
Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I just googled it and apparently the top tax rate in Germany is 45%, which only applies if you earn over 250k euro annually.
Slight exaggeration to make a point, eh? :p
Still, that's the reason why most creators are from Russia on patreon. I live nearby and for 500$ monthly I would go full time with development. In a country like Germany 500$ is a joke sadly
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
I'm just kinda wondering how much of this criticism is motivated mainly cause it doesn't have immediate fap scenes for them or an ability for them to get their jollies out of using a male MC to basically develop yet another fucking harem in a game. I mean seriously, we've seen that enough. There's dozens of games like that already, if that's what they want then they should go play those.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
Ask the germans how much tax they're paying!!!! If you are not married and without kids and autonomous, they will strip you to your boxers!!! Even married people give about 50% from their salary to the government!
Take it easy pal, nothing personal.
I simply googled the German tax rates. Those numbers are kinda definitive, so if you somehow managed to end up paying above the maximum rate you probably should contact the tax office about a refund...
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
Take it easy pal, nothing personal.
I simply googled the German tax rates. Those numbers are kinda definitive, so if you somehow managed to end up paying above the maximum rate you probably should contact the tax office about a refund...
Pretty sure you're forgetting the solidarity surcharge which can go upwards of 5.5% if i'm not mistaken. That's what drives their tax rate up to 50% or more. There's also the tax on benefits in kind if an employee gets other benefits from their employer like use of a company vehicle and so forth. They will get taxed for it on their income for a certain percentage I think.


Devourer of Worlds
Jun 11, 2017
Let me give you some advice I learned in college; there is not product in the world that every person wants to buy. No matter how you make the game, people are going to like/dislike it. It doesnt matter because there IS a market for this game. I myself will be a pledger of yours once I get my next paycheck.

Just keep doing what your doing and the support will come. Just please don't turn into one of these devs who don't post any communication til 4 months later. People understand if you come out and say, 'this project is taking longer than I thought.'


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
Pretty sure you're forgetting the solidarity surcharge which can go upwards of 5.5% if i'm not mistaken. That's what drives their tax rate up to 50% or more.
Sure, but I didn't include all the possible deductions either.
Even then, you'd end up with 50.5% at most and only if you're in the top rate bracket. That's a tiny bit different from "easily giving 50-60%".

That's neither here nor there though. The dev's numbers just seemed somewhat exaggerated so I dared to make a harmless joke about it. I even added a fucking smiley to make it extra obvious that I was kidding.
I didn't expect the dev to go mental about it, otherwise I would've kept my mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Hey Lust&Passion, stop chatting on this forum and get back to work!


More seriously, I think you should stick to your current engine. To be honest, it isn't the best choice. For the content of the demo Ren'py would have been better because you didn't really use the strength of RPGM, that is exploration. I personally like RPGM because it allows game authors to tuck away content out of line of sight so that the player is rewarded by exploration. If you want this, then RPGM is the way to go. On the other hand if you are not going to exploit this (as your demo does not) then Ren'py is the better engine. But, don't switch now! You will only lose momentum and stal your project. Work with what you know and (if you keep the quality of the demo) you will create a great game.

Oh, and as others have said here, if you can produce a 0.02 of the same quality, the patrons will flood in and you have nothing to worry about...


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
let's not bitch about other accomplishments and money. that is completely irrelevant to this game and thread.
to those who still talks "don't switch and shit" please,stop talking,i'm serious here now. you giving advices on the topic you know shit,and that WILL hurt development of the game and author. rpgm engine is not meant to have 10K images and 100gb of content. quality will mean nothing,if the game will collaps under it's own weight.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
I'm just kinda wondering how much of this criticism is motivated mainly cause it doesn't have immediate fap scenes for them or an ability for them to get their jollies out of using a male MC to basically develop yet another fucking harem in a game. I mean seriously, we've seen that enough. There's dozens of games like that already, if that's what they want then they should go play those.
The reasons for the critcisms are clear and here it is:

1. Female protagonist

That's it, I guarantee it. Watching these vague critiques that lack any sort of depth or elaboration pretty much confirms the following to me - A vocal minority of people are mad that this game has everything they want. Fantastic renders, a refreshing focus on buildup, incest and a hot as FUCK MILF. They, however, are upset over the fact hat they are playing as a female.

Seriously, read some of the critiques. The only valid ones i've seen are:

1. RPG Maker being used (but then again, it's not the usual obnoxious RPG Maker games where you need to traverse a huge city to find some obscure object - See Lida's Adventure)
2. Spelling errors (but then again, this is a FUCKING 0.01 VERSION. This is as early of a version as you're going to get and the quality is still leaps and bounds better than 99% of the games on this website)

It's pretty hilarious seeing people try to leap frog around their main critique being with the core design choice of the game, that being a Female MC.

Don't like it? Then don't play it. Just don't try to act like "The game won't sell because it's a female character". That's just laughable, look at Noxian Nights, Officer Chloe, Lida's Adventure, Sarahs life, Survivor Sarah or even all of the Japanese porn games that are over saturated with female main characters.

I do wish that the developer wouldn't get so defensive though. He needs to waste less energy in combating guys who don't like the core principals of his game, they're not giving you constructive criticism, saying stuff like "I hate all of the characters and don't like play playing as a girl!" isn't constructive, that's them literally saying "change your game entirely to suit my needs".

Focus only on the objective criticisms like spelling for instance. The other subjective criticisms should only be focused on when a considerably large portion of his PATRONS and DONATORS, start complaining.
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Devourer of Worlds
Jun 11, 2017
The reasons for the critcisms are clear and here it is:

1. Female protagonist

That's it, I guarantee it. Watching these vague critiques that lack any sort of depth or elaboration pretty much confirms the following to me - A vocal minority of people are mad that this game has everything they want. Fantastic renders, a refreshing focus on buildup, incest and a hot as FUCK MILF. They, however, are upset over the fact hat they are playing as a female.

Seriously, read some of the critiques. The only valid ones i've seen are:

1. RPG Maker being used (but then again, it's not the usual obnoxious RPG Maker games where you need to traverse a huge city to find some obscure object - See Lida's Adventure)
2. Spelling errors (but then again, this is a FUCKING 0.01 VERSION. This is as early of a version as you're going to get and the quality is still leaps and bounds better than 99% of the games on this website)

It's pretty hilarious seeing people try to leap frog around their main critique being with the core design choice of the game, that being a Female MC.

Don't like it? Then don't play it. Just don't try to act like "The game won't sell because it's a female character". That's just laughable, look at Noxian Nights, Officer Chloe, Lida's Adventure, Sarahs life, Survivor Sarah or even all of the Japanese porn games that are over saturated with female main characters.

I do wish that the developer wouldn't get so defensive though. He needs to waste less energy in combating guys who don't like the core principals of his game, they're not giving you constructive criticism, saying stuff like "I hate all of the characters and don't like play playing as a girl!" isn't constructive, that's them literally saying "change your game entirely to suit my needs".

Focus only on the objective criticisms like spelling for instance. The other subjective criticisms should only be focused on when a considerably amount of PATRONS and DONATORS, start complaining.
He's a young college guy who isn't use to receiving a lot of critisicm after spending months on a project. Not that it's a bad thing, but we were all young once. So he's being defensive naturally. I just hope he isn't going to let a few bad comments ruin the 100s of us out there who enjoy his game. The game received nearly 20 pages of comments and $500 of support in a couple of days. I'd say he is doing something right


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
He's a young college guy who isn't use to receiving a lot of critisicm after spending months on a project. Not that it's a bad thing, but we were all young once. So he's being defensive naturally. I just hope he isn't going to let a few bad comments ruin the 100s of us out there who enjoy his game. The game received nearly 20 pages of comments and $500 of support in a couple of days. I'd say he is doing something right
No, I get it. I get his frustration, i'm just telling him that this is the wrong way to go about it.

He stands to gain nothing from it and it's wasted energy as well as potentially even chasing him away. If he can't handle a few guys talking shit, how's he going to handle his inevitable first fuck up (missing a deadline etc), when his own supporters get mad at him?

He needs to be smarter and less thin skinned about it, that's all i'm saying. Better him acknowledge the problem now rather than months down the road, after so much time is dedicated on his game where he might suffer a breakdown and just quit like so many talented developers do.
Oct 23, 2017
The reasons for the critcisms are clear and here it is:

1. Female protagonist

That's it, I guarantee it. Watching these vague critiques that lack any sort of depth or elaboration pretty much confirms the following to me - A vocal minority of people are mad that this game has everything they want. Fantastic renders, a refreshing focus on buildup, incest and a hot as FUCK MILF. They, however, are upset over the fact hat they are playing as a female.

Seriously, read some of the critiques. The only valid ones i've seen are:

1. RPG Maker being used (but then again, it's not the usual obnoxious RPG Maker games where you need to traverse a huge city to find some obscure object - See Lida's Adventure)
2. Spelling errors (but then again, this is a FUCKING 0.01 VERSION. This is as early of a version as you're going to get and the quality is still leaps and bounds better than 99% of the games on this website)

It's pretty hilarious seeing people try to leap frog around their main critique being with the core design choice of the game, that being a Female MC.

Don't like it? Then don't play it. Just don't try to act like "The game won't sell because it's a female character". That's just laughable, look at Noxian Nights, Officer Chloe, Lida's Adventure, Sarahs life, Survivor Sarah or even all of the Japanese porn games that are over saturated with female main characters.

I do wish that the developer wouldn't get so defensive though. He needs to waste less energy in combating guys who don't like the core principals of his game, they're not giving you constructive criticism, saying stuff like "I hate all of the characters and don't like play playing as a girl!" isn't constructive, that's them literally saying "change your game entirely to suit my needs".

Focus only on the objective criticisms like spelling for instance. The other subjective criticisms should only be focused on when a considerably amount of PATRONS and DONATORS, start complaining.
There's interracial tacked there for some reason. How is a female protagonist not a valid criticism when you have not 1 but 2 other males in the family, why the fuck does she has to be the protagonist? At this point this is just stupid developing choices considering that there are dozens of examples of what and what not to do. Games with female protagonist only work under certain circumstances, and even then it's pretty stupid and there's literally no immersion. I never understood female protagonist except for wanting to whore/humiliate her, and this is evidently not the case. Hell, all the games you listen are about humiliation. And most of them are really bad too, specially noxian nights, whether they are Japanese or not.

It's hilarious how everyone shun a critique with "lol don't play it". It's not constructive enough? I'm not the only one complaining about these things, because it's common sense. So basically I and plenty of people is telling the dev the game would be better if the protagonist wasn't the MILF, but nope, "don't play it lol". I play whatever the fuck I want, and I critique whatever the fuck I want too. Obviously patrons and donators will not complain because he is catering to their terrible fetishes, but he would win a lot more money if that wasn't the case.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
He needs to be smarter and less thin skinned about it,
In today's generation, don't count on it.
There's interracial tacked there for some reason. How is a female protagonist not a valid criticism when you have not 1 but 2 other males in the family, why the fuck does she has to be the protagonist?
Because he's the developer, it's his story design. If you want a game with a different MC, go find one that already has that content, which there are dozens thereof already that have been copy pasted due to the very reasoning you're listing and how people like you constantly harass devs into doing cause you don't like a female protagonist. At this point, i'm starting to wonder if some of you aren't just a wee bit chauvinistic. You immediately assume that a female protagonist MUST be whored out for it to be the point of the story. Why? Hmm, also take a good look at games with multiple male characters like BB for example. What did people do? They bitched and moaned cause one was cucking the boy and when it was changing relatively, they still bitched and moaned about the character even being in the game. No, this is about a small minority that want a male character in every game they play that they can use to turn all the female characters into their private harem in every game to fap to. Furthermore, this demo had more immersion in it than a large portion of the games that have been developed for the last year on patreon that had male MCs and all doing the same thing in each game, turning all the females into their private harems. What? Does that bother you a woman is now in the position to do that to male antagonists?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
No, this is about a small minority that want a male character in every game they play that they can use to turn all the female characters into their private harem in every game to fap to.
Heh, I generally fall into that category too.
Some of us try not to be obnoxious dicks about it though.
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Oct 23, 2017
Sucking dev sick
You again... Nice to know you don't have anything to add to the discussion. And I have taste, which is why I inevitable hate all these low energy games.
yes,we get your "certain circumstances" and here is your answer to that
Yes, I already said it, humiliation and whoring. Here you have swinging at best, and that's already bad.
Because he's the developer, it's his story design. If you want a game with a different MC, go find one that already has that content, which there are dozens thereof already that have been copy pasted due to the very reasoning you're listing and how people like you constantly harass devs into doing cause you don't like a female protagonist. At this point, i'm starting to wonder if some of you aren't just a wee bit chauvinistic. You immediately assume that a female protagonist MUST be whored out for it to be the point of the story. Why? Hmm, also take a good look at games with multiple male characters like BB for example. What did people do? They bitched and moaned cause one was cucking the boy and when it was changing relatively, they still bitched and moaned about the character even being in the game. No, this is about a small minority that want a male character in every game they play that they can use to turn all the female characters into their private harem in every game to fap to. Furthermore, this demo had more immersion in it than a large portion of the games that have been developed for the last year on patreon that had male MCs and all doing the same thing in each game, turning all the females into their private harems. What? Does that bother you a woman is now in the position to do that to male antagonists?
That's nice and dandy, but that objectively makes him a bad developer. It's also funny how you say they are all copy/pasted, these game being another copy/paste of an already bad game.

I never said the female protagonist MUST be whores, I said there's no other reason to have a female protagonist, when this is an incest game with a family of 4 that includes 2 men. Want another example? Good Girls Gone Bad, and that's mainly catered to women, because, no shit, the protagonist and the dev are women. BB is a terrible example because Eric IS NOT the protagonist, he is not even a part of the family, he is a disgusting person hat suddenly comes in and threats you like shit, Eric should be fucking out of the game from the beginning. I'm not saying either the dad or the son should be the protagonist, I'm saying you can control them like the sims and the game would already be 100% better, but you're right, I forgot this is an RPG maker game, so that should be a helluva work for someone workin in this engine, but that doesn't justify these terrible ideas.

And man, how pathetic should be to be able to immerse as the woman? So you wish to have vagina or something?


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
There's interracial tacked there for some reason. How is a female protagonist not a valid criticism when you have not 1 but 2 other males in the family, why the fuck does she has to be the protagonist? At this point this is just stupid developing choices considering that there are dozens of examples of what and what not to do. Games with female protagonist only work under certain circumstances, and even then it's pretty stupid and there's literally no immersion. I never understood female protagonist except for wanting to whore/humiliate her, and this is evidently not the case. Hell, all the games you listen are about humiliation. And most of them are really bad too, specially noxian nights, whether they are Japanese or not.

It's hilarious how everyone shun a critique with "lol don't play it". It's not constructive enough? I'm not the only one complaining about these things, because it's common sense. So basically I and plenty of people is telling the dev the game would be better if the protagonist wasn't the MILF, but nope, "don't play it lol". I play whatever the fuck I want, and I critique whatever the fuck I want too. Obviously patrons and donators will not complain because he is catering to their terrible fetishes, but he would win a lot more money if that wasn't the case.
"Interracial is tacked on"
"why does the mother have to be the protagonist!"
"This is just stupid developing choices"
"Games with female protagonists are stupid because i'm not a women!"
"most of those games you listed are really bad!"
"I critique whatever the fuck I want too!"

Damn, what insightful and constructive critiques. You really changed our opinion on this topic.

Get lost.
3.20 star(s) 482 Votes