This should be in main thread. However, if we look at this he has 23.5 % (10% of the CS/RS = 8.5 + 15% for PS/PT = 23.5%) of the work to go and has been on this for 5 months. That means a minimum of another 5 weeks. Cody, you trying to depress us here?

For the sake of optimism I prefer to do the estimation math a little differently:
Feb 13th L&P had 25% render completion and May 6th had 95% render completion. This means 70% progress in 82 days, or .854% per day (waiting for hardware and moving accounted for some retardation in render progression). If this is 85% of the work then this .854% rate gives us 117 days for 100% render completion. The following algebraic equation gives us:
117 days/85% = X days/15%, or 20.6 days for PS and P&T. This places us at June 9th (given 5.85 days for 100% render completion.)
This is not a lot better, but it makes me FEEL better. Chances are we are both wrong and it will come out sooner just to spite us!