
Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
The other question about following the tasks that I don't think has a satisfactory answer yet is what happens to Sophia's job and marriage? Even if she enjoys showing off to her students, if she goes too far, she'll end up not only without a job, but pretty much unable to work anywhere.

And if she has broken up with Liam, where is she going to live?
A few of us have speculated that the end result of the filthy path is a very sad ending.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
A few of us have speculated that the end result of the filthy path is a very sad ending.
This is why I disagree that Liam is useless. And why I'm curious now that the Casino debt arc appears to be over, how it changes the Ellie route, since as far as I can tell, it no longer requires Sophia to not have sex with Liam.

Sophia being unemployed and on an offenders list only seems to be on the Dylan route, since Dylan is the only one of the four on the Filthy route that is at her school. At least that we can be sure Sophia can have sex with. And Patricia isn't a student, so she wont be an issue job-wise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
This post (and others) got me thinking about Aiden's ability to get Sophia to go further with his tasks. While we do have the comfortable "out" coming up, if Sophia chooses to go along with the blackmail I think it speaks to something:

She's beginning to enjoy it.

For all of the discussion about the last update, I think one conclusion that I've come to is that Day 12 may be remembered as the day that Sophia took a big step forward in her corruption. She's going from a purely passive role to a more active role in her corruption. If you choose for Sophia to continue with Aiden's blackmail, I think we'll gradually see her become more willing. As hzjujk said, Aiden is just a kid, it doesn't seem possible that he has the abilities to blackmail a grown woman into 12 tasks. But, if Sophia's corruption takes hold like I think it's taking hold, she may become an active participant Aiden's tasks.

Now, that will throw the idea of "blackmail" into doubt, (can you really blackmail a person who's enjoying it?) but it does open up more avenues for the story to continue. If Morello is the #1 driving force behind Sophia's corruption like I think he is, then Aiden could unknowingly become the benefactor as Sophia quickly becomes more compliant.

It could be that for Aiden's next task (or maybe task #4), Sophia actually takes it a little extra step further than he planned. Just as an example, maybe Aiden asks for her to take a picture of her butt for task #3. He thinks that this will be a big step for her, but not one that she's likely to refuse. But Sophia, now more corrupted than Aiden realizes, decides that she'll bend over her desk and take the picture. It's a slight escalation from what Aiden asked for, but it's a significant development that she did it on her own.

My whole point is that, if the tasks are going to continue they're going to continue because she's enjoying it.
It's a fact that you can't blackmail a person who's enjoying it but that Sophia is going to enjoy the tasks, where they carry on, was telegraphed even during the first task. It is true that many women don't wear a bra sometimes, or never wear one. So, this task was indeed mild but I thought it quite realistic for starters & for something which had to occur in class. IMO the writing & renders were very well done. Sophia enjoyed the freedom & coolness BUT with a bust the size she has now she should wear a bra most of the time. Age & gravity will take a toll & in a very short space of time she could be in for back problems with the airbags becoming a liability. L&P is obviously not middle-aged! [nb Health can be a massive concern for anyone but for those over 40....more so, believe me young'uns].

So, Sophia finished task one a little less like a 17th century Puritan & perhaps a bit more daring. So far, so good.

When it came to the second task, again I thought it was a fair next step & the 'accidental' display to the class was very well handled. After all, most of us saw this & more at skool in RL. Where I completely parted company with the writer was in the scene of Sophia discussing the task & carrying out the first part in the classroom. It was as though we'd become isolated in the corner in a parallel dimension. This scene for me, would be the most unrealistic in the game so far, if it wasn't for driving across town to take a shower after you've already had a bath, to wash your hair, which already looks perfect. I've said more elsewhere on this.

There was a positive result with the second task, however, when Sophia decided to accept the floaty sundress as a gift from Alyssa, reasoning that it wasn't much more revealing than the item she'd worn in class AND she wore it correctly, (this time), without a bra. Alyssa's comment about Sophia teaching braless & the reaction to it were also entertaining.

I wasn't really thinking that these mild tasks were childish at this point, (they were but not TOO much) but then things began to get awkward. All the questions & doubts catalogued in previous posts came to the fore. Incidentally, there's no rule that says the tasks all have to be carried out in front of the class, so a career ending discovery or report doesn't have to happen, unless the writer wills it. I suppose it becomes more sinister if anything happens which is not in public. So what, this is a game & we already know there'll be no rape.

Now for potentially controversial personal opinions. I don't like lazy facepalms from immature non-verbal types but if I get some, so be it. Firstly, there's no such thing as enjoyable blackmail from the victim's perspective, unless it has been pre-arranged to a set of rules, which is more like extreme cosplay. Sophia enjoying Aiden's power over her or even becoming an instigator is a huge turn-off for me but I think I see it coming a mile away, no doubt in the interests of some intangible "corruption." When & if it happens, AWAM will take yet another step to becoming just another run-of-the-mill porn game.

Next there's the issue of photographs. Why anyone with even a small amount of control over a beautiful, sophisticated woman, would ask her for the kind of selfies anyone with a computer can find in under 30 seconds, is beyond me. Childish is the nicest description of such unimaginative & frankly boring behaviour. OK, so this is the selfie generation we're talking about but that would be such a waste of the tasks. Again, this has been telegraphed in more than one way, over time. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words but a real-live woman is something else.

As I've never, at any time, suggested that the task-based corruption could or should be rushed, I was hoping for better. There could have been a continuation of the gradual escalation of what was being demanded. Aiden has a brain, so I'm sure he must have considered the obvious no panties option. Surprising Sophia by not asking for this as a third task but saving it for later sounds like a plan. None of the difficulties to be negotiated by the cast & writer need now be of concern, however, because the Morello brothers are here. It could even turn out that Aiden's hot-shot lawyer Uncle, works a good deal of the time for the Morellos, so a word in the ear would be enough, saving time & renders.

That the tasks are doomed one way or another is a plausible, reasonable conclusion. Enjoyable blackmail, initiative taking MILFs, Mafia threats, photos, compression of events, retro-fitting flashbacks, parallel dimensions......& to think I was enjoying this story-line! Well, at least there's always Alyssa.....several years in the future.
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Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
This is why I disagree that Liam is useless. And why I'm curious now that the Casino debt arc appears to be over, how it changes the Ellie route, since as far as I can tell, it no longer requires Sophia to not have sex with Liam.

Sophia being unemployed and on an offenders list only seems to be on the Dylan route, since Dylan is the only one of the four on the Filthy route that is at her school. At least that we can be sure Sophia can have sex with. And Patricia isn't a student, so she wont be an issue job-wise.
We don't know what part Zac may play in it and if he is dead in water if you stop the Aiden play mail route.
It is probably a stretch that Sophia will have sexual intercourse with one of her students but some sort of flirting/teasing inappropriate behavior towards her students could cause concern.
Also we don't know what could happen if Alyssa finds out that Zac could be fucking Sophia
If Sophia continues with Aiden's blackmail, there's no way she doesn't do something in the classroom that would get a teacher fired and blacklisted. It may not necessarily be sex with a student (though I think that's very possible), but I think she'll do something very unethical.

But again, I see sex with Dylan as the absolute point of no return. If she does that, then I think the wheels come off of her life. At that point she's committed to the filthiest route and that's probably going to take her to Aiden's final tasks. In the end, she won't just be on the offenders list because she had sex with a student, but she'll be an class 1 sexual predator because she had sex with one or both of her children.

If the player takes Sophia down the absolutely filthest route possible, I believe she will end up unhireable, without a place to live, alone, friendless and abandoned by her family; including Patricia. That's my prediction.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Wow that is harsh but plausible at the same time.
How about this for a triple whammy.
Sophia has sex with both Bennett and Logan.
Sex with Bennett to get Dylans grade improved
Logan to get him out of Ellie's life.
Ellie and Dylan find out and are furious with there mother and Liam finds out about Sophia's other antics gets into his car and has an accident and is DOA at the hospital.
I don't think Liam, or either of the kids, will die. I know that idea has come up a few times, but I don't think we'll see the game go down that dark of a road. Instead, I think the worst possible ending will just be extremely sad for Sophia.

Also, I don't think there's any chance of Sophia having sex with Bennett, L&P has said that his storyline is very small at this point, so I don't think he'll be included in a meaningful way going forward.

Logan is also a long shot, but more likely than Bennett. In my opinion, if Sophia does have sex with Logan though, it will include Ellie in some way; I don't think it will be to get him to break up with her. Since Logan only knows Patricia and Sophia as Ellie's "friends", I could see a scenario where one thing leads to another and Sophia is forced to either choose to cease the deception, or double down and do something sexy/sexual with Ellie in front of Logan. The relationship with Julie will complicate this storyline.

But before you get to that very sad ending, I think the game will offer the player multiple opportunities to course correct. It may be too late to get a truly "happy" ending, but I do think you'll be able to avoid ruin, even if Sophia has had extramarital relations.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
I don't think Liam, or either of the kids, will die. I know that idea has come up a few times, but I don't think we'll see the game go down that dark of a road. Instead, I think the worst possible ending will just be extremely sad for Sophia.

Also, I don't think there's any chance of Sophia having sex with Bennett, L&P has said that his storyline is very small at this point, so I don't think he'll be included in a meaningful way going forward.

Logan is also a long shot, but more likely than Bennett. In my opinion, if Sophia does have sex with Logan though, it will include Ellie in some way; I don't think it will be to get him to break up with her. Since Logan only knows Patricia and Sophia as Ellie's "friends", I could see a scenario where one thing leads to another and Sophia is forced to either choose to cease the deception, or double down and do something sexy/sexual with Ellie in front of Logan. The relationship with Julie will complicate this storyline.

But before you get to that very sad ending, I think the game will offer the player multiple opportunities to course correct. It may be too late to get a truly "happy" ending, but I do think you'll be able to avoid ruin, even if Sophia has had extramarital relations.
I think you're taking this to an extreme position with that kind of ending.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I think you're taking this to an extreme position with that kind of ending.
It's definitely extreme, but I don't think it's crazy. How else can it end for someone who has sex with their children, possibly students, and has been fully corrupted? She can't just go back to a normal life. She can't be a wife or mother because Liam will leave her and she won't be allowed near her children. L&P is trying really hard to make a "realistic" game, and he's taking the idea of incest very seriously. I think too many games throw it around lightly, but AWAM seems to be treating it with the weight that it deserves.

Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
It's definitely extreme, but I don't think it's crazy. How else can it end for someone who has sex with their children, possibly students, and has been fully corrupted? She can't just go back to a normal life. She can't be a wife or mother because Liam will leave her and she won't be allowed near her children. L&P is trying really hard to make a "realistic" game, and he's taking the idea of incest very seriously. I think too many games throw it around lightly, but AWAM seems to be treating it with the weight that it deserves.
It is extreme, to be sure, but it's also definitely not crazy. I've been getting an Anna Karenina vibe for over a year now, so as much as I'm all in with the forbidden fruits on offer here I'm totally expecting a very unhappy ending for Sophia.


May 25, 2020
Alley_Cat, you're wrong about "the casino's debt arc seems to be over"... After all, even Morello himself had told Sophie that: (quote) "Morello: Yes, seeing my brother happy again would really mean a lot to me. And it"s like you"re the only one who could manage that! And then we "ll talk about your debt again. Maybe I'll even free you from all them."... and this is not my idea, this is a direct quote from the game! That is, there will be a conversation between Morello and Sophie, and the key word for Morello here is that ... " Maybe" So I think that Morello will not pay off her entire debt (and the debt is probably $6,000,000 at least) let's say ... 10%. I think Morello will tell her: "My dear, you did a good job, and my brother was quite pleased... But you remember that I told you "Maybe"... so I think your ass wiggle is worth say ... 10%".

This is why I disagree that Liam is useless. And why I'm curious now that the Casino debt arc appears to be over, how it changes the Ellie route, since as far as I can tell, it no longer requires Sophia to not have sex with Liam.

Sophia being unemployed and on an offenders list only seems to be on the Dylan route, since Dylan is the only one of the four on the Filthy route that is at her school. At least that we can be sure Sophia can have sex with. And Patricia isn't a student, so she wont be an issue job-wise.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
Alley_Cat, you're wrong about "the casino's debt arc seems to be over"... After all, even Morello himself had told Sophie that: (quote) "Morello: Yes, seeing my brother happy again would really mean a lot to me. And it"s like you"re the only one who could manage that! And then we "ll talk about your debt again. Maybe I'll even free you from all them."... and this is not my idea, this is a direct quote from the game! That is, there is still a conversation between Morello and Sophie, and the key word for Morello here is that ... " Maybe" So I think that Morello will not pay off her entire debt (and the debt is probably $6,000,000 at least) let's say ... 10%. I think Morello will tell her: "My dear, you did a good job, and my brother was quite pleased... But you remember that I told you "Maybe"... so I think your ass wiggle is worth say ... 10%".
I thought they said debt was around 300k.


May 25, 2020
well... maybe $6000000 is too much, but if you go to Google and type " Buy a house in San Francisco, villa: prices."then it turns out that a house like that of the Parker family is worth it ... at least $ 1,500,000... and with a swimming pool-and it will be more expensive. Morello said - "Maybe"... So whatever the size of the debt, I think that one meeting will not cover all 100%

I thought they said debt was around 300k.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Alley_Cat, you're wrong about "the casino's debt arc seems to be over"... After all, even Morello himself had told Sophie that: (quote) "Morello: Yes, seeing my brother happy again would really mean a lot to me. And it"s like you"re the only one who could manage that! And then we "ll talk about your debt again. Maybe I'll even free you from all them."... and this is not my idea, this is a direct quote from the game! That is, there will be a conversation between Morello and Sophie, and the key word for Morello here is that ... " Maybe" So I think that Morello will not pay off her entire debt (and the debt is probably $6,000,000 at least) let's say ... 10%. I think Morello will tell her: "My dear, you did a good job, and my brother was quite pleased... But you remember that I told you "Maybe"... so I think your ass wiggle is worth say ... 10%".
I will check my sources, which will take time, but I believe the "casino debt" part of the Morello route is done. That doesn't stop the route leading to other things though. That's why I said "arc" and not "route". That Sophia might call on Don Morello for other favours is entirely possible, which I suspect may be the case, particularly those leading to the bad ending of Sophia Sophia ending up alone and unemployed that we've been discussing atm.
I thought they said debt was around 300k.
It was around a 1/3 of the value of the house. So it depends on when this is set, but 300k assumes a value of around 1M for the house. Depending on how close the house is to the city, that value could vary wildly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
It's definitely extreme, but I don't think it's crazy. How else can it end for someone who has sex with their children, possibly students, and has been fully corrupted? She can't just go back to a normal life. She can't be a wife or mother because Liam will leave her and she won't be allowed near her children. L&P is trying really hard to make a "realistic" game, and he's taking the idea of incest very seriously. I think too many games throw it around lightly, but AWAM seems to be treating it with the weight that it deserves.
When he said "realistic" I don't think he was going for a story where the cops arrest Sophia and send her to prison for life or she loses everything and winds up jumping off a building. I think it has more to do with the reasons Sophia would engage in such acts compared to what usually happens in other games. You know where in chapter 2 of the story the mom suddenly walks in on the son showering and gets an attraction to his dick. Then is practically jumping him by chapter 3. Very little build up and very flimsy excuses for being attracted to her son. That's usually the case for most of the games I've seen.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
When he said "realistic" I don't think he was going for a story where the cops arrest Sophia and send her to prison for life or she loses everything and winds up jumping off a building. I think it has more to do with the reasons Sophia would engage in such acts compared to what usually happens in other games. You know where in chapter 2 of the story the mom suddenly walks in on the son showering and gets an attraction to his dick. Then is practically jumping him by chapter 3. Very little build up and very flimsy excuses for being attracted to her son. That's usually the case for most of the games I've seen.
So what would you consider the endgame result (which was what the post was about) of a mother caught sleeping with her son, which also happens to be a student of the school she is teaching at?

Do you reasonably expect someone that corrupted to have anything but a bad ending? Maybe not Anna Karenina style, but still. Also not saying the route wouldn't be fun to play. Only that what do people on the Dylan route reasonably expect the ending to be, considering Sophia is reasonably expected not to be able to work as a teacher ever again, and possibly homeless?


Dec 7, 2017
Alley_Cat, you're wrong about "the casino's debt arc seems to be over"... After all, even Morello himself had told Sophie that: (quote) "Morello: Yes, seeing my brother happy again would really mean a lot to me. And it"s like you"re the only one who could manage that! And then we "ll talk about your debt again. Maybe I'll even free you from all them."... and this is not my idea, this is a direct quote from the game! That is, there will be a conversation between Morello and Sophie, and the key word for Morello here is that ... " Maybe" So I think that Morello will not pay off her entire debt (and the debt is probably $6,000,000 at least) let's say ... 10%. I think Morello will tell her: "My dear, you did a good job, and my brother was quite pleased... But you remember that I told you "Maybe"... so I think your ass wiggle is worth say ... 10%".
Of course, I have to admit that I don't have any insider knowledge, but I would find it strange if the casino route were to end so easily.

Especially since it can take a completely different course, depending on filth points.
Morello won't be very pleased if Sophia didn't really make his brother happy because she acts too prudish.
However, if she goes very far, then of course this can lead to another visit (to pay off the last of the debts), which then may not be so harmless. Larry did say something about a room where married people can "meet"....

Therefore, I can imagine that she can slip further into corruption and pay with her body in one way or another.

I would at least find it a great pity if the route would already be over here.
And it would be IMO wasted potential.

But of course we have to keep in mind that all these routes that have so much potential also make a lot of work. If every route is really consistently expanded, the game is going to be huge and probably unmanageable by L&P in the long run.

Unfortunately, he will probably "have" to cut a thread or two.



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
So what would you consider the endgame result (which was what the post was about) of a mother caught sleeping with her son, which also happens to be a student of the school she is teaching at?

Do you reasonably expect someone that corrupted to have anything but a bad ending? Maybe not Anna Karenina style, but still. Also not saying the route wouldn't be fun to play. Only that what do people on the Dylan route reasonably expect the ending to be, considering Sophia is reasonably expected not to be able to work as a teacher ever again, and possibly homeless?
Who said she would be caught?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Who said she would be caught?
No-one. But your question is merely a way of not answering my question. Liam's response to two women showering together has already been covered - he doesn't care. Sophia and Ellie have already been caught together. And nothing happened. Setup has already been made for Sophia and Ellie to do whatever the fuck they like, and Liam will just attribute it to mother-daughter bonding. He even fixed the bathroom lock to make it happen, after they were caught.

But the point in that scene was also made that if it was Dylan, it would be a different matter.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
:unsure: I want to note that this is very realistic (sarcasm), if a lady whose spouse owes the mafia a lot of money once visits the prisoner, the brother of the mafia boss, then in this case it is no longer the family of debtors who owes the mafia, but on the contrary, the mafia will solve the problems of debtors! If so, then in this case, this is not a porn game, but a comedy game!
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