
I trolled so N7 could soar.
Staff member
Jul 19, 2017
I can count on one hand the number of female protag games making 8k or more a month, and these are from established devs(hello my love, GDS you pedo bastard!)

So...yeah..female protag and no sex, the realitiy is he's pretty much never getting anywhere near 8k.

Combine that with the fact that he can't consistently deliver an update on a set date each month which is the downfall for devs trying to make it to the big time, the ~2.5k he makes a month is pretty much going to be his max, give or take.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
8k, of that he need to pay taxes and set part for pension and 4 weeks summer vacation. this if he plans to go 100% and do nothing else, no other income. sure if he doesn't pay taxes and doesn't care about pension, 8k is a bit too much this early in his "career" if he plan that. to say its not worth it will only make him greedy and not likable, and thats bad business.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2017
So 8K=1200 patrons i guess.We can hope because LEWDLAB reached over 4000 patrons and LP also can too


Aug 13, 2017
Honestly, I think the biggest challenge this game faces is being able to pump out a decent amount of content in a relatively short amount of time. I commend the creator for his passion in wanting to create a unique experience, but the game might be a little too ambitious for it's own good... or for how much manpower there is behind the development. I believe the renders, and the writing are good enough to earn him a modest amount of support, but not at this rate.

@klx brings up a very good point too with this being a female protagonist game as well. There's a lot of people that are definitely turned off by it. It's by no means a kiss of death though. As developers like Evakiss with her game Good Girl Gone Bad have garnered tons of support, and popularity. But that game is being delivered on a monthly basis, and has tons of content, and variety in it. I do think that this game will balance itself out eventually when it gets to the content people want to see, because right now it's all set up. I remember Good Girl Gone Bad was the same way. Once the game started to get into it's own, and really deliver on what people wanted, it took off.

One last point, and I mean no offence to the people that like the Good Wife path, but come on. Who's here for that? Who wants to see a woman be loyal to her husband when there's a son, and a daughter in the house to fill the Taboo kink, and an Aunt that seems to be hot for her sister, or a horny teenager thats putting the moves on her with his guitar lessons, or a hot maid that she's catching feelings for, or tons of students at her part time job as a teacher. There's all these combinations, and permutations for some awesome storytelling, but we're dedicating almost 200 renders to a boring, vanilla sex scene with her husband that only goes as far as a blowjob! COME ON!!! This game is headed the way of Dual Family except with a lot less money. You've build an awesome framework, but it's time to start delivering on these other fronts as well!


Aug 15, 2017
I am scared that this will be the case. The author has stated that if they're not making 8k per month (?!?) by feb 2019 "the discrepancy between effort and interest/support would be just too great, unfortunately".

So i imagine that as we approach feb 2019 and, in all likelyhood, he is no where near that goal, that'll be that, sadly. Of course, all the pissing and moaning by those demanding instant gratification probably won't endear the author to the cause either.
He has time against him, in my personal opinion i think he should hire at least 1 more person to work under his suppervition for the creation of the renders which is what is taking longer (like work in one scene each for example) at the same time the developer earns a lot more money taking his time as his patreons are paying on a monthly basis which is tottaly unfair for the people who pay, he also realizes that once the game is finished all that money is gone.
So he NEEDS to find a balance between time and the income that he desire to make because if patreons get bored of waiting or a new game comes out that is as good as this one but with more frequent updates the project will be pretty much done.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
As developers like Evakiss with her game Good Girl Gone Bad have garnered tons of support, and popularity.
You can't compare this game to GGGB. 1. That game had\has tons of easy sex pretty much from the beginning (i follow it from the 0.1). 2. It has tons of niche fetishes. 3. It's 2D and has "generic" backgrounds, this says all it needs to say. Nothing in the bad way, but everyone need to be aware of this when you think "why EvaKiss popular and produce content on monthly basis?". Of course, this game would also have many sex scenes, and maybe niche fetishes in it. BUT, GGGB was never focused on "build up". So these two are just different. Even though both are "corruption" games. Also, GGGB is one of those games where sometimes you don't really care if you're playing female protagonist imo.

Who's here for that?
I am here for that. And for everything else. Although, I'm here for that "passion" foremost. But if you dislike that feelings component and mostly here for "lust" "quick progression" etc, i doubt our discussion gonna go in any direction at all. It's the same old discussions as about Dual Family and similar games. Good that you're mention it.
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Aug 15, 2017
I agree 100%. but a promise is a promise. never give a word you couldn't keep. and I think a dev has to estimate its capacities before he promise anything.
im telling you now the update will be as soon as the patreon payments of the month are in.
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Aug 15, 2017
I'm just afraid the dev don't know how to make a sex scenes/something we saw in plenty of games/.And that scene with husband is not realy proving I'm wrong.And we already in 8 month of the gane development.I realy hope sex scenes will be way better than non-sex scenes.We have many games with good example for teasing without sex-DoD,DmD,PL,MSN etc.Last one was Freeloading Family.
The scene with the husband has the intention to not be exciting at all, thats what in the mind of Sophia makes her look for other options, and also makes the player wonder about the corrupt side.


Aug 15, 2017
I'm just afraid the dev don't know how to make a sex scenes/something we saw in plenty of games/.And that scene with husband is not realy proving I'm wrong.And we already in 8 month of the gane development.I realy hope sex scenes will be way better than non-sex scenes.We have many games with good example for teasing without sex-DoD,DmD,PL,MSN etc.Last one was Freeloading Family.
Has the number of patreon went down lately???


Aug 15, 2017
idk but the thing is most ppl would be more than happy if they making $500 on a side project, they would be happy to be making $2k for full time work (as this is more than enough for everyday living)... now this game dev wants $8k a month or it wouldn't be worth his time, my question is where does he live that he needs $8k?? how high is expense, food, cost of living??? there isn't that many jobs out there that pays $8k even if you're qualified for it (there is many ppl working at McDonalds for min wage actually have a collage degree), oh and if you're working a good job like that they actually make you work for that money (and if you're making that type of money, you're rich).... game devs working on a team don't make that money (sure AAA title games cost alot to make but they make high quality games not VNs, they got to pay staff, taxes, license agreements, they got to pay for the game engine, marketing the game, i could go on and on)...

i do hope the game continue but it may seem that the game dev may have to move from his country or hire ppl from other countries that'll develop the game for him...
Germany and trust me with 8k a month you live anywhere.
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Aug 15, 2017
8k, of that he need to pay taxes and set part for pension and 4 weeks summer vacation. this if he plans to go 100% and do nothing else, no other income. sure if he doesn't pay taxes and doesn't care about pension, 8k is a bit too much this early in his "career" if he plan that. to say its not worth it will only make him greedy and not likable, and thats bad business.
Sorry, do you need to pay taxes and pension for a VN???


Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I am scared that this will be the case. The author has stated that if they're not making 8k per month (?!?) by feb 2019 "the discrepancy between effort and interest/support would be just too great, unfortunately".
The game is a 0.3 VN with no sexy times and he is asking for 8k a month already?
There are devs delivering good content and SEX content every month and they don't reach the 8k mark.
I think his expectations are a bit too much, not everyone can be the new Mr.Dots with so many 0.0.2 versions around.


May 29, 2017
Let's not get into his wallet... Mabe for some people 8k looks pretty much, but that's not the way you should look at it. If the dev thinks that there is a different direction in which he can earn more, you can bet he will abandon the game, as anyone else will. Plus, this game is not a side job. As I see it, and as the dev said before, this project is time consuming and takes more than 10 hours a day, maybe even more.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
This stuff is like a telephone game. By the third or fourth post, the conversation bears no resemblance to the facts.

Here is the rundown, without comment or bias:

L&P listed 4 monthly financial goals on his Patreon page:

$1,500 - develop the game slowly
$4,000 - try to find more time to develop (he is currently at $2,725)
$8,000 - quit job, upgrade hardware and focus almost entirely on game
$12,000 - devote entirely to game, get second PC, maybe hire someone else

Make of that what you will.

Now, my commentary:

1) Any creator is allowed to decide how to determine the interest level in their project that is enough motivation for them to continue. Arguing what you "feel" should be enough is irrelevant. Make your own game if it's within your skill set.

2) No Patron is forced to support a game. If the goals and progress seem unreasonable to you...don't pledge or cancel your pledge.

3) The developer has been open about his concern over his money intake and his progress on the game. Agree or disagree with his statements, he is not hiding his intentions.

4) All businesses learn as they grow. Make no mistake, even "labors of love" are businesses in this sphere. Whether L&P decides to alter his stated goals depends on how he feels about game developing vs. the other opportunities in his life.

My experience tells me that people's personal perceptions of "fair and unfair" will overrule reason and still lead to pointless debate about what they think is the "right" thing for the developer to do. I am happy not to have any such urge.

I'll play the game when it comes out. I'll maintain my support until I think it's no longer in my favor cost/benefit wise. And, I'm content to make this my last comment on the subject (as, I'm sure, many of you are happy I'm doing).


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
The scene with the husband has the intention to not be exciting at all, thats what in the mind of Sophia makes her look for other options, and also makes the player wonder about the corrupt side.
I hope that's the reason and not just because he can't make a sex scene.The problem is that he said that good wife route will be way more naughty than corrupted wife route at least for an year.And so far that doesn't happen.
Has the number of patreon went down lately???
It happen at the start of each month.It is same with every other game.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2017
Sometimes sex content doesnot really make a game.It also depends on tension,''build up'',story,...
So i think this game deserves 8k
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Aug 15, 2017
Sometimes sex content doesnot really make a game.It also depends on tension,''build up'',story,...
So i think this game deserves 8k
8k a monts allows you to hire assistance under supervision especially an novice thats willing to learn more. Just give the guy some credits on the game and he will make a name for himself in the future or maybe hisnown game who knows.
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