have to pay any more rent and does not run the risk of being put on the street by the nasty landlord. After all, it was really outrageous from that guy to charge a hundred bucks a week.

But how can the house be to blame for the deterioration of their relationship?

This is actually quite simple.

They bought the house only recently, or rather, they made a huge loan to buy this house.

Of course, Laura was not really thrilled that her boyfriend had quit his safe job to sell party accessories online from now on.

And currently, it is so that Laura repays the entire loan alone. Therefore, she is appropriately displeased, and will probably not go along with this for a long time.

In return, our protagonist had to promise her some things. As long as Laura has to pay off the loan alone, all tasks in the house fall to our protagonist.

Who is now thinking of the garbage from AVSB is not really wrong.

However, it also includes taking care of a full refrigerator, i.e., Laura's physical well-being.

If he neglects these duties, it could indeed happen that at some point he can enjoy a permanent look at the beautiful house from the outside.

Of course, he can also try to make money as quickly as possible with his business model to help Laura financially again. Or are there perhaps other ways to repay the loan?

Nevertheless, let us now return to the actual model.

Those of you who remember the old house model will also remember that it consisted of the following rooms: living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and guest room.

We have concluded that the new house should be larger and offer more rooms to increase the possibilities for erotic situations.

Thus, some time ago we looked around Trinity for sales properties and finally found a suitable object with numerous rooms for our couple in the old villa quarter of Trinity. In the end, it was easy for us to convince them to purchase it, with the consequences for their relationship as described above.

Of course, most rooms, similar to the infamous guest room, are not yet furnished, meaning that our protagonist first has to find the money, the time and the impetus to unlock these rooms and then furnish them accordingly.

Some of these rooms will open up new opportunities for the course of the story or make sexual adventures possible that were previously not feasible within the house.

We do not want to reveal to you everything there will be to discover in the new house, but let us tell you that the house is really damn big; several floors, including cellar and attic, as well as an attached garage house and a vast, unfortunately entirely overgrown garden.

As you can see, creating this model will take some time, even if not all rooms will be accessible from the beginning.

Also, we will not reuse any of the premises from AVSB but have looked around for an entirely new interior, which is more fitting with an old, large mansion.

Some of you may be wondering how they were able to buy this house at all, even if only through a substantial loan.

Is this perhaps one of the many secrets that will be hidden in Trinity?

Find out as soon as we give you the keys to this mansion into your hands.

Society of Lust


Uploader Fossil
May 2, 2017
Any news?

You are probably wondering already why we need so damn long to do the last finishing touches on First Valentine's Day Date.
The simple but fateful reason is that AbyssalEros had managed to overburden Grabiobot so that he finally collapsed under the burden of work.
After having accommodated Grabiobot in the Trinity Sanatorium, we urgently needed a new, albeit temporary, team member to finish the task before which Grabiobot despaired; the necessary changes to the machine-readable script.

These changes did include not only pure textual changes — This could also have been done by this technical noob AbyssalEros himself — but also the internal re-numbering for the text passages and the graphics assigned to them respectively.

It was precisely for this reason that the Society of Lust could not find anyone willing and able to make all the painstaking changes that were necessary because AbyssalEros did not do his job properly until the latest revision of the story.

Hence we drove back to the sanatorium, bribed the staff with love services so that they forgot the whole incident, and retrieved Grabiobot from his cozy chamber.
While we were there anyway, we pocketed some useful pills on the way out.
Then we drove back to our secret hiding place, and after we had stuffed Grabiobot with some of the stolen pills to make him more compliant and relaxed, we forced him to assemble a secret assistant for us, the editor mentioned in the headline.

Finally, Grabiobot managed to design a wonderful piece of software that will help us in future projects to facilitate the work caused by the shortcomings of AbyssalEros to deliver a final revision of his stories from the beginning.

Of course, the entire development of this editor is further messing up our already lousy schedule.
And since Grabiobot is a very careful programmer, even despite the pills, he is currently trying to make the editor as good as possible and prepare it for future use.

So, what can this editor do?

The editor itself is meant to be a WYSIWYG editor, and due to its close connection to the actual game engine, all changes can be viewed directly in a preview window, which is immensely helpful.

Since the editor will mainly — at least at the moment — be used for the stories (in Visual Novel style) within Lewd Stories of Trinity and later also for the Visual Novel-like part of My Life with Laura, it is correspondingly designed.

AbyssalEros has hitherto converted all the text of the actual stories into a table, divided into individual scenes and within these again into individual frames, for easier processing by the game engine.

The individual frames are what you can read on the screen later, whereby a mouse click or the pressing of the Enter key creates a new frame.
Each frame is linked to a specific background image, most often a rendered image.

As long as there are no more changes to the story that require a rearrangement of the frames, the system will work flawlessly; even if the story has already been converted into a machine-readable form.
This was the case with our first story Love in the Clouds above Trinity.

However, as soon as a new frame, or even several frames, have to be inserted, this approach requires an immense amount of work, which is also extremely error-prone.

The editor offers a remedy by allowing us — at the whims of AbyssalEros (deriving of his unspeakable desires) — to insert new frames at any time, without having to optimize the whole script manually in a machine-readable manner for the game engine.
By using the editor, we simply insert the new text frame into the appropriate position, use, if necessary, the wide range of available features offered by the component windows, look at the result in the preview window, and then let the editor do all the dirty work with the machine-readable optimization.

Isn't it genius?

We can even reassign individual background images, thus creating a completely disturbing work of psychedelic appeal, where text frames and render images are connected in a completely puzzled way, for example.

Of course, we will not do this!
But it clearly shows how powerful the editor already is.

The editor itself is divided into three parts.
On the left side, there are the above-explained lists for the individual scenes and frames, on the right side, there is the preview window.
But the real highlight is hidden in the middle part, which is again divided into three parts.
In the middle, there is the input window that allows certain changes depending on the selected component in the component window above it.
Further parameters for editing are provided in the third, lower part, respectively dependent on the chosen component.

The editor is almost ready, meaning bug-free and usable; and as soon as Grabiobot is completely satisfied with the state of it, we will make the necessary changes to the alpha version of First Valentine's Day Date and transport it into a beta version.

We, especially AbyssalEros as the main culprit, are really sorry to keep you waiting even more for the release of this first prequel story to My Life with Laura.
We hope, however, that you will understand that the time that has been and is still being spent developing this editor will make future projects better and faster to realize.
We therefore humbly ask you for a little more patience.

Society of Lust

You are probably wondering already why we need so damn long to do the last finishing touches on First Valentine's Day Date.
The simple but fateful reason is that AbyssalEros had managed to overburden Grabiobot so that he finally collapsed under the burden of work.
After having accommodated Grabiobot in the Trinity Sanatorium, we urgently needed a new, albeit temporary, team member to finish the task before which Grabiobot despaired; the necessary changes to the machine-readable script.

These changes did include not only pure textual changes — This could also have been done by this technical noob AbyssalEros himself — but also the internal re-numbering for the text passages and the graphics assigned to them respectively.

It was precisely for this reason that the Society of Lust could not find anyone willing and able to make all the painstaking changes that were necessary because AbyssalEros did not do his job properly until the latest revision of the story.

Hence we drove back to the sanatorium, bribed the staff with love services so that they forgot the whole incident, and retrieved Grabiobot from his cozy chamber.
While we were there anyway, we pocketed some useful pills on the way out.
Then we drove back to our secret hiding place, and after we had stuffed Grabiobot with some of the stolen pills to make him more compliant and relaxed, we forced him to assemble a secret assistant for us, the editor mentioned in the headline.

Finally, Grabiobot managed to design a wonderful piece of software that will help us in future projects to facilitate the work caused by the shortcomings of AbyssalEros to deliver a final revision of his stories from the beginning.

Of course, the entire development of this editor is further messing up our already lousy schedule.
And since Grabiobot is a very careful programmer, even despite the pills, he is currently trying to make the editor as good as possible and prepare it for future use.

So, what can this editor do?

The editor itself is meant to be a WYSIWYG editor, and due to its close connection to the actual game engine, all changes can be viewed directly in a preview window, which is immensely helpful.

Since the editor will mainly — at least at the moment — be used for the stories (in Visual Novel style) within Lewd Stories of Trinity and later also for the Visual Novel-like part of My Life with Laura, it is correspondingly designed.

AbyssalEros has hitherto converted all the text of the actual stories into a table, divided into individual scenes and within these again into individual frames, for easier processing by the game engine.

The individual frames are what you can read on the screen later, whereby a mouse click or the pressing of the Enter key creates a new frame.
Each frame is linked to a specific background image, most often a rendered image.

As long as there are no more changes to the story that require a rearrangement of the frames, the system will work flawlessly; even if the story has already been converted into a machine-readable form.
This was the case with our first story Love in the Clouds above Trinity.

However, as soon as a new frame, or even several frames, have to be inserted, this approach requires an immense amount of work, which is also extremely error-prone.

The editor offers a remedy by allowing us — at the whims of AbyssalEros (deriving of his unspeakable desires) — to insert new frames at any time, without having to optimize the whole script manually in a machine-readable manner for the game engine.
By using the editor, we simply insert the new text frame into the appropriate position, use, if necessary, the wide range of available features offered by the component windows, look at the result in the preview window, and then let the editor do all the dirty work with the machine-readable optimization.

Isn't it genius?

We can even reassign individual background images, thus creating a completely disturbing work of psychedelic appeal, where text frames and render images are connected in a completely puzzled way, for example.

Of course, we will not do this!
But it clearly shows how powerful the editor already is.

The editor itself is divided into three parts.
On the left side, there are the above-explained lists for the individual scenes and frames, on the right side, there is the preview window.
But the real highlight is hidden in the middle part, which is again divided into three parts.
In the middle, there is the input window that allows certain changes depending on the selected component in the component window above it.
Further parameters for editing are provided in the third, lower part, respectively dependent on the chosen component.

The editor is almost ready, meaning bug-free and usable; and as soon as Grabiobot is completely satisfied with the state of it, we will make the necessary changes to the alpha version of First Valentine's Day Date and transport it into a beta version.

We, especially AbyssalEros as the main culprit, are really sorry to keep you waiting even more for the release of this first prequel story to My Life with Laura.
We hope, however, that you will understand that the time that has been and is still being spent developing this editor will make future projects better and faster to realize.
We therefore humbly ask you for a little more patience.

Society of Lust

added his Patreon to the OP.
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4.70 star(s) 3 Votes