
Aug 15, 2017
Don't worry, I did it while rendering ;)

It will have impacts on the story. The first you'll already see the next day (Vers. 0.04).

The mover will return but at the very end of the game.
Fair enough the end is gonna be amazing, just make sure theres a scene of the 3 of them with Sophia please thanks.

Jag Hond

Aug 29, 2017
Well, here are my own impressions, from my after all not so important point of view, except for me of course who am since a very little time around here.

I enjoyed the story, it's the main matter to me, and without this there is no fun. And I appreciated a lot the most care of rendering the high quality rendering of images, which made this novel/game unique among all the other competitors. I' have not realized well what the next update version will be, if 0.3 or 0.4 / (we will see), and most of all when it will be released (I hope soon in this present month).
I seemed to understand that the devs. are comitted to release the updates on a regular basis (once a month, if possible?), and if confirmed also by a proof of time this would be good and could convince me in evaluating positively a future patreoning.

In short and conclusively: I like it. Well done, keep on this way, because you got my attention. I don't play so much games of this kind (a very few, instead), guess because maybe I'm ufortunately a little selective.
Just to let you all know me and my own way of thinking better, I have been a fan of DMD and BB, and now my favorite ones are TangledUp and this too, of course.

With my best wishes and regards.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
Just give it to us straight so people won't be disappointed on release:

1. How much lewd content can we expect in this release (Doesn't have to be outright sex)
2. How much content can we expect in general (give us a time frame)

You answer these 2 questions, and nobody will have a right to complain about the content or the length of the content.


Apr 26, 2017
When (after the divorce) Sophia move out? :) (rhetorical question)
Or Ivan moves in :winkytongue:

We have to be patient. It takes some time to create a very good game with perfect renders. I'm willing to wait if the outcome is as good as the last releases.

John The Boogeyman Wick

Active Member
Jul 12, 2017
@Lust&Passion Hey dude, I just like to say I like the your game so far. Story is good, CG models are good, the number images is cool, and the most important the Female MC isn't some bimbo XD "Not yet anyway:tf:". I don't play games often with female MC for that reason. Gets a little much.

I just like too give you some friendly advise, please stay away from things like blackmail in this game or connect paths "Not sure what to call it?". Keep the options open for the MC. Don't force us down a path because we have so many Good wife or Filthy point. Example, let's say i'm doing a sam solo path but I get force into a relationship with the principle because I got a lot of Filthy points from that path or he blackmails the MC because he magically got photos. That would be annoying as fuck.

Anyhow I hope I made my self clear. Keep up the good work:extremelyhappy:
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
It takes very long time to make a simple render.
A basic scene can take upto 3-5 hours to make.
Then there's the gpu issue. Not everyone can afford highend gpus.
Those with expensive ones can make 400-500 renders a month. By expensive I mean 1080ti sli or titan v or quadro gpu. They can cost from anywhere between 3000-8000 dollars.

But those who are stuck with 1050, 1060 or even 1070 can't make that many high quality renders within a month.

I know few devs who don't make renders themselves. Instead they hire someone.
But hiring someone is even more costly. A single render costs 10-30 dollars. Do the math for 400 renders then
Well said that man.
How many of these people have actually rendered a scene?
No matter what rig you have, 300 renders is a LOT of work.
For the people complaining, have a go at it yourselves & see how long it takes you.
Jeez ;)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
Well said that man.
How many of these people have actually rendered a scene?
No matter what rig you have, 300 renders is a LOT of work.
For the people complaining, have a go at it yourselves & see how long it takes you.
Jeez ;)
I have managed to make 120 renders within the last month or so. I use 1050ti. Very low end gpu with very little memory.

Right now I have someone hired to do the rest of the renders for the game I'm making. 250 dollars for 30 renders. Got 50 dollars discount.
I neither have the resource nor the time to make them myself.

Lust & Passion has already explained what goes into making just one scene.
So please never ever have a go at the devs for the number of renders.
One can get paid far more by doing a regular job instead of spending the same amount of time in making the renders


Active Member
Aug 4, 2017
I understand that not everyone is familiar with Daz Studio and game development. Please don't take this the wrong way. I just take a few minutes to give you and who else isn't familiar with Daz Studio some little information about what rendering is and about the effort of my work. Everybody else who either has read my earlier answers in this forum on this subject or knows about the process anyway, can just ignore the following.

First of all a render is not equal to a render. And before clicking the render button you must first create something to render. A scene. And this is where you have to distinguish a lot!
You can take some character, give him/her some clothes without adjusting them, give him/her a preset pose also without adjusting it and insert a simple background picture. This would take not longer than a few seconds. But the more complex a scene is and the more you pay attention to details (by working with surfaces, special tools, scripts, effects, lighting, moving/squeezing body parts, adjusting the hair in almost every new scene, moving clothes, props, items etc. etc.) the scene to look as natural and authentic as possible, the longer you need to create such a single scene. In a visual novel, especially a visual novel with a lot of renders for every event, you have to plan these single scenes first so that they have a logical course in this event. And now imagine one of these events with 50-100 renders and almost every render has different pedantic manually adjusted (unique) authentic poses, expressions and even changing hair, skin character, props etc. Maybe there are also background characters with also authentic different poses and different clothes (or many different background cars). Imagine to create about 2000 scenes, with hundreds of different realistic and natural poses/expressions and all of them manually adjusted. A huge, huge amount of poses you've created yourself because there are no presets for them. Then dressing hundreds of characters with hundreds of different clothes (some with own textures) which are also manually adjusted to fit the character perfectly and authentically. Then create or edit a lot of areas and rooms yourself. Especially huge areas like in the city or suburb! And this all by trying to avoid any visual mistake. Then create also a lot of effects and put sound to the scenes. Many scenes are so big that you have to use some tricks to render them. This all takes a lot of time and effort!
Then if you also edit every render in Photoshop afterwards, just to make them as flawless and perfect as possible, again you need a lot of time.
And rendering interior scenes takes longer than rendering exterior day scenes. This is because outside you have a huge dome of the sky which emits light to every direction. Interior scenes are isolated (the light through the window is to weak here - increasing it would only increase the image noise) and lightening them naturally without erasing the shadows is the most difficult thing! The result of bad or wrong lighting would be very noisy images (I won't explain how Iray works here. There are a lot of forums where you can read about it if you like to know more or just try to play with the program a little bit.).
And no, I don't need 3-5 hours for a single render. I'm rendering with two 1080ti GPU's. To reach the best render quality result I need for exterior scenes between 8 and 20 minutes. And for interior scenes between 15 and 60 minutes. Loading and saving single huge scenes takes also its time! But I need more time to create, adjust, plan and edit all these hundreds of scenes!
So you have to rethink what 300 renders of this kind are, created in only 3-4 weeks! And this by only one single dev! (And don't forget that beside the rendering there is also the programming, writing and translating of the text.)

To get an even better idea of this amount of renders here an example: Lesson of Passion is the most successful adult game website with also probably the best erotic games. Their biggest games took over a year of development with a group of people. And these games have just between 250 and 400 images! And with the greatest respect to them, because I'm a huge fan of their games for a long time, their renders are very simple, bright, with simple image backgrounds and the poses are also often even without soil contact.
So if you say there are games bringing more than 400 new renders every month, it's... very hard to believe. Unless these are over 400 very simple "same characters, same unadjusted clothes/poses with simple image background scenes". I'd really like to know what games these are.
Don't listen these arrogant people, who cannot use it google or who never worked in DAZ, I started in DAZ and it's chaotic,hard but great. So I must say that 400 renders for month is amazing work. Your work is fantastic. :) :)


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
I have managed to make 120 renders within the last month or so. I use 1050ti. Very low end gpu with very little memory.

Right now I have someone hired to do the rest of the renders for the game I'm making. 250 dollars for 30 renders. Got 50 dollars discount.
I neither have the resource nor the time to make them myself.

Lust & Passion has already explained what goes into making just one scene.
So please never ever have a go at the devs for the number of renders.
One can get paid far more by doing a regular job instead of spending the same amount of time in making the renders
I've done 600+ renders for a project I'm working on & that's taken me literally several months, doing it in my spare time or on my days off from work.
I'm using a gtx1060 6gb.

For you to complete 120 renders in a month is still a major undertaking, so for what it's worth, you've done well imo.
Will we see your game on here? I hope so & best of luck with it.;)


Aug 13, 2017
Hey @Lust&Passion

Just out of curiosity, how big of a part does the "lesbian" aspect of the game play into the overall direction of the game? I'm a fan of incest, and corruption, but I think what have you have so far in the lesbian side of things is very compelling. I'd say that is the number one storyline arc I look forward to the most.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
It takes very long time to make a simple render.
A basic scene can take upto 3-5 hours to make.
Then there's the gpu issue. Not everyone can afford highend gpus.
Those with expensive ones can make 400-500 renders a month. By expensive I mean 1080ti sli or titan v or quadro gpu. They can cost from anywhere between 3000-8000 dollars.
This assumes that every render is in the highest possible definitions. If everybody is okay with lower ones, even an nVidia 960 can process a sub-720p image in 15-20 mins.

Of course, it won't look as pretty or detailed. But if 80% of your renders are mere filler, then the prettiness and details are not all that important.

Personally, I don't mind if an update contains "only" 300 high-quality images (or less), as long as most of them count.
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