Fan Art A Wife And Mother Fan Art

4.60 star(s) 11 Votes


Game Developer
May 14, 2018
aWaM - Adult Lessons
It was another day for Sophia at her San Alejo School as she wrapped up her work with the usual humiliating Sex Act after all the Students had gone home.
aWaMAdultLessons1a.jpg Sophia "Mmmm... yeah..."
aWaMAdultLessons1b.jpg As usual Bennett and the Principal sat and watched this hot exhibition since they had ensnared Sophia performing Sex Acts with her Students and this was her punishment for them not going to the Police or firing her.
aWaMAdultLessons1c.jpg The Classroom door silently opened and a figure stood in the doorway quietly watching too.
aWaMAdultLessons1d.jpg Aiden stood and watched his teacher in pain still recovering from a beating by Mob Boss Morello.
aWaMAdultLessons1e.jpg Did Mrs Parker set him up the week before? How did those guys know where he was? He couldn't take his eyes off his hot Teacher as she knelt half naked on her Desk. He was going to get her doing this but now Bennett had somehow taken over things. He was supposed to be using her not these chumps...
aWaMAdultLessons1f.jpg Bennett "If your going to stand there moping and feeling sorry for yourself at least come in and shut the door behind you."
aWaMAdultLessons1g.jpg Bennett "As you can see Mrs Parker is now performing for us and most grateful we haven't gone to the Police. We had to go in and rewrite the Renpy code to get this as we got fed up of waiting for our next Scene. As you can see we've had some fun setting our own Tasks and Events."
Aiden leaned against the wall gingerly as his dislocated shoulder was still hurting despite the painkillers.
aWaMAdultLessons1h.jpg Bennett "I can change things by calling out 'God Mode return to Playable Day 2' see?"
aWaMAdultLessons1i.jpg Aiden "Fuck... that's how she looked that first day she was here... I knew her Tits were smaller!"
aWaMAdultLessons1j.jpg Bennett "God Mode Playable Day 15... I think this is the one your more familiar with right?"
Aiden "That's the one... look at the size of those milkers now..."
Principle "They're called Breasts dear boy, hasn't she been educating you on this? Maybe we should let her educate the Boys again if it means they have the correct anatomy names?"
aWaMAdultLessons1k.jpg The thought of having Sex with her Students again pushed Sophia to the edge and orgasm approached as she fingered both her holes imagining them filling her with their dicks again.
aWaMAdultLessons1l.jpg Dicks in her mouth... dicks in her Pussy... dicks up her Ass... Sophia couldn't stop herself shaking as a huge orgasm brought her to climax.
aWaMAdultLessons1m.jpg Principle "Told you she's a Slut. As soon as I mentioned her educating those Boys again she went wild."
Aiden "So you can edit this Renpy stuff and get her to fuck everyone? I promised my Gang they could all have a go with her."
Bennett "Might as well, there's a You Tube vlog showing you how to Code and Render. Just make sure we have daily scenes with her too is all i ask... now get down on the floor slut!"
Principle "Come on you filthy Bitch. We want some fun next. You've had your bit."

The End?...


May 24, 2020
It would've been dreamlike if you and Kthulu_SFM teamup in order to work on a fanfick/fan story to rule them all. Sort of Jobs/Gates, Messi/Ronaldo or Lennon/McCartney (only the latter one had happened) cooperation. You two can easily put L&P to shame, creating something so special, fans will associate AWAM with you more than with the original. Just a thought, no pressure.


May 4, 2017
Yes, I meant I liked Sophia RAW more. While the rest of the scene looks better after post.
I never encountered artifacts on the face before, not sure what to do, is the problem included in the Sophia you shared? If so, maybe I can take a look and see if I figure it out.
For expressions, in the past I know I've had some success with . It give you very interesting control over everything. Have used it yet since I started back up with daz. Nowadays I'm working on the programming side on my tavern game.

Btw, does anyone know how to render an object and it's shadow in daz ? Canvases unfortunately renders just the object and any shadows on it, but not it's own shadow. I tried to see if Iray Matte works but until now no success.
Yeah, I have this problem with her ever since I converted her for G8. You are welcome to look into it if you want :D

And that face control thing looks nice, I will give it a shot later! I reminds me of rigify controls in blender! thanks for the recommendation!

Regarding your question about the shadows, wouldn't it work to simple add the floor to the canvas? maybe you would have a problem with the walls, but since the view of your game is similar to an isometric game, I don't know if it would look that bad :D

Another idea, albeit a more problematic one IMO, would be to render the tables and theirs shadows of a white floor, then remove it on PS. After that you can layer it over the room floor.

Hope it helps! ;)
4.60 star(s) 11 Votes