
New Member
Oct 21, 2017
I would add that is nice achievement for beginner to have already 15 pages in this tread about his game that is old only 3 days, and that he get so many walls of text where people express their opinions about his game.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2017
As mentioned before by others, I cannot say that I look forward to, as the MC, getting a lot of dick. Hey, that's just me. I do hope there is a way to get ahead in the game going full on muff diver. I am not criticizing the choice of a female MC, just mentioning my predilections. I echo others in that a slow start is appreciated, and helps build the tension. ttokm10's classic description of DMD and Dual Family as "blue balls simulator after 10 versions," is something to take note of, just don't dwell on it. (DMD has delivered a great game, and Dual Family will get there, just a bit slow). Anyways, keep going and good luck!


Jul 4, 2017
@Lust&Passion i played a lots of games and ofc the big ones ( bb, dreams of desire ...) but this demo here is one level above them- 100%!- your renders, the different confrontations and especially the teasing is superior.
yeah its female mc, but ey this can also be kinda hot...
rpg is pain in the ass but if you keep it that smooth, like the demo, its allright
im looking forward to future updates and might become a supporter
ty for the demo
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Active Member
Apr 3, 2017
Well that was impressive! It had me hooked from the very start, the cg was perfect and the story really pulled me in. When it did finally say end of demo i was super disappointed, i just didn't want it to end. I can't think of any other game demo better than this. I really hope to see some more of this soon, and i hope it's still using rpgm when an update come's out.

@Lust&Passion Have you thought about using a plugin to save during dialog like the one @MikeMasters uses for college life? It would definitely help out a lot on the issue.
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Oct 16, 2017
The thing to remember @Lust&Passion is that it's a give and take relationship. I'm fairly new to this community but I'm not new to backing products but I best most of the people pledging have at least visited this thread, if not participated in it. The thing to remember is BB has been publicly in development for I believe over a year, so yeah that dev is going to have a lot more backers and money coming in. I also played BB recently and there is a lot of content so maybe you should check it out again.

Kickstarter, Pateron and sites like them have made people more cautious over backing a project based on an initial demo, too many devs have burned their supporters so a lot of people will wait for progress updates before backing. You game has a lot of potential and i truly believe that, with time you can be pulling in the kind of income you desire form this project. However it will take time and a continued effort on your part to get it there. You've got a great momentum going, keep your supporters engaged and maybe once a week or so post an updated message about what you're working on or a preview of a scene, that's how you'll continue to build your supporter base.


Aug 16, 2016
If you mainly aiming for more patrons/money more then creating something you really wanted to create, then:

- Don't create the game with female protagonist, there's not even one top creator with that. (I'm not a girl to play as a female.. I have to feel that I'm a main character.)

- Don't create the game in RMGMV, unfortunately, but right now people avoid it even without testing, so you must use Ren'Py or Unity.

- Your writing is quite good, but too many unnecessary scenes, that problem should be fixed in diffrent engine.


Aug 5, 2016
That's not quite true what you're telling! I came across BB when it had a support of 100-200$, was in russian, had maybe 2 minutes of gameplay and had 1 location only (what it still has)!!! And after he changed the language to english and added maybe 2 further gameplay minutes, his pledge jumped within 2 weeks on 8k!!! Comparing his first version with my is like comparing Avatar and a 30 seconds commercial on youtube! But this little vacuous version, which had almost nothing, brought him a 8k support within few days! So, is that fair? He has at his actual update version No. 221 maybe just 20 renders more than I got in my first!!! But comparing to the complexity of my scenes it's like he has only 20 renders all together! So it has nothing to do with "top dev" cause he had with a baby version without content a 8k/month support!
That's what makes it so unfair! And I'm planning a game with about 10.000 full staged, high quality renders and additionally animations! BB got neither animations nor sound till the present day and his characters got all very flat textures! So sum up my effort and his and the reward! That's why I'm so unsure about continue a more laborious work than his one, but get almost nothing in return! With a 3k/month support my game is just not feasible! It's not worth the trouble! Furthermore I would work so slowly cause of my job, college and hardware that I could release an update maybe every 6 months!
Someone above has just said this and i agree with him, your attitude and reactions towards the criticism about the game is doing you more harm than good, you can't please everyone, hear the critics with a pinch of salt, don't take them so seriously, do the game you want to do, your demo shows good potential for more, you delivered a huge demo that is something quite rare and pleased a lot of people with that, but your constant big replies here whining and comparing your game to other games, that your game is better and have "more" this and that, and other games earn so much, and is so unfair, and that you need to earn this exact amount for continue working on the game, you're just showing the image of a jealous and arrogant developer shooting himself on the foot.
Concentrate on working on the next update, and leave the other games alone, keep the good quality, fix the current problems of proofreading, maybe better engine, etc and patrons will follow you and you'll have good chances of reaching your Patreon goals, or maybe you're too upset now and want to quit because you were just naively expecting to release this demo and get 10k in support the next month...


I loved this demo. Two things really stood out:

* Immersion: it's impressive how well made the backgrounds are, and how well the transitions between scenes go. I have always thought that poorly rendered or empty backgrounds killed the mood and immersion, but you seem to understand their importance. The lighting is also very nice. The way the characters behave is also very well defined and realistic. You expect a middle age couple to have those boring conversations about houses and such for example, and I appreciate that. Many people want games to feel more than just crude porn. Don't listen to the usual horny people here who want to ruin every game for some easy fap only to never play it again. You won't get backers with random porn, keep doing what you are doing.

* Pacing: The games seems to flow naturally. The corruption seems to be advancing just at the right speed. This is a very tricky thing to get right and I hope you can keep it up. The way the days pass also feel natural. There are no random gaps that make the game feel like an acid trip like Dual Family. Every character seems to have a plan for the day and behaves accordingly, while never contradicting their own personalities. I hate when games only use side characters as sex dolls or cardboard cutouts who don't really add anything to the immersion.
I appreciate how all the characters have their own struggles which are hinted but not crudely exposed. This is key to deliver a pleasant immersion: side characters behaving like actual humans too.

The game so far feels like actually living like a middle age upper middle class milf. The pointless dialogue at times is necessary to deliver that atmosphere, don't listen to that criticism.

And those complaining about annoying characters, you really need to stop watching so much porn and go out more to socialize. Teenagers behave like that in real life, that's part of creating a realistic atmosphere.

This demo is already far more enjoyable than Dual Family ever was, which shows that a games' quality is not just affected by the quantity of its porn.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
That's not quite true what you're telling! I came across BB when it had a support of 100-200$, was in russian, had maybe 2 minutes of gameplay and had 1 location only (what it still has)!!! And after he changed the language to english and added maybe 2 further gameplay minutes, his pledge jumped within 2 weeks on 8k!!! Comparing his first version with my is like comparing Avatar and a 30 seconds commercial on youtube! But this little vacuous version, which had almost nothing, brought him a 8k support within few days! So, is that fair? He has at his actual update version No. 221 maybe just 20 renders more than I got in my first!!! But comparing to the complexity of my scenes it's like he has only 20 renders all together! So it has nothing to do with "top dev" cause he had with a baby version without content a 8k/month support!
That's what makes it so unfair! And I'm planning a game with about 10.000 full staged, high quality renders and additionally animations! BB got neither animations nor sound till the present day and his characters got all very flat textures! So sum up my effort and his and the reward! That's why I'm so unsure about continue a more laborious work than his one, but get almost nothing in return! With a 3k/month support my game is just not feasible! It's not worth the trouble! Furthermore I would work so slowly cause of my job, college and hardware that I could release an update maybe every 6 months!
That's a fair point. But comparing any game here with BB is hard to justify as BB's main advantage and selling point except for above average renders is his unique, original gameplay (at least at the early stages). It's mostly luck I assume but the truth is that BB in RPGM or Renpy as a standard game wouldn't sell at all as it's pretty weak when it's comes to writing and has no plot at this point. Unique games always gather attention and for that you would require probably something much more sophisticated than Renpy like Unity. First version on patreon gathered 2k in first month on Patreon. There is a graphtreon to check that. It jumped after 0.3 and reached pace at 0.5. But BB was avaible even before Patreon so his first version was like 0.2. But all these comparisons are pointless as your game is simply different. I agree with everything you said about BB's content and your ideas. They're incredible and no game on Patreon is doing that. 3K is relatively easy to achieve for you but 10K will depend on many different factors. You might reach it and even earn much more but it all depends on a quality of development. 0.3-0.4 is usually the point when games start grow rapidly as most people won't pledge if they're unsure of developer. All in all I'm sure as hell wish you to reach and exceed 10k point as you have excellent game-making skill. Renpy, RPGM or whatever - I will observe and when everything will be clear I will strongly consider pledging. Just chillax, observe and decide about your game's future. No point to argue with people here.

If you mainly aiming for more patrons/money more then creating something you really wanted to create, then:

- Don't create the game with female protagonist, there's not even one top creator with that. (I'm not a girl to play as a female.. I have to feel that I'm a main character.)

- Don't create the game in RMGMV, unfortunately, but right now people avoid it even without testing, so you must use Ren'Py or Unity.

- Your writing is quite good, but too many unnecessary scenes, that problem should be fixed in diffrent engine.
As it was written before: female MCs are really popular in the adult gaming world and tho it's rare for biggest devs on west to use it it's just an opportunity to take over this niche. It's just a matter of perspective and regardless of your likings it's like 50/50 in adult gaming. And I do not agree with unnecesarily scenes as even trivial background is really important for a good story. Most games here don't have it at all


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Someone above has just said this and i agree with him, your attitude and reactions towards the criticism about the game is doing you more harm than good, you can't please everyone, hear the critics with a pinch of salt, don't take them so seriously, do the game you want to do, your demo shows good potential for more, you delivered a huge demo that is something quite rare and pleased a lot of people with that, but your constant big replies here whining and comparing your game to other games, that your game is better and have "more" this and that, and other games earn so much, and is so unfair, and that you need to earn this exact amount for continue working on the game, you're just showing the image of a jealous and arrogant developer shooting himself on the foot.
Concentrate on working on the next update, and leave the other games alone, keep the good quality, fix the current problems of proofreading, maybe better engine, etc and patrons will follow you and you'll have good chances of reaching your Patreon goals, or maybe you're too upset now and want to quit because you were just naively expecting to release this demo and get 10k in support the next month...
how dare you ! he know 50 langauges,you inferior ant ! not to mention he is better than you in 99% ! and don't fotget,that he is very humble person.
i'm not pissed by this behavior,it rather made me laugh. he should tone down his superiority complex a little bit tho.


Aug 16, 2016
That's because my game with a first version that has an about 1000 times bigger effort, quality and content than BB's first or even 20ths version, is about to become a big flop and I'm about to cancel this project and concentrating on college and my job, cause I don't know how much time it will take to rewrite the whole demo to renpy! And all only cause the majority got a problem with rpg maker and a female MC, what is just really disappointing after investing 8 months in story, setting, characters etc.! But I also won't post much replies here and just wait the next few days! Maybe I'll try to release the next update at the end of November! But if I don't get the support I need for such an huge and ambitious project I have to cancel it, how hard this would be to me!
Well, you should checked more the ground before investing 8 months.
I agree with you that BB is shitty and you put more effort to create a lot better game, but my sentence will not change anything. Change the engine to Ren'Py it should help you a lot. If you change the name of the game and protagonist into Son your patreon support will change diametrically. The female protagonist game will not make your game one of the top!!! There's many amazing games with that genre and...?


@Lust&Passion stop taking criticism so seriously. People on this site love to complain because they are not even paying for the games and the site is just a year old, which means there aren't even that many female MC games. Arguing that the lack of top female MC games is because people dislike that is simply being obtuse. The market is very new and still growing, and full of mediocrity. That affects results more than the game subgenre.

Just let Patreon speak for itself and only listen to constructive criticism here from time to time.

And regarding Renpy vs RPGM, I don't think it's worth the effort to switch now. Just make it as a patreon target if anything (something like "if I hit X target I will start moving the game to Renpy on the side"). And even then, I'm not sure it would change reception that much.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
original gameplay? Are you for real? It's a copy of every lesson of passion game!
On patreon it's original:p And it's pretty much different than LoP in many aspects as their playtime is for max 1 hour. It's sandboxish initial structure was pretty damn good. Yeah, pretty much crappy right now but it was something new. Many games here started copying that (Doppelganger, Au Pair innocence, School Love & Cousins) but their quality is just lower. BB is hard to being compared to any game here in fact. This big flop comment hurts. Most devs on patreon would give their souls to have such a flop.
The female protagonist game will not make your game one of the top!!! There's many amazing games with that genre and...?
There are a couple of adult games with female protag on top 20 of Patreon as well. When it comes to incest we have just DMD, DoD, SS and BB to compare basically so it's really not a lot. It's funny tho as even in top 20 there aren't many devs with 10k+:/


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
I really like the game how it is now and i dont have a problem with RPG Maker, and with a female protagonist, so i think you should continue making it. And i think yor patreon will catch up as well with time.(I will pledge). Sorry for bad English.
oh boy you don't even know how worng you are...look at humble experience.
great game,but getting only 1.5k/m because ? RPG MAKER ! i dunny why people bitch about,but in my opinion it was good choice,becuase game is about exploring(i.e. walking) around the town and do stuff.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
That's because my game with a first version that has an about 1000 times bigger effort, quality and content than BB's first or even 20ths version, is about to become a big flop and I'm about to cancel this project and concentrating on college and my job, cause I don't know how much time it will take to rewrite the whole demo to renpy (and I wanted to make the renders even better and better and include animations!)! And all only cause the majority got a problem with rpg maker and a female MC, what is just really disappointing after investing 8 months in story, setting, characters etc.! But I also won't post much replies here and just wait the next few days! Maybe I'll try to release the next update at the end of November! But if I don't get the support I need for such an huge and ambitious project I have to cancel it, how hard this would be to me!
Right now, you're repeating yourself. I've just barely looked at this after playing the demo and frankly, you've got something to be rightly justified in your belief. However, you are shooting yourself in the foot by complaining about any criticism you might be facing at the moment. It's going to make people not want to contribute cause they'll view you as arrogant and entitled. That'll do more harm than the engine you're currently using or who the mc in the story is.

Personally, stick with it. To hell with what the criticism is, develop the game under the engine you're currently using and leave the MC as a woman. I'm personally sick of people shooting something down that actually holds potential all cause they don't like a certain engine or a specific character, etc. It's just plain stupid cause they can find what they're looking for in another game rather than trying to force every dev to be a copy/pasta of all the rest. If you allow people to dictate how you develop the game, it loses what makes it unique. Take the criticism with a grain of salt as someone already said. If you come across constructive criticism that actually might add something to how you develop it, then take notice and attempt to incorporate it into the game. Right now though, this demo puts quite a few games to absolute shame that have been around much longer. If you get a few more updates out, you'll definitely see a rise in patrons. It isn't going to be what you expect but it will go up over time. I honestly hope you keep at it with how you're currently developing it and leave it as is. From what the criticism is in regards to the MC and the engine specifically? Just ignore it. If someone doesn't like the game simply cause of that, they've nothing pertinent to actually say or contribute as far as criticism. Things like that can be changed later if you as the developer really feel it's necessary.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
But most of all, learn to edit. You got over 900 images. Big Brother is now close to a year old, many releases and it has just about reached that number. And in BB 900 images the MC fucked almost everyone. In your 900 images I haven't even seen a boob. Less is more. Cut 3/4 of the plane scene and you could still tell the same story and not have people speed click through it. It is a porn game, not a costume drama.
i see you can't comprehend the reason for so much pictures,so i'll tell you - visual progression.
this game is build on scnes and don't have sprites,so every picture cannot be reused 999 times,that create very visual experience,which is good,but it have a trade off - performance. as the development goes,it will strain PC and engine resources,so with this many images it's a big NO. this will not only cripple FPS but also will weight like 1tb in pictures only.
crop the images or reduce numbers.


Sep 3, 2016
If you mainly aiming for more patrons/money more then creating something you really wanted to create, then:

- Don't create the game with female protagonist, there's not even one top creator with that. (I'm not a girl to play as a female.. I have to feel that I'm a main character.)

- Don't create the game in RMGMV, unfortunately, but right now people avoid it even without testing, so you must use Ren'Py or Unity.

- Your writing is quite good, but too many unnecessary scenes, that problem should be fixed in diffrent engine.
No, no and no. Leave female protagonist, because it is unique. Look at Evakiss for example and her success. You can switch temporary to male and then go back. Leave RPGMaker because it is sufficient and changing engine is too costly now. There are no unnecessary scenes if you want to show story and characters. They are, for casual fapper.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
You're overestimating Patreon a bit. Looking at top 50 there are only a couple of devs that reached 10k so you're aiming for top 10 on Patreon:

I agree you deserve it for sure for such a quality when you compare it to BB now, but you should calm down and plan your development in a long term and you will make it for sure.
No, no and no. Leave female protagonist, because it is unique. Look at Evakiss for example and her success. You can switch temporary to male and then go back. Leave RPGMaker because it is sufficient and changing engine is too costly now. There are no unnecessary scenes if you want to show story and characters. They are, for casual fapper.
Exactly, there are a couple of females on a top list so it's definitely not something offputting.

And I won't change the female MC cause I wrote a whole 30 days story for her!
Regardless of everything: that's the most amazing sentence I've ever seen in adult gaming industry. That's probably the first dev that actually has a storyscript written. Wish every dev could do the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
I live in Germany and here you easily will give 50-60% from the rest to the greedy German government!
I just googled it and apparently the top tax rate in Germany is 45%, which only applies if you earn over 250k euro annually.
Slight exaggeration to make a point, eh? :p
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