markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
This is one of my pet peeves.

It's .

That aside (I noticed it glancing at the first pages of comments before I saw that there were 180 pages that I wasn't going to read through)...

While I find the game nice looking, the actual content first bored me to tears with these long explanations about ridiculously unrealistic superlative characters who are super rich, super successful, (supposedly) super attractive, super this, super that... and then the game is just obsessed with a vulgar level of superficiality and conspicuous consumption (look at my 5 brand new sports cars! And my 75" 4K curved TV, and blah blah blah...)

It's revolting and comes across written by someone with a low IQ and obsession with material crap and vulgar displays of money.

I gave up on it the first time I tried playing it scarcely before the end of the plane ride it was so bad. But being bored and low on new games to play I decided to give it another shot and just plow through the vomitous dialog to try to get to some game play... and it's like being forced to watch Jersey Shore or something similarly vulgar and empty headed.

I suppose if that kind of disgustingly superficial life is what someone aspires to, then more power to you. Enjoy the game.

But personally I can't identify with anyone or anything in this game. It's insufferable and doesn't relate in any way to a life I live or would want to live. Total failure to elicit suspension of disbelief and allow the player to actually get immersed in the story, and that's completely aside from the female protagonist.

I mean other games have done this to some extent... famous authors, etc... but at least the characters were human, with reasonable emotions, behavior, desires, actions, etc... like as a prime example. Yeah, the guy is a rich and famous author, but it doesn't come across as remotely as vulgar and boring and just revolting as basically all the characters have in this game so far. :(

Anyway... just had to bitch given that this was one of the worst examples of this kind of thing I've encountered in the over 100 different games of this sort that I've played.

I find myself groaning and just clicking away with the mouse to try to make the vapid bimbos with their giant sunglasses and rambling narratives go away so that maybe I can find some diamonds in the proverbial dung heap to make the waste of my time slightly worth it.

Who knows, maybe it'll get better if I keep slogging along... I'm only to the part where they're moving into the new house and meeting the neighbors. But so far it's been terrible aside from being rendered better than many other games.

Oh, and definitely A on the hairstyle poll. Hands down. ;)
Haha...I didn't even realize I worded that wrong until you mentioned it:eek:penedeyewink:
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Aug 15, 2017
Haha...I didn't even realize I worded that wrong until you mentioned it:eek:penedeyewink:
Is it just me or like some people are trying to find things to complain about the game that don´t make too much sense like he´s being really really picky, sometimes this type of critics sound like its another developer that´s jealous about the game and its trying to find something wrong no matter what, seriously complaining because the characters in the game are wealthy to me its a little bit too much.
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Aug 15, 2017
After playing more, I found myself really irritated by the forced hard pauses on transitions, so I dumped the files and edited the script.rpy file to change every single pause from hard=True to hard=False so that I could skip along at my own pace. That helped make the game slightly more bearable. The forced, unskippable delay on transitions was like nails on a chalkboard aggravating. :p

Oh, and I also changed the quick, medium, and slow dissolve times to 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 respectively (from their 0.2, 1.5, and 3.0 defaults I think it was.)

The game is SO much more peppy and responsive now and feels like you're actually in control and not being forced to stare at blank screens for several seconds while sound effects of cars and doors etc play. :p
Just a tip you could have pressed CTRL to accelerate that bit without having to change nothing.

Jag Hond

Aug 29, 2017
A poll for Sophia's new hairstyle was posted, at the moment, the first choice is in the lead.

Sophia will visit Claire at the end of Day 12. What new hairstyle should she get?
To me? Neither of those four (!!!!) ones proposed.

All 80th and conservative at the same time too much to my taste - why not introducing some other ones a little, but just little, more trasgressive instead, only to add some more flavor to our so appreciated character?

My one cent, or course.

With best regards.


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
Is it just me or like some people are trying to find things to complain about the game that don´t make too much sense like he´s being really really picky, sometimes this type of critics sound like its another developer that´s jealous about the game and its trying to find something wrong no matter what, seriously complaining because the characters in the game are wealthy to me its a little bit too much.
No. I'm not a developer. I'm a person who finds it vulgar and absurd and completely unrelatable when playing a game where people are dressed like vapid and massively superficial people obsessed with showing wealth. They drive around half million or million dollar cars... MULTIPLE of them... they live in a several story mansion that had to have cost millions of dollars and is big enough to house a dozen families... they're obsessed with appearance and dress like people whose lives revolve not around their character, but how they look to others, etc.

How the heck am I supposed to relate to people who literally disgust me and bear no resemblance not only to my own life, but to literally nobody I've ever met in my entire life.... but simply people I see on TV who literally disgust me and who I want nothing to do with and to be nothing like.

As I made perfectly clear, it's not about being wealthy, as I love Our Fate, in which the main protagonist is a rich and successful author. It's in the presentation... and in this game (A Wife and Mother) the characters come across as deeply emotionally dysfunctional and even completely unhinged in the case of the women, who descend into shrieking hysterics on a regular basis over the tiniest things, or are seriously disturbed and have been since childhood (like the sister) etc.

And again, that's aside from playing a female protagonist (who simultaneously reads like the author can't decide whether or not she's an emotionally dysfunctional trophy wife or a feminist icon... and so flip flops her between these things in a way that only makes her seem even more mentally unhinged.)

Just a tip you could have pressed CTRL to accelerate that bit without having to change nothing.
That would be a good idea except that it actually goes too fast. It flies by too much of the text without giving you a chance to glance at it. If you just want to speed through without really seeing the pictures or reading a single word of it... sure. But if you want to click along at a good pace glancing at the text and story to see if anything worth paying closer attention to is happening, that's a no go. And also because you can't roll-back beyond a certain point I actually missed a scene because I'd clicked too far past it to go back (when Sam and Dylan came back home when they weren't supposed to and the door wasn't locked.) Using CTRL to skip massively compounds that problem.

It's great for flying along, don't get me wrong. It just doesn't suit well what I actually wanted to be able to do. :)
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
just click auto at the bottom of text box,you can change the speed of it in settings and its hands free.


Active Member
Sep 2, 2017
just click auto at the bottom of text box,you can change the speed of it in settings and its hands free.
That still has the big delay problems with the transitions we were talking about. The first big one you'll see is when the plane is landing. You have to sit through the whole sound effect staring at a picture of a jet (even with auto turned to the fastest speed.)

You can skip through them with the CTRL button, but as I said, then that goes much too fast.

Speeding up the dissolve times and allowing you to skip those screens by clicking along as I usually do is the best solution (for me at least), even if it's not the easiest one.

Jag Hond

Aug 29, 2017
Is it just me or like some people are trying to find things to complain about the game that don´t make too much sense like he´s being really really picky, sometimes this type of critics sound like its another developer that´s jealous about the game and its trying to find something wrong no matter what, seriously complaining because the characters in the game are wealthy to me its a little bit too much.
No, it's not, I think it's not.
On my little own (I must underline that) I'd have to guess this should be more an actual attitude of a part of players seen here. To avoid starting the most unwanted 'flame against all the others', let's put it in this way. I like sex. I want positively in a porn game. I want it straight, now and a lot. I don't care od story, stories or fuzz like tese around that. If not, I 'm getting disappointed as first and very angry since then to... forever.
Just a pity that there could be someone other's reasons to behave diffrently, most of all if he/she is a game creator trying to release an innovative product in a 'market' filled up with similar products: porn novels, I mean. So the only innovative aspect in a game of this kind could (I repeat it, could) be embedding the porn in a story. A real one. With its real time and its own social and sexual environment. Leaving to all characters all the time they need to make their own mind and their own decisions consequently, according and also trying to maintain themselves coherent to that same spcial and sexual envirionment they are living in.
That's it. And these are the reasons why I'm attracted by this.... novel.

I respect in full all the other friends here point of view, and phreadom's in particular.

Always from my own one, I'm inclined to admit that novels are the opposite of real life. And none, I should guess, would like a novel reproposing his real life just it is day after day. I would like to find out something really different, fit to let me relaxing and, why not?, evading a little from my everyday's thoughts. And I admit it clearly, I like to feel for a little more healthy than I sometimes could be in my real life, happened this or not. More rich than I would always be, even if I'm satisfied by my actual financies actually. What could I do about? Probably nothing.
To become more healthy, powerful and rich must be in human beings genes.
The goals are to have relationships as much as possible with the more attractive men/women all around to reproduce at the best and more and more, to eat always the more tasteful food also to be always healthy and never hungry, to live in the more amazing places and villas in the world. Some time ago I read this could lectured as survival 'istinct' or 'attitude'.
Novels are all of the same kind, if I see it well. No one ever liked to start beaten and defeated, and living to die this same way. How strange that? The 'best' novels (in terms of sold out copies) are those in which characters started defeated, poor and living a tramp's life, just to end happy, rich, in general wellness conditions and sexually satisfied, most of all.

But anyway it's the storytelling that made the story selling, so making its author able to earn his/hers bread, mates. ;)
Or not? After all that above I'm starting to get a little confused, you know. XD

With best regards.
3.20 star(s) 483 Votes