
Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
I think most of the people complaining about this game's lack of sexual content are kind of missing the point. A lot of them talk as if this is going to be what the whole game is and the comments seem to ignore the fact that we've only got a small amount of the game so far.

To me it's like if you only got the first few chapters of Lord of the Rings and then complained that it just went on and on too much about Hobbits because that's the only stuff we have so far. Or to bring it back to playing a video game, if you were playing an early alpha of Overwatch and the only heroes on offer were Tracer, Reaper and Soldier 76 and then complaining that everybody is just a DPS character and there's no variety in the hero roster.

People talk like what we've got so far is all that the game is going to be and completely ignore the potential and where it's going to go. I'm of the opinion that what comes towards the end is far more worth it when it's got some good buildup, realistic circumstances and strong characters than it is when you just rush into it. Too many games have the protagonist and their targets already pretty much on the verge of screwing from the onset. It's finally good to have one of the few games where things start of more naturally and work their way there instead of already being warped before we even began.
I disagree and again, I thoroughly find it amusing how everyone who is making comments similar to yours refuse from quoting anyone in particular.

Nobody is complaining about the build up, that's what drew us to this game in the first place. People are complaining about what's he's focusing on.

I repeat, what did that catcall scene achieve? Why deviate and go BACKWARDS from the 0.01 version where we had everything from the mother getting her ass groped by her son and his friend (basketball scene) to that extremely well done "lingere" scene? Why then go from all of that goodness to her getting catcalled by the stereotypical douchebags that are in all of these games and fucking "cello practice"?

The developer is going BACKWARDS in his build up and that's just not how you do it. Dual Family was notorious for how mundane and pointless the build up was and look at how much of a shitshow that game has turned into and this developer is looking more and more like it with every new update.

Give us some saucy scenes, give us scenes similar to her walking in the bathroom to pee while her sons in it. Nobody is telling him to "rush to the sex scenes" and you guys who keep making these posts, attacking strawmen and painting the critiques as people who "don't want any build up at all" are doing nothing more but whoring for easy likes from avid defenders of this developer.

Nobody is telling him to "stop with the build up", so stop with that garbage argument already. What people are complaining about is the blatant padding that this developer is clearly shoving into his game.


Jan 6, 2018
I have made a small experiment. I have counted the renders and text lines of a pretty trivial scene: from the moment the MC sais "Damn, I really have to pee, It´s probably because of all that water I´ve drunk at night" to the moment she sits on the toilet bowl and her phone falls to the ground.

Well, the dev uses 40 text lines and... 24 RENDERS!!! Yes, 24 renders just for the MC going from her bedroom to the toilet and sitting on the bowl... It´s nuts! Yes, the dev thinks that to see the MC walking across corridors, knocking on toilet doors and walking into the toilet room deserves 24 renders and 40 text lines. And that´s just an example.

If the dev makes 24 renders and 40 text lines for a sexy scene of seduction, not to say sex, I would say "BRAVO!!!", but for trivial scenes like the one of going from the bedroom to the toilet... Sorry but that´s a HUGE waste of work and time.

And also, most of the text is terribly dull and even stupid... "I really have to pee, it´s probably because of all that water I´ve drunk"... Yes, and if you have to poo, it´s probably because of all that food you've eaten, genious. As with the renders, there is A LOT of banal and dull text in this game. Again, waste of work and time. And waste of time for the player, that at the end, just pushes the "skip" button because doesn't want to read all that unnecesary and boring text.

This game has a HUGE potencial. Could be way better than DmD, for example. It is great the concept of a realistic game about the corruption of a mother and wife without magic, hypnotic pills, demons, vampires, mindless milfs dominated by irrational lust, people that is 18 y.o. and behaves as 12 and other nonsense, but for god´s sake, dev, LEARN HOW TO STRUCTURATE THE SCENES AND THE PLOT.

There are important scenes and transition ones. If you can do a transition scene with 10 renders, DON'T MAKE 24, because it´s a waste of time and work that you could use in more important scenes. If you can say something in 15 text lines, don´t write 40 unless it´s an important moment of the game and you are sure that the text is really interesting for the player. A month for making about a quarter-hour of real gameplay, (half a day in game-time) and 75% of the scenes are banal ones. It is NUTS.

I don´t even ask for sex in the game right now. It´s slow burn and I´m OK with that. But for god's sake, DEV, MAKE THAT SOMETHING INTERESTING HAPPENS IN THE GAME; not only the MC going from point A to B and having banal conversations with herself or other banal characters as the principal of the school and the students.

There is only one sexy scene in the game, and is the one with the maid. And it´s only some peeping, not even a bit of flirt and seduction... I suppose the dev was too busy making 24 renders for the MC going from the bed to the toilet to make the scene with the maid a bit more spicy... That´s nonsense.

This game could be great, as I already said, but right now, is the worst a game can be: BORING.
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Active Member
Aug 14, 2017
It seems the mother doesn't know what an erection is, since she calls it "a strange bulge" in son's pants, ha ha. Too much for an adult woman and mother.
Other thing is that the sexy stuff is so scarce in this game that people's asking for at least marital sex with the hubby, which must be the most boring, conventional sex you can expect in a game.
Funny things aside, constructive criticism should be welcomed. The dev himself said he tried to reduced the unnecessary stuff in this upgrade, which IMO is the right direction to not waste limited resources, like the egregious guitar lesson.
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Jun 24, 2017
I repeat, what did that catcall scene achieve?.
Unlike the other scenes you mention this is the MC "out in the world" in a potentially dangerous situation and choosing to embrace the attention of strangers rather than avoid it. Unlike the ass grabbing she was not in control of that situation and it could have quickly gone bad for her.

It takes more than one incident for someone's personality to change. It's not like someone gets their ass grabbed one day and the next they're on their knees sucking strangers in an alleyway.

It's clearly going to be a few updates which translates into a few months before real action starts. There are a number of games I completely ignore for months at a time because the update pace frustrates me, for some this would be one of those games.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2017
I just started playing this and it's pretty awesome. Great renders, fairly realistic family dynamic. Looks like it has a bit of replayability. Loved the fight between Ellie and Dylan. Sounds a lot like me and my sisters when I was growing up. OK, back to it!

EDIT: Geez, fuck me that's a huge house!
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2017
It's probably way too late for this, but for replayability you should add alternate scenes.
For example, if you didn't want to invite the movers to breakfast, Sophia and Ellie could have had a chat over breakfast instead rather than skipping the whole scene.
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May 30, 2017
It's crazy to think that the first release was in RPGM... Can you even imagine if he hadn't switched to Renpy?
Agree. Just look at a game like My Girlfriend Amnesia, how frustrated to play a vn type game in rpgm. Its a nightmare if you have to play from the start.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2017
Another suggestion: Normally, you can click to skip screens, but while audio is playing (opening/closing doors, cars starting up and driving away, etc) you can't click to skip these.
Could you make it so that you can?

Thanks for the awesome game!


Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
I don't know why anyone was expecting a sex scene in this update.
I bet that many, when dev said how he'll speed up things, interpreted that in their minds "It's going to be next update", and now some of them are just dissapointed and angry.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2017

: Where's that first image (two girls) from?


Jun 8, 2017
@wewlad I see what you're saying, but I feel this update was a bit more of an establishing one, mostly establishing her class, her co-workers and the maid. I actually agree that we could have had a few more interactions with the students, perhaps one moment of direct interaction with each. I also agree that a final subtle-yet-flirty option when bidding farewell to the maid might have been nice. But overall I feel that given what this update seemed to want to do, I get why it was more setup than moments.

That said, I really do hope that this is the last of it personally. I think with the exception off some isolated one-off moments with one-off characters we've got more than enough of a cast now, and as such I think that the game's creator needs to move on and start actually getting the ball rolling on having moments with this cast. Any more major or even supporting character introductions and this thing will be too bloated (one could probably argue that it already is). I think an apt analogy would be that we've got all the LEGO bricks spilled on the floor, it's time to play and start constructing things.

So I guess the TL;DR version of my post is simply this: I accept what we just got because it was necessary and foreshadowed events that needed to happen. That said, they've happened now, so I think what needs to happen next is the build-up of meaningful content. Setup should be essentially complete now, all the passengers should now be aboard the train, it's time to get this locomotive going.
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2017
Ignore the haters! Keep going with the slow build-up! It feels way more natural than "oops daddy, i dropped my towel.. could you help me.. oh what's that in your pants? can you show me? *unf unf unf*" ;-)
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