
Apr 4, 2018
Definitely play from Part 1. While you might find some fap material you like just by skipping to Part 2, if it's just fap material you're after, we're currently looking optimistically at 5 years before the first sex scene with Sophia and someone besides the husband. Possibly more like a decade.

So you may as well play from the beginning, and get the full story behind the characters.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
should i play from part 1 or i just skip to part 2? newly discovered this game after a though journey
Definitely play part 1. This game relies on eroticism instead of actual sex. So the more you engross yourself with the main character the more enjoyment you will derive from scenes later on in the game. Plus this is a continuing story from Part 1 into Part 2 so you definitely will need some knowledge about the characters, the kind of relationship they have, to better understand what to expect.

Also, nice Colossal Profile pic.
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Dom Toretto

Active Member
Apr 17, 2020
If she still didn't have to do the side jobs since the depts paid off the updates would all be about the main story line and the first Sophia sex dates would come faster


Sep 6, 2021
May 2023 if we are lucky.Like really,really lucky.
July 2023 is more likely.
l&p must hire someone to help him with rendering
otherwise this game will be abandoned
and that is sad
i think this is one of the best games out there if not the best
but sadly the progress is really slow and is getting slower to be honest
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
i hate import and export all file from first par to second on. Its too complicated.
Thi wayhe or shi gonna los whole fun base who playing this game sine day 1.
The file export process is automatic, you have done something wrong like downloading the wrong part 1 or something else. Otherwise it should have automatically happened.
I don't follow the update cycles how long does it usually take to get to the next update from 0%?
1.5 months.
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Active Member
Jul 11, 2022
Why Lust Passion insist to force us players to import save file insteed making choise? It forced in every mean for this amezing game. I losing my interest to play this second part of the game.
Good luck to the dev. Really you need it.
It should normally work. Do you have Part 1 plus update? If you finish that you can chose your savegame and it finds it automatically for Part 2


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
The file export process is automatic, you have done something wrong like downloading the wrong part 1 or something else. Otherwise it should have automatically happened.

1.5 months.
nope I did nothing.

The shoud be alredy fixe in first place instead of get the old part 1 bugged and the second as well. Whythe dev didin't fixed up the part 1 full?
In econd one is kep shutting down on main menut I can't start the second part. It useless this systemof import and esport even with out don't work. I did nothing work. Why in thethe full first part didn't got update withalredy fixed and all insteead of keep using save export to save 2 from 1 they each every tim we need to download each every update. Usless and frustrating. It make us stop playing it for good.
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Feb 15, 2021
What I don't get is why the developer felt the need to change the way the game loads now after countless updates of where you save wherever and export and then download new update and continue off from where you last saved. I don't get the reason for a final part 1 save.

Took me weeks to get the android version to work and even then I am sure I haven't done it right as Part 2 seems to end really early. Assuming the part where Sophie goes to meet Aiden and his gang is the final part of Part 2?

Also I have somehow missed a load of scenes as per Gallery with characters I haven't come across before.
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