
Aug 15, 2017

General info: Currently I took a vacation for a half year from college to work as much as I can on this project. In the last few months I've already neglected my studies a lot, to work between 10 and 14 hours every day on AWAM! Actually, all in all, since January 2017 there were maybe 2 weeks in which I didn't work on it.

I'll continue this hard work on this project until at least February 2019. But then I have to decide if I'll focus on college or continue the game development like before!

But for that I need to reach at least my 3rd goal or leastwise coming in its vicinity. Otherwise the discrepancy between effort and interest/support would be just too great, unfortunately!

If you are able to see that page, the dev also defends and explains his stance below in the comments a few times.

I do sometimes wonder at my pledge amount; why put in $$$ now if the dev is more likely than not just going to shutter development in half a year? I'll worry about it more come December
Time to wrap it up then mate, try to make the game shorter and get it done by february if the content is short but extremely good you will reach you goals easily just make sure its good.Or HIRE HELP you cannot expect to do a perfect project by yourself just get someone to help you and get it done nobody is gonna live of making visual novels and february is time to get back to reality. Better make the game a bit shorter than to abandon it but if you keep taking that long you wont reach your goal ever and theres other games out there.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2017
Time to wrap it up then mate, try to make the game shorter and get it done by february if the content is short but extremely good you will reach you goals easily just make sure its good.Or HIRE HELP you cannot expect to do a perfect project by yourself just get someone to help you and get it done nobody is gonna live of making visual novels and february is time to get back to reality. Better make the game a bit shorter than to abandon it but if you keep taking that long you wont reach your goal ever and theres other games out there.
i think rushing will ruin the game.Besides,he said its story has 30days,every event relates each other,how to make it shorter?


Aug 17, 2016
Bad new.A great game is gonna be abandoned
I can kind of understand him. He's barely making 3k. After taxes that's a decent salary in Germany, but nothing overly great. Especially when the alternative is a job you need an university degree for.

Sure he's (probably) doing something he loves -who can really say the same?-, but no matter how you put it developing adult games is a very risky endeavor. One more TOS change by Patreon and his whole business could evaporate overnight. I can see why he would like to quickly accumulate some kind of monetary safety net. Something that gives him breathing room for a year or two should the market go tits up.

...that being said I think he -by now- also realizes that 8k are mightily unrealistic. I am confident that he will continue work on the game with a lower monthly pledge level as long as his trajectory is upwards. It isn't right now (he's pretty much stagnating for the last 4 months or so), but there's still some hope at least...


Aug 17, 2016
....get it done nobody is gonna live of making visual novels...
That's not really true though, is it? It's difficult for sure, but that is / was obviously his goal and there are definitely some (few) ppl who can live off of it...


Aug 15, 2017
That's not really true though, is it? It's difficult for sure, but that is / was obviously his goal and there are definitely some (few) ppl who can live off of it...
name one? and give me proof of it? and if you find proof? what happens when the game is done? you keep getting paid because people like you?


Aug 15, 2017
i think rushing will ruin the game.Besides,he said its story has 30days,every event relates each other,how to make it shorter?
You prefer that the game gets abandoned?? he said if he doesnt make 8k a month by february hes getting back to studying.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I don't know what everybody are panicking about he took some time from studies to try and focus on the game which means more time spend on the game and yes its until February maybe not as long as he needs to finish the game, but lets hope is enough time to increase the support of the game.


Aug 15, 2017
I don't know what everybody are panicking about he took some time from studies to try and focus on the game which means more time spend on the game and yes its until February maybe not as long as he needs to finish the game, but lets hope is enough time to increase the support of the game.
i hope that too, but the way the update are getting released i dont see that happening hopefully im wrong.


Aug 17, 2016
name one? and give me proof of it? and if you find proof? what happens when the game is done? you keep getting paid because people like you?
Well there *are* are handful of successful Patreons...one-man-shows getting basically paid anywhere near 3-6 times of a "regular salary".

What happens when their game is done? Well...they obviously start the next one. It's certainly not easy and certainly not as reliable as working a standard 9 to 5, but it *is* doable.


Jan 14, 2018
Well there *are* are handful of successful Patreons...one-man-shows getting basically paid anywhere near 3-6 times of a "regular salary".

What happens when their game is done? Well...they obviously start the next one. It's certainly not easy and certainly not as reliable as working a standard 9 to 5, but it *is* doable.
3 or 4 out of the 1,000 that'll soon be 10,000 devs doing adult stuff. It takes 100% of their time so they better be in it for the passion.

It's more like American Idol at this point. L&P is smart to think of his career. This is not something one can add on their resume, it's essentially a blank year.


Aug 17, 2016
3 or 4 out of the 1,000 that'll soon be 10,000 devs doing adult stuff. It takes 100% of their time so they better be in it for the passion.

It's more like american idol at this point. L&P is smart to think of his career. This is not something one can add on their resume, it's essentially an empty year.
I don't really disagree.

Imo, it's pretty similar to proclaiming "I'm gonna make my money as a streamer". The market supports a small handful of people...and spits out the rest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
Too many uncertanties overall to support any developer in this business, you never or very,very rarely see the game you supported finished, add to that, long hiatusés , lack of information, people get sick, people jump off Projects, the cat died etc. Money lost, unfortunatley. Its too bad for the few one´s that are comitted but they are on the other hand very few.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
I don't insult anyone's post on this site, but yours came as close as any to tempting me. I'll just say I strongly disagree with your statement.


Engaged Member
May 4, 2017
im guessing the 20th if not past that. i don’t think he should have given a date range as people will have false hope it gets delivered on the 14th.

i for one am excited to see more of the story but it looks like a possible 2 week wait from today if past history has shown as anything.
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