
Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
couple of things:
1) your math is wrong, the game was first released in 2017, 30 playable days at 1 year per day - you're off by a decade.
2) and more importantly, your projection is about as well thought out as looking at the temperature in May, looking back at the temperature in January and thinking to yourself "Holy shit! At this rate it's gonna be like 250 degrees by Christmas"
That math is good, but the ending is obviously exaggerated for dramatic affect. L&P use to release full playable days as updates and would have finished the game around 2020-2025 roughly. That's if he had maintained his original development cycle. He didn't. He slowed it down progressively. He went to releasing half a playable day in updates and then to a 1/3 of a day and now he's releasing 1 event of a playable day with .160 as the next phase of his slowing development down. So lets say he's now going to be releasing what? a full playable day within 2 years time based on that? That's what it amounts to roughly. That's going to take him another 37 years, roughly, to finish this game if he keeps that pace. It'll be around 2059 by the time he finishes this game, give or take a few years i'd imagine. That's if he doesn't increase the development speed (which hopefully will be what happens) or just abandons the game at some point once he's gotten whatever amount of money he was aiming for.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
The math checks out...
1/3 day in 5 months = 1 playable day every 15months (last year's speed)
1/9 day every 2 months = 1 playable day every 18 months. (promised "fast update" speed)
...if he had been able to do it on schedule.

Unfortunately, He is already 4 months into his 1/9 of a day development time.
So we're seeing a 3X slowdown, not speed up. (current speed).

Original completion date (1 day a year updates): 2037
"Faster " completion date (1/3 day every 5months): 2045.
"Ultra Fast" completion date (1/9 day every 2months): 2050
Actual estimated completion date, based on current speed: 2090.

Every time his Patrons vote for "faster updates" the estimated completion date gets pushed back further.... /sigh.
at least until at a very fair estimate.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2017
i come here to run from my problems, play a nice game a relax. Mods please clear these last pages
Indeed. This thread is becoming out of control. I'd advise the Mods to lock this thread until update is out. I'm F@## tired of getting political notifications. I've got a heart and I'm sad for the Ukrainians, but I don't come here to talk about that. There are tons of other legit sites to do so.


Aug 31, 2019
That math is good, but the ending is obviously exaggerated for dramatic affect. L&P use to release full playable days as updates and would have finished the game around 2020-2025 roughly. That's if he had maintained his original development cycle. He didn't. He slowed it down progressively. He went to releasing half a playable day in updates and then to a 1/3 of a day and now he's releasing 1 event of a playable day with .160 as the next phase of his slowing development down. So lets say he's now going to be releasing what? a full playable day within 2 years time based on that? That's what it amounts to roughly. That's going to take him another 37 years, roughly, to finish this game if he keeps that pace. It'll be around 2059 by the time he finishes this game, give or take a few years i'd imagine. That's if he doesn't increase the development speed (which hopefully will be what happens) or just abandons the game at some point once he's gotten whatever amount of money he was aiming for.
I was aimless for life . Now I have a motive . I want to see end of the story of this game at my death bed
Jul 1, 2019
Faster? Rarely laughed as much! Despite L&P spewing out lies on how much faster he will get, in reality his update speed has only ever gone down. You can recognise L&P´s car by all the flies smashed on his back window! The best current estimate on completion is somewhere in the 2050s, but only a Vollidiot or an eternal optimist believes that L&P will complete the game.
Currently L&P is working 11 hours a day on AWAM, äh, 11 hours a day conning gullibles.

Seriously if he is working 11 hours a day and producing ZERO progress than he should call it quits ...only a idiot or someone insane works that much and doesn't improve...either he keeps repeating same crap over and over again expecting different results ..

Lp most likely works 2 hours a day tops, no way in the blue hell he works more ... he is probably scratching his balls in his sofa reading the jackasses in this thread haha and works 2 hours ..same jackasses as his patreons for getting milked and not saying shit to him ...


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
While we're complaining about the appearance of political themes around here, I'm tired of pages of comments about the delay. Users who don't post anything about the game, but just complain and make calculations as if others are unaware of reality. If someone has played this game and has no questions, I think he should play it again.


Active Member
Feb 26, 2019
Maybe he just doesn't like the way the animation looks and he just keeps re-doing and re-doing it! I hope he makes us happy, soon a message that everything is ready and the game is loading!
That would be, just perfectooooooooooooooo...if the game, came out tonight or tomorrow.... He loves, SURPRISES! ;):coffee::lepew:

Radoslaw Wolf

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
Let's complain that it doesn't release the new update even though it's over to PATREON.
it seems he starts to make new 1.60 version but there is no 1.55 released.
lets complain patreon you will see tomorrow he will release it...
How about... let's impose severe financial sanctions and cut from the funding source? It's a very popular approach these days.
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