
I trolled so N7 could soar.
Staff member
Jul 19, 2017
I think everyone just needs to take a step back, @Lust&Passion has already said the game is about choice so you can avoid certain scenarios if you want. However if that's not good enough for you then that's OK, there are hundreds of games posted on these forums and I'm sure you can find multiple ones that fit your demands.

Arguing over the inclusion/exclusion over a certain genre or which gender you play as is pointless, we should just be happy we're getting a high quality game.
I think a lot of people are just hesitant not because this game itself, but just because 90% of female protag RPGM games are basically just "yay this creep's penis I CAN'T WAIT TO BECOME A RAPESLUT WHORE!" and devs of those games always promise "choices" too, but if you choose "No thank you, I don't think I want to be violently raped today!" it is pretty much game over.

So yeah, this very well could not be the case here, but you can't blame people for being leary when they've heard that story before.
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Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
I've seen that some people here refrain from my game only cause it has few seconds RPG inside!
That's why, here an explanation:
Actually, I’m also not a big fan of it! And I think my next game would definitely be not an RPG game. But currently it helps to simulate a little open world feeling very well, if you create image-based game novels (that's why I've also decided to use it). BUT: my focus is at 97% by the ambitious 720p 3D images, story and later also the animations. So, if the story is good and the images too... is a little RPG so bad? Actually, you just go from one full rendered event to the next! The game won't have any typical RPG quest games or riddles at all! And I've also tried to change everything visual to distinguish it from all other RPG Games! Even let the annoying, typical RPG music out!
And I'm trying to make the little RPG moments as realistic as possible by even changing the clothes adapted to the 3D renders! And I also tried to build the RPG world adapted to the 3D world. Just look the family house! RPG and "real" are very similar! Especially from the ground-plan! So, not only my images are much more laborious than from anyone else, I also needed to create an adapted rpg world!
I understand if someone don't want to play the game cause of the fetishes. But it is not understandable not to play a game, that has not only the most full staged, renders of all games but also a good developing story with many chioces, only cause there are few seconds RPG inside!
And as for the female MC: I know that many got a little problem with that but for no reason IMO! I've decided for a beautiful and hot female MC-milf-mom cause there are just too many "son-MC games" at the moment! It became just boring! And many hot events in the story are only playable as a (married) female MC(-mom)! I was wavering between playing as husband or wife. But in the end I've decided for the wife and mother cause of the above reasons! So, why there should be no problem with playing as a female MC? Cause the story is told in a third view perspective with an omniscient narrator! You only make decisions for Sophia (and read her mind) but you watch the scene as an onlooker! So, either you can imagine as a man to be a woman who has erotically contact with men, or you just watch and enjoy the story as an (female or male) onlooker who can control Sophia's decisions! This is up to everyone! To play as a mom only brings some fresh wind into the adult game world (though some of the very best lession of passion games ARE with a female MC!!!)!
Furthermore I'm thinking about to switch maybe also few times to the son or husband later and let them make decisions! Not sure yet


Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
I like your game but for the RPG. On my first run, I mis clicked (going all out slut mode)and couldn't go back. Had to start all over again cause I forgot to save. In Renpy or Unity, there are autosaves which would have avoided that. Also having to look for the 'stars' to go to is tiring and even a small amount feels grindy. I also think the dialogues are too long to read and should limit themselves to 2 lines max per render, because some stuff just repeats itself. With a VN/RPG the images have to convey most of what the scene is as opposed to a literary work where description is 75% of the book.
On the other hand, great story, renders and so much content for a 0.0.1. I love that there is a different render for practically every 2 dialogues. It makes the game seem more lively and who's going to complain when the actual sex starts? Definitely a keeper. TBH I'm waiting to see how you render the kinky stuff before pledging but you are on the right path. Keep at it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
I've seen that some people here refrain from my game only cause it has few seconds RPG inside!
RPGs are not the issue, RPG Maker games are.
A lot of them have a tendency to look and play very similar and feel rather low effort, to put it mildly. I'd be totally up for more than just a "few seconds" of RPG gameplay. I'd gladly take a whole game of that if it's done well, but unfortunately RPG Maker games usually aren't.

There are exceptions of course and your game might very well be one of those. Just saying, it's not the genre as such, it's the platform.

I was wavering between playing as husband or wife.
If you ever decide to do that husband game let me know. That would be a truly refreshing change from the usual "you're still in high school/just turned 18" setting.

So, why there should be no problem with playing as a female MC? Cause the story is told in a third view perspective with an omniscient narrator! You only make decisions for Sophia (and read her mind) but you watch the scene as an onlooker! So, either you can imagine as a man to be a woman who has erotically contact with men, or you just watch and enjoy the story as an (female or male) onlooker who can control Sophia's decisions! This is up to everyone! To play as a mom only brings some fresh wind into the adult game world (though some of the very best lession of passion games ARE with a female MC!!!)!
No offense, but trying to explain why the MC's gender shouldn't have any influence on my enjoyment of the game doesn't really work. This is not something you can hand-wave away or overcome with reasoning.
I don't choose to not get excited by playing a female, or being an onlooker for that matter, that's just how I'm wired. You might as well try to convince a foot fetishist that feet aren't particularly sexual.
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Sep 9, 2017
I just played this game and I really enjoyed it for the characters. It's not one of the quick-fap-games, where the woman sees one cock and is all of the sudden in whore-mode. I enjoy the slow build-up and the characters it set up so far. Maybe the pervy boss was done a bit too obvious in relation to everybody else, but he only has one scene so far.
The flirts with the neighbours son are great.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
"shaking hands is too mainstream,so we hug ourselves"

i can't play this game without memeing :FeelsBadMan:


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
1. Not sure how you felt this. You got plenty of decisions on how she acts, her motives and the type of mother you want her to be. The developer did say on his Patreon page that he was wanting the player to act more as a "narrator" than the mother herself so that could be what you felt and personally, I prefer it.
I think the two underlined parts are exactly why it's problematic to me. Wanting the player to act more as a narrator means we're a viewer, but making decisions would mean that we're the character. It contradicts one another because decision making is not something the narrator should be doing.

2. Pretty vague critiques, the son was fine. A young teenager going through hormones who likes big MILFs and video games. He wasn't douchey at all and if anything, felt very real. The daughter is your typical teenage daughter, again, she felt real. The father was a workaholic husband who seems oblivious to his wife and her needs, again, that's a pretty real situation. All of the characters felt real and that's what made this game so damn good for me.
And as I've mentioned in my original post, it might be realistic, but it doesn't give good experience to play through when the characters are annoying. Son wasn't douchey at all? How is he not a douche for calling his sister a slut in front of the aunt and her husband while in the car without even any single hint of a slutty thing she did? That came out of nowhere. Same with the daughter for straight up accusing her brother as pervert regardless whether he did something or not. Then the husband with him having straight up e-peen contest with the aunt's husband. Holy shit, the husband has such a loser's attitude for always feeling that he needed to one-up the rich guy when nobody was talking about it. A contest against his imaginary rival.

Once again, realistic? Sure there are plenty of people like that. Enjoyable? Not at all. Those are the kind of people I don't really want to hang around with. That's why I said that when someone created characters for video game, why create characters that aren't likeable? Especially considering the family members are the characters that are going to be involved with

Overall, i'm really baffled at a lot of the critiques. This isn't directed at you personally but more in general with some of the comments on here. People always bitch and moan about half assed cash grabs where the dialogue goes something like the mother seeing her sons boner then instantly sucking his dick within the opening seconds of the game, so along comes this game with a clear focus on build up, realism, detail and just overall content with fantastic renders to top it all of, and people still complain. Just goes to show that you really can't please everybody and nor should the developer try to. He has a clear vision and I genuinely feel that he's sitting on a gold mine with this game.

All in all, I feel like I've played an entirely different game to everyone on here. This game was fantastic and I genuinely hope the developer takes these extremely vague "criticisms" with a grain of salt.
I actually thought there are way more people who praised the game than the ones who critiqued it? Even in my own post, sure I listed 3 things that could've been done better, but sometimes I felt people focused on that and simply skipped the part where I said that it's the best demo and one of the better games out there.

I think this is moaning on a very high level!!!
1) Yeah, English is not my native language but for that I think it's pretty good and understandable even if there are few no "perfect English phrases"! Actually the words you've mentioned I couldn't even find in my script except of "bath tube" and this is also not how it is written in my game! It is written bathtub! I know that it's "basketball court" and "soccer field/ground/pitch"! But these words are not even in my game! If yes, please tell me the scene!
2) I absolutely can't understand why you think the characters are annoying! All characters have their own personality! Son is shy, reserved and just acts like a normal teenager! Daughter outwardly cool and cheeky. But inwardly rather shy and insecure! She acts like a little princess and can't stand her brother. Mother is an intelligent, sporty, middle-aged woman who acts and thinks reasonable and loves her kids than anything else. She is not that reckless like her younger sister but also not shy! Currently she's a little disappointed about her sexual life situation with her husband. Furthermore she knows how to defend herself. Her sister Patricia is just a spoiled, reckless and cheeky woman who can't take anything seriously. Etc., etc.
I don't know what you are expecting how they should be? Like the family in that Eddie Murphy movie "The Nutty Professor"???
This is kind of disappointing that the reaction of being critiqued is so aggressive.

1. The ones I mentioned are not even all, but here's the screenshots of "soccer court" and "basketball field". I'm not going to bother trying to find all one by one, especially since it's made in RPGM which makes it even slower to replay the game trying to find the part. All I'm saying is that I wish the script is proofread a bit more. If you don't care about it, sure, that's fine too, it's your product after all, you can do whatever you want to it. You don't have to say that those words are not even in the game, when they actually are. It only showed that you couldn't even search for it from the script you have. and honestly, there are TONS more that I didn't bother screenshotting.

2. If you're a mother and you have to experience what happened in the car on the way from the airport to your house, do you enjoy that? Stuck in a car with a son who openly called his sister a slut in front of your sister and her husband, while your daughter kept on going crazy fighting back, and your own husband having a fight with imaginary rival about who has more money. If that is not annoying, I don't think you understand what annoying is.

But it's ok, I'm just moaning on a very high level here. Keep up the good work, champ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
That came out of nowhere
acutally,it was said(at least what daughter said),that she had several boyfriends
regardless whether he did something or not
they aren't 2 day old,they are at least 15 meaning,they have background.
A contest against his imaginary rival.
welcome to the modern world,with prideful people who don't like when they are rubbed with the facts,that they are inferior in ANY way.
This is kind of disappointing that the reaction of being critiqued is so aggressive.
at least on that one i can agree...responses on critique was kinda too aggressive,which makes me wary.

ye,scene in the car was overdone.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
acutally,it was said(at least what daughter said),that she had several boyfriends
Having had several boyfriends != slut.

welcome to the modern world,with prideful people who don't like when they are rubbed with the facts,that they are inferior in ANY way.
Here's the thing, if Carl actually goaded Liam (example: "oh I have this and that, what about you, Liam?" or "have you ever done this and that, Liam?", etc) then it's understandable for Liam to react that way. But when the game didn't show Carl goading Liam at all, then Liam just ended up looking paranoid and annoying to be around with.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
i never said that he acted like that,but what stopping liam from being threatened as an alpha male ?


Jun 23, 2017
I've seen that some people here refrain from my game only cause it has few seconds RPG inside!
That's why, here an explanation:
Actually, I’m also not a big fan of it! And I think my next game would definitely be not an RPG game. But currently it helps to simulate a little open world feeling very well, if you create image-based game novels (that's why I've also decided to use it). BUT: my focus is at 97% by the ambitious 720p 3D images, story and later also the animations. So, if the story is good and the images too... is a little RPG so bad? Actually, you just go from one full rendered event to the next! The game won't have any typical RPG quest games or riddles at all! And I've also tried to change everything visual to distinguish it from all other RPG Games! Even let the annoying, typical RPG music out!
And I'm trying to make the little RPG moments as realistic as possible by even changing the clothes adapted to the 3D renders! And I also tried to build the RPG world adapted to the 3D world. Just look the family house! RPG and "real" are very similar! Especially from the ground-plan! So, not only my images are much more laborious than from anyone else, I also needed to create an adapted rpg world!
I understand if someone don't want to play the game cause of the fetishes. But it is not understandable not to play a game, that has not only the most full staged, renders of all games but also a good developing story with many chioces, only cause there are few seconds RPG inside!
And as for the female MC: I know that many got a little problem with that but for no reason IMO! I've decided for a beautiful and hot female MC-milf-mom cause there are just too many "son-MC games" at the moment! It became just boring! And many hot events in the story are only playable as a (married) female MC(-mom)! I was wavering between playing as husband or wife. But in the end I've decided for the wife and mother cause of the above reasons! So, why there should be no problem with playing as a female MC? Cause the story is told in a third view perspective with an omniscient narrator! You only make decisions for Sophia (and read her mind) but you watch the scene as an onlooker! So, either you can imagine as a man to be a woman who has erotically contact with men, or you just watch and enjoy the story as an (female or male) onlooker who can control Sophia's decisions! This is up to everyone! To play as a mom only brings some fresh wind into the adult game world (though some of the very best lession of passion games ARE with a female MC!!!)!
Furthermore I'm thinking about to switch maybe also few times to the son or husband later and let them make decisions! Not sure yet
I have absolutely zero problem with female MC, there are tons of games already available with horny boy/father/middle aged basement dweller/whatever wants to fuck mom/sister/aunt/girl next store/whatever out and about as is. Its your story and vision, so tell it how you intended, see how it rolls. Some will like, some won't. You cannot please everyone and will only ruin the game by trying. My only suggestion would be if you HAVE to play it multiple times to see all the paths and endings, make it smoother and faster cause clicking through text and walking to same places the 4th, 5th 8th, 12th time is not fun.

Rock out a few more updates and prove you're not a patreon scammer and i'll probably end up donating. For now tho, its a pretty good start. Not many demos get this much first day interest.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2017
I think you two are overreacting about that scene.
I have a sister, that scene served as a fine example of a bad relationship between siblings.
Yeah, there was no reason, It was too dramatic... It was perfect.
That's exactly the point, this quarrels are pointless.

Idem with the husband.
Yeah, Carl never is too explicit, is more of a passive-agressive son of a bitch.
And the husband, being less successful, lets his insecurities get the better of himself.
I liked that a whole lot.
You got there this rich brother-in-law, with a life full of privilege always talking about himself.
Did you see when he asks the daughter about her school? It's an excuse so he can talk more about his childhood, about how great he was... but always trying to look humble.
And the wife fell for it line, hook and sinker.

It really felt refreshing.
3D characters with their own agendas, personalities... without hobos swinging their dicks at you from the first minute.
Even then, there is always some cliche or two... but I think that, having renders like this, it's forgivable.


Apr 27, 2017
Having had several boyfriends != slut.
Are you an evangelist preacher on a sexual abstinence campaign?
You took the wrong turn, pal. Church is on the other side of the street.
Come back when you`re ready to see some action. We won`t judge you.


Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
I like your game but for the RPG. On my first run, I mis clicked (going all out slut mode)and couldn't go back. Had to start all over again cause I forgot to save. In Renpy or Unity, there are autosaves which would have avoided that. Also having to look for the 'stars' to go to is tiring and even a small amount feels grindy. I also think the dialogues are too long to read and should limit themselves to 2 lines max per render, because some stuff just repeats itself. With a VN/RPG the images have to convey most of what the scene is as opposed to a literary work where description is 75% of the book.
On the other hand, great story, renders and so much content for a 0.0.1. I love that there is a different render for practically every 2 dialogues. It makes the game seem more lively and who's going to complain when the actual sex starts? Definitely a keeper. TBH I'm waiting to see how you render the kinky stuff before pledging but you are on the right path. Keep at it.
If you press and hold the "picture down key" you will flow over every event like a jet airplane! And it is very advisable to save before every event! And maybe other engines got that option to save while an event but ALL of the real big games like Witcher, GTA etc. also don't have that! If you make a mistake you ahve also to start the event new! But in contrary to them, in my game you can flew over the events in seconds by pressing and holding the "picture down key"! I guess many doesn't even know about that!
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Jul 5, 2017
F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!!!!!Best game so far.Lust&Passion i think that every minute you spend for this game worth it!Waiting for the next update.Thank you for the great game!!!!


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
I think the two underlined parts are exactly why it's problematic to me. Wanting the player to act more as a narrator means we're a viewer, but making decisions would mean that we're the character. It contradicts one another because decision making is not something the narrator should be doing.

And as I've mentioned in my original post, it might be realistic, but it doesn't give good experience to play through when the characters are annoying. Son wasn't douchey at all? How is he not a douche for calling his sister a slut in front of the aunt and her husband while in the car without even any single hint of a slutty thing she did? That came out of nowhere. Same with the daughter for straight up accusing her brother as pervert regardless whether he did something or not. Then the husband with him having straight up e-peen contest with the aunt's husband. Holy shit, the husband has such a loser's attitude for always feeling that he needed to one-up the rich guy when nobody was talking about it. A contest against his imaginary rival.

Once again, realistic? Sure there are plenty of people like that. Enjoyable? Not at all. Those are the kind of people I don't really want to hang around with. That's why I said that when someone created characters for video game, why create characters that aren't likeable? Especially considering the family members are the characters that are going to be involved with

I actually thought there are way more people who praised the game than the ones who critiqued it? Even in my own post, sure I listed 3 things that could've been done better, but sometimes I felt people focused on that and simply skipped the part where I said that it's the best demo and one of the better games out there.

This is kind of disappointing that the reaction of being critiqued is so aggressive.

1. The ones I mentioned are not even all, but here's the screenshots of "soccer court" and "basketball field". I'm not going to bother trying to find all one by one, especially since it's made in RPGM which makes it even slower to replay the game trying to find the part. All I'm saying is that I wish the script is proofread a bit more. If you don't care about it, sure, that's fine too, it's your product after all, you can do whatever you want to it. You don't have to say that those words are not even in the game, when they actually are. It only showed that you couldn't even search for it from the script you have. and honestly, there are TONS more that I didn't bother screenshotting.

2. If you're a mother and you have to experience what happened in the car on the way from the airport to your house, do you enjoy that? Stuck in a car with a son who openly called his sister a slut in front of your sister and her husband, while your daughter kept on going crazy fighting back, and your own husband having a fight with imaginary rival about who has more money. If that is not annoying, I don't think you understand what annoying is.

But it's ok, I'm just moaning on a very high level here. Keep up the good work, champ.
Ok, so let me get this straight:

1. You don't like the core handling of the MC (which is clearly designed that way by the developer)
2. You think all of the family members are annoying and don't find the realism an "enjoyable experience", despite that also being designed that way by the developer (he says it so in his patreon)

Literally why are you playing this game then? it's clearly not designed for you as what you're criticising (besides spelling errors), are clear design choices by the developer. If you find every character annoying, including the MC herself, then why waste your time?

Go find another game, problem solved. People need to understand what are good criticisms (calling out the spelling/grammar for instance) and what are essentially, pointless critiques (wanting the developer to go against his own design choices).

You're clearly not the targeted demographic for this game. I'll never get why people feel the need to do this. I find Futa disgusting, so I don't go inside of a Futa thread and moan about it being Futa because those games are not intended for me.

This is the 0.1 version, this is how the game is going to be. It's going to be a realistic game "Corrupt/Purity" Housewife game, focusing on build up with a Female MC. If you're already finding yourself not enjoying the experience or its characters (as you yourself said), then go find another game, there's plenty out there.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
I have finished now the game and i must say that it have a lot of potential, a very good start!
I hope that the game will go ahead without problems... this game is beautiful, both the story and the pics!


Aug 5, 2016
Any chance of a walkthrough ? I cant find all points for Sam so i cant have enough for basketball game :/
Also with majority of games created on RPGM engine i have crashes , but not in this game so kudos for that :D
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
I love this game. Storyline, renders, characters amazing and awesome hot. I'm looking forward to next release
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3.20 star(s) 482 Votes