
Active Member
Aug 11, 2018
On the one hand, I understand him - I would also be sorry for the missed opportunities like freeloaders from pirate sites. But with the fact that it is too hot to throw those who pay, this is already too much. It's like writing against the wind. This is the act of a fledgling youth who caught a star fever, and this will not lead to anything good. I feel sorry for him and I want to hopethat the mind (if it still remains) will take up over the feelings. And yes, I once supported him on the patreon, but so much time from chapter to chapter was very expensive for me.
The last time I supported him was about a year ago. It was a $5 + vat subscription for which I think I paid $30 + vat in total. Even while I was paying, I always got the game from this site and really only considered my money as a donation and not as payment. What annoys me about the patreon system is that even if I pay, I get the game update later than it is actually finished.

That I decided to stop paying was because I noticed that the progress was too slow compared to the planned content. My idea is to resume the payments when there is real progress. Even then, I will not donate hundreds of euros. It's just not worth it to me.


Nov 7, 2019
$30 for an update if very pricey. I can buy a R6 seige game and still have left overs for a drink and a snack. He should lower his expectation if he wants more patreon members.
May 4, 2017
I would say that it is probably a lot closer to half and half, but the people who do complain generally complain about 2 things. "Muh blue balls" which has gotten to the point of meme now and any game that doesn't have sex quickly is compared to AWAM. The other thing folks complain about is "Updates taking forever".

Yea, everyone would like updates sooner, and to finally get to some more action, but complaining is not productive.
That's quite harsh you know. I criticize, never complain. If he doesn't want to include sex quickly that is his prerogative(although the VN has been in development for 3 years so an argument could be made about the lack of sex as well).

Take Rebirth it has had quite a lot of updates, much more than this BS and has had 0 sex scenes and most people don't say anything bad about it. Because the story is focused, interesting and really engaging and always leaves you wanting more in a good way. This leaves you wanting more in a bad way.

L&P has been working on this update for 6 months now, and it has only 4 events in his "branching" story.
Frankly the story telling is unfocused, uninteresting and downright terrible. Character development is all over the place due to path progression.

Like seriously, if he were to introduce a new character right now, say an Ex of the MC and he put the moves on her she would be conflicted as fuck, even though she has made out with her sister, her daughter, her daughter's girlfriend, played with her daughter and her girlfriend and has let her son touch her and jerk off while staring at her ass and has gone over this process many times before, she would not do anything with her ex with whom she would have done things in the past already, because the path just got introduced and we have got to start from 0 and go through the same things we have seen over and over and over again.

That is just terrible writing. And yes he has the right to write terribly as have I to say that it's terrible.

While that may sound like a complaint it is not, it is constructive criticism.. I am now able to support more devs again and came back to check it out, but seeing this after 2 years and the shit he just pulled. No way am I giving him my money again.
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