So back to Sam's event...
What do you guys think that will likely happen?
I'm not talking about the logistics, whether he gives Sophia a drive home, a detour to a special spot, a walk on the beach etc etc. This are details that help to set the mood but let's forget that for a minute.
I think the general consensus is that they will have an alone moment, in any of the above or other settings.
What do you think will happen then?
Given the progression of Sam's story it's almost trivial to suggest a kiss. He had a lot of touching (the guitar lesson, the pool, the fashion show), a kiss on the cheek (pool) and a bit a "visual stimuli" (the balcony, the areola and the fashion show). It seems natural that the next step is a kiss, given that this is, supposedly, the "romantic" path (even if we know he is not that innocent) and of course sex is not happening.
Now, I see two main ways it can happen (we know that alcohol might be involved but it
won't be play a role like in past event Bane71 ):
- the "usual" way: if we look at the patterns throughout the game, most of Sophia's interactions with... let's call them the youngsters
always happen as a sort of request: Can we kiss (Ellie, Julie), Can you show this and that (Dylan, Sam, Mayer's boys). Only Dylan and Emma stole a kiss, even if in different context and circumstances.
So following that pattern I can imagine Sam being romantic and all, talking about the concert, the song he might have dedicated to her and getting back to the "impossible" relationship talk of the pool, the longing for her etc and finally asking with puppy eyes for "just a kiss". That will start the usual Sophia internal dilemma and the choice is offered to give in.
- the "romantic" way: a little bit as above with Sam being romantic, maybe if the place helps (like the beach) Sophia will be in awe and warmed up (also the song) and Sam could try a more direct approach like at the pool, starting to feel Sophia's arms with his hands, and slowly leaning in for a kiss either on the lips or on the neck (Sophia's weak spot). At that point Sophia has the choice to give in and let it happen. (Sorry it sounds a bit more romantic in my head but writing is definitely not my skill... I hope you get what I mean
That's for the kiss.
Now, before the previous update I would say that's enough, after all it's a big step for Sophia as it is the first time she kisses a male that is not her husband willingly.
But considering the change of pace of this PD, I wouldn't be surprised if things can escalate a bit farther. Sophia, once she decides to kiss, can be really carried away by the kiss and Sam can dare something more, like slowly sliding his hand under Sophia shirt to finally touch the objects of his desires.

Depending on Sophia dress we could even imagine that he manages to expose one breast for a kiss, while Sophia is completely overwhelmed by the moment of passion.
The limit for me is, as I said before, a very "light third" base, with Sam, e.g., getting to feel her inner thigh, like Tyler did at the club. If not exactly that, something in the same range.
Then Liam's call can bring Sophia back to reality as it as been discussed (for example).
What do you guys think?
Reasonable (considering the pace of the game, not our wishes)? Too much? Too conservative?