Fan Art A Wife And Mother Fan Art

4.60 star(s) 11 Votes
Jan 29, 2018
Dylan: Oui mais je commence à me sentir un peu mal à l'aise au milieu de vous deux, je voulais m'habiller décontracté mais en fait j'aurai du m'habiller chic...

Dylan: Yes but I’m starting to feel a little uncomfortable in the middle of you two, I wanted to dress casual but in fact I should have dressed chic...

Alex: Ne t'inquiète pas pour ça, je crois que j'ai une tenue qui devrais t'aller à la perfection.
Alice : Oui je vois laquelle, si tu veux je peux l'accompagner.

Alex: Don’t worry about it, I think I have an outfit that should fit you perfectly.
Alice: Yes I see which one, if you want I can go with him.

Elli : (Et puis quoi encore !!!) Ne te donne pas cette peine Alice, dit-moi ou c'est et je m'en occupe.

Elli: (And what again!!!) Don’t bother Alice, tell me where it is and I’ll take care of it.

Dylan : (voix monocorde) non je préfère que ce soit Alice. Et puis arrête de faire semblant qu'on est une famille, toi et moi on est plus frère et sœur. on partage peut-être la même maison et les même parents mais ça s'arrête là alors fait comme si je n'était pas là !

Dylan: (single voice) No, I prefer it to be Alice. And then stop pretending we’re a family, you and I are no longer brother and sister. We may share the same house and the same parents but it stops there so pretend I’m not there!


Nov 2, 2019
[QUOTE = "Bruno de Montdragon, post: 2641422, membro: 408878"]
Dylan: Você também começa a sentir um pouco de mal-estar no meio de suas vidas, mas você sabe o que é mais descontrolado com os homens mais elegantes do mundo?

Dylan: Sim, mas estou começando a me sentir um pouco desconfortável no meio de vocês dois, eu queria me vestir casual, mas na verdade eu deveria ter me vestido chique ...

Alex: Você não sabe o que é isso, você sabe o que você pensa sobre isso?
Alice: Oui je vois laquelle, si tuux je peux l'accompagner.

Alex: Não se preocupe, acho que tenho uma roupa que se encaixa perfeitamente em você.
Alice: Sim, eu vejo qual, se você quiser, posso ir com ele.

Elli: (Et puis quoi encore !!!) Ne don don pas cette peine Alice, dit-moi ou c'est e je m'en ocupa.

Elli: (E o que de novo !!!) Não incomode Alice, me diga onde está e eu cuidarei disso.

Dylan: (voix monocorde) não é quem prefere Alice. E depois de fazer algo semelhante a uma família, toi e moi estão mais além de pai e filho. on partage peut-être la même maison and les mame pais mais s'arrête là alors fait como e je n'tatait pas là!

Dylan: (voz única) Não, eu prefiro que seja Alice. E então pare de fingir que somos uma família, você e eu não somos mais irmão e irmã. Podemos dividir a mesma casa e os mesmos pais, mas para por aí, então finja que não estou lá!
se você pode fazer um jogo com essa história e postar aqui, muitos apreciariam


Oct 27, 2018
I apologize in advance for all the bombarded images that I'm going to show.

Dylan scores Part 1:

After Dylan and Sophia came back from the mall, Liam (Sophia's husband) told his wife that he will be out of town on a business trip. Sophia wasn't happy because she thought she was going to finally have sex with Liam. here's where the mini-story begins.

Dylan: "wow mom, I can watch you sleep all night, I wish I could've lick those big breasts that you showed me in the mall. I can't believe my dad isn't treating you like the queen that you are."

scene number 1.jpg

Dylan: "It looks like my dad went on a business trip, I should take advantage of this situation. I really need to release some stress while my mom is asleep."

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Dylan: Wow mom I also can't stop looking at that juicy butt with that black underwear, time to play with myself since she's sleeping.

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Dylan: "oh yeah mom, whos your bad son? your butt feels very squishy. this is the best day of my life."

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Another image from the scene

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Dylan was masturbating to his mother while she was sleeping. it was one of Dylans' favorite days of his life but suddenly Sophia wakes up due to the noise that Dylan was making.

Sophia: "Oh my god Liam about fucking time, Looks like his meeting got canceled.YES!!! the way you are grabbing my ass feels so good."

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but then suddenly Dylan lets out a small moan.

Sophia: (Thinking) "Oh my god, ITS DYLAN!!! My own son is masturbating in my room!"

scene number 7.jpg



Oct 27, 2018
Dylan scores part 2:

Sophia: "Did I really turn him on at the mall? I did see his bulge with those tight pants that he was using. I can't believe this is happening! my own son is masturbating in my room."

scene number 7.jpg

Sophia: I'm so turned on right now. why is this happening to me? Does my own son want to fuck me? where is my idiot husband? I feel my pussy getting so wet right now."

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Sophia: "Fuck you Liam and the situation that you are putting me in. time to end this I'm sorry Dylan."

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Sophia turned around and decided to stop this nonsense that was happening.

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Dylan: "AAAAA I'm sorry mom I thought you were asleep. I was just releasing some stress please don't be mad at me."

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Sophia: explain yourself right now! Otherwise, I'm sending you to boarding school to end this nonsense.

Dylan: look mom ever since you let me see you in a bikini I can't stop looking at you. when Sam and I took off your shirt while we were playing the video game, those breasts were just looking at me. Also, the dressing room. your tits were just amazing. I've been wanting to go to the next level with you.

scene number 13.jpg

Part 3 coming soon


Oct 27, 2018
Dylan scores Part 3:

Sophia: thinking "its all my fault, that he is feeling this way towards me. I'm a bad mother. all this time teasing Dylan and Sam. I need to tell him that it's over.

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Sophia: "Look, Dylan, we already talked about this. we can no longer do this. What if your dad showed up right now.? have you thought about that? or what about Ellie?"

scene 15.jpg

Dylan: My Dad is on a trip, I heard him talk to you. Ellie is with her friends on a sleepover. she left a message on the house phone. it's just you and I mom. I have so much stress please understand.

scene 16.jpg

Sophia: "So what Dylan this is unacceptable! get out of my room before I call your dad and tell him what you just did mister."

scene 19.jpg

Dylan: "Really mom? Fine, I thought you would understand. by the way, I did hear you masturbate in the bathtub when my dad called you. I wanted to make you feel and treat you like a woman again since my dad isn't doing his job.

scene 17.jpg

Dylan decided to walk away

scene 18.jpg

What will Sophia do? will she regret her decision? I will be working on part 4 tomorrow and hopefully post it tomorrow as well. thank you for looking at my mini-story.
Jan 29, 2018
Alex : ...? Bah, euh, Dylan, Elli voulait juste t'aider, pourquoi tu dis dit des choses pareilles ?
Dylan : Parce que c'est vrai ! Elle me déteste parce que je ne me laisse pas me manipuler comme les autres. Et si tu en veux la preuve, demande-lui de t'expliquer ce qui c'est passé à la plage avec le viagra devant toute la famille et ses copines, ou encore hier à la piscine, mais ça m'étonnerait qu'elle le fasse parce que ça l'obligerait à dire la vérité et à se montrer sous son vrai visage... celui d'une manipulatrice qui déteste ceux qu'elle ne peut pas contrôler.
Alex : (Voix amicale) Écoute Dylan, ce dont tu me pares à l'air de t'avoir profondément choqué, mais ça ne me regarde pas... et puis je vous ai invité tous les deux alors je ne peux pas prendre parti, tu comprends ?

Alex: ...? Well, uh, Dylan, Elli just wanted to help you, why do you say things like that?
Dylan: Because it’s true! She hates me because I don’t let myself be manipulated like the others. And if you want proof, ask her to explain to you what happened at the beach with the viagra in front of the whole family and her friends, or again yesterday at the pool, but I doubt she will do it because it would force her to tell the truth and to show herself under her real face... that of a manipulator who hates those she can’t control.
Alex: (Friendly voice) Listen to Dylan, what you look like you’ve shocked me deeply, but it’s none of my business... and then I invited you both so I can’t take sides, you know?

Alice : Euh, viens avec moi Dylan, je vais te trouver un super costume, ça va détendre l'atmosphère... Et puis ça t'empêchera de dire des choses que tu pourrais regretter.
Dylan : pour le regretter il faudrait qu'il me reste des sentiments...!
Elli : heureusement que tu m'as dit qu'il m'aimait énormément, sinon j'aurai eu quelques doutes !...
Alex : ... Et je maintiens ce que je dis, cependant j'ai l'impression qu'après cette histoire de viagra et ce qui c'est passé hier, il a basculé.

Alice: Uh, come with me, Dylan, I’ll get you a great suit, it’ll lighten the mood... And then it’ll keep you from saying things you might regret.
Dylan: to regret it I would have to have feelings...!
Elli: fortunately you told me that he loved me very much, otherwise I would have had some doubts!...
Alex: ... And I stand by what I say, though I feel like after that Viagra thing and what happened yesterday, he flipped.

Elli : Basculer ? qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ?
Alex : Je veux dire qu'il rejette complètement son lien de parenté avec toi. Comme il le dit, vous n'êtes plus frère et sœur et il t'en tient pour entièrement responsable.
Elli : oui bien sure, de toute façon avec lui c'est toujours de ma faute !
Alex : Ah ? Et qu'est-ce qu'il a faits pour mériter d'être humilié publiquement ? Parce que, avant que tu dises quoi que ce soit d'autre, je veux que tu comprennes une chose : Tu n'as plus de frère ! Tu comprends ça ? Tu n'as plus de frère et, sauf si tu le détestes pour de vrai, je te conseille d'aller lui parler rapidement parce que là, il t'a éjecté de sa famille !
Elli : Pfff...! (Putain il va me faire chier jusqu'au bout ce petit con !)
Alex : Elizabeth, Je pense que c'est grave ce qui est en train d'arriver ! Je peux essayer d'aller lui parler mais pour ça, j'ai besoin de comprendre ce qui c'est vraiment passé alors raconte-moi tout... Et je te promets que je ne te jugerai pas ! D'accord ?

Elli: Flip? What do you mean?
Alex: I mean, he completely rejects his kinship with you. As he says, you are no longer brother and sister and he holds you entirely responsible.
Elli: yes of course, with him it’s always my fault!
Alex: Ah? And what did he do to deserve to be publicly humiliated? Because, before you say anything else, I want you to understand one thing: You don’t have a brother anymore! Do you understand that? You don’t have a brother anymore, and unless you really hate him, I suggest you go talk to him quickly because he kicked you out of his family!
Elli: Pfff...! (Fuck, he’s going to piss me off!)
Alex: Elizabeth, I think it’s serious what’s happening! I can try to talk to him, but for that, I need to understand what really happened, so tell me everything... And I promise I won’t judge you! Okay?

Elli : Bah, Je... ma mère est entrée dans la salle de bain pendant qu'il prenait sa douche, en ressortant elle n'a pas fermé la porte et moi...
Alex :...tu as cru qu'il l'avait fait exprès alors tu t'es vengé... Écoute Élisabeth, dans les conflits entre frère et sœur, les parents ne peuvent pas choisir entre l'un et l'autre de leurs enfants. Mais si vous les y obliger en continuant de vous battre ton frère et toi, ils finiront par développer de la rancœur envers vous deux. Es-tu prête à ça ? Es-tu prête à sentier de l'hostilité à chaque fois que ton frère et tes parents poseront le regard sur toi ?
Elli : non je... *Soupir* (Merde qu'est-ce que j'ai faits ?).
Alex : Elli écoute-moi s'il te plaît, il y a deux ans j'ai perdu mon père et l'an dernier, à cause d'erreurs que nous avons faits ma mère et moi, mon oncle, ma tante et ma cousine se sont éloigné de nous. Je voudrais t'épargner cette peine mais je ne pourrais pas y arriver sans ton aide. En France nous avons un proverbe qui dit que "on sait qu'on aime une personne, lorsque cette personne est la seule à pouvoir vous blesser mais aussi la seule à pouvoir vous guérir"... et pour que ton frère te rejette de la sorte, c'est que tu as dû le blesser bien plus que tu ne l'imagine.
Elli : est-ce que tu peux faire quelque chose ?
Alex : Oui ! Mais pour cela, tu vas devoir laisser ta fierté de coté et lui présenter des excuses sincères.
Elli : ...(Profonde tristesse)... D'accord !

Elli: Well, I... my mother went into the bathroom while he was taking a shower, she didn’t close the door and I...
Alex: thought he did it on purpose so you took revenge... Listen Elizabeth, in conflicts between siblings, the parents cannot choose between one and the other of their children. But if you force them to do it by continuing to beat you and your brother, they will eventually develop resentment towards both of you. Are you ready for this? Are you ready for the path of hostility every time your brother and parents look at you?
Elli: no I... *Sigh* (What the hell did I do?).
Alex: Elli listen to me please, two years ago I lost my father and last year, because of mistakes that we made my mother and I, my uncle, my aunt and my cousin walked away from us. I’d like to spare you the trouble, but I couldn’t do it without your help. In France we have a proverb which says that "we know that we love a person, when that person is the only one who can hurt you but also the only one who can heal you"... and so that your brother rejects you in this way, You must have hurt him more than you know.
Elli: Is there anything you can do?
Alex: Yes! But for that, you’re going to have to put your pride aside and apologize sincerely.
Elli: ...(Deep sadness)... Okay!


Nov 2, 2019
Dylan scores Part 3:

Sophia: thinking "its all my fault, that he is feeling this way towards me. I'm a bad mother. all this time teasing Dylan and Sam. I need to tell him that it's over.

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Sophia: "Look, Dylan, we already talked about this. we can no longer do this. What if your dad showed up right now.? have you thought about that? or what about Ellie?"

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Dylan: My Dad is on a trip, I heard him talk to you. Ellie is with her friends on a sleepover. she left a message on the house phone. it's just you and I mom. I have so much stress please understand.

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Sophia: "So what Dylan this is unacceptable! get out of my room before I call your dad and tell him what you just did mister."

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Dylan: "Really mom? Fine, I thought you would understand. by the way, I did hear you masturbate in the bathtub when my dad called you. I wanted to make you feel and treat you like a woman again since my dad isn't doing his job.

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Dylan decided to walk away

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What will Sophia do? will she regret her decision? I will be working on part 4 tomorrow and hopefully post it tomorrow as well. thank you for looking at my mini-story.
it's very good please part 4 soon
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Sneaky Bastard
Game Developer
Jan 31, 2018
4.60 star(s) 11 Votes