
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
- Now I will talk about this game. It's been very long time to find a developer who dare to make a demo without showing tits and sex scene. You my friend, @Lust&Passion, one of a rare breed, with good meaning. I like it, the story is good. This what I have looking for, a motive behind incest story, not suddenly Mom fucking Son with no damn reason, or just simply "My Son had big Cock, I want to ride him". I hate this kind.

- Please, just please stop argument with your fans and users, as you don't have obligation to reply them. Read them, eat the sweet & shit altogether, that is the developer fate. You must not criticize user's critics, whether it's a simply rants or a serious one.

- Your only reply is only when there's technical issue, and another one when request advice or polling. Other than that, don't make contact with users & players. This is your games, don't be controlled by your users, also don't control your user to like your game. Let the product speak for itself.

- For personal note, sadly I can't become a fan to this game due to RPGM. Visual Novel in RPGM, I always skip it, I don't care even Peter Jackson who make it, I hate 1000% VN-RPGM. So good luck with your games, AND STAY TRUE !!!
I also won't do that anymore (argue with anybody) and gonna concentrate on my next 0.02 version.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
My demo already got about 930 full staged renders! It's just the version 0.01 and just the third playable day of 30! And my story is already written! So believe me I can surely better estimate my game than you! And it WILL have about 10.000 renders and maybe 100-200 animations! I'm even afraid that it will have more than 10.000 renders in the end! That's why it's advisable now to decide if changing engine or not cause it would take surely much longer to rewrite a game with 7000 renders than the 930-1000 I got now!
I have to commend you here for a few things...
  1. The sheer number of renders you made just for the V.01 Demo. You put some real effort into this which bodes well for supporters in future releases.
  2. Add to that how good the renders look!
  3. While some may be surprised that there is no sex in this release, I actually think this is a much smarter move since it does well what most games gloss over when they are introduced and gives you a full back story where most initial releases give you a two paragraph backstory and a sex scene or two to goad us into supporting them.
  4. I actually like the fact the MC is a female as opposed to a male and while it may seem strange to me (a male) to play the female role I must admit I have always found the female version of events in an Incest theme to be better and hotter than the Male telling the story from their side.
I haven't actually played the game yet and I probably won't jump onto it until you get to V.03 or .04 but I will be keeping an eye on the development and follow you on Patreon.

If you are considering changing the engine I do suggest my preference for the Unity Engine as the two best games I have played both use that and it seems to create the most bug free releases.

I wish you luck and look forward to see where this game goes.


May 9, 2017
Just finished playing through the demo...
Obviously I'm disappointed that this is RPGM, but...
So far everything else is great. To back up Asphyx's point, the effort put forth on this initial release is great and I'm going to be keeping an eye on this.

You very clearly know what you're doing, and I'm excited to support this in the future!


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Just played through it for the sixth time. The perfect game of all. Worth at least $5,000!


Apr 11, 2017
The husband... I can't trust him.
I'm already preparing Sophia for the betrayal :FeelsBadMan:
I hate this guy already!! How that jerk can even think in let a wife like Sophia without sex for TWO WEEKS!!?
I'ts Unacceptable!!
I definitely will NOT turn Sophia into a whore and cuckold it's one of >>> MY <<< Top 5 Most Hated Fetishes, but this Liam deserves a lesson!
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I hate this guy already!! How that jerk can even think in let a wife like Sophia without sex for TWO WEEKS!!?
Well, this teen from his office with whom he was in a shop might be the reason why his gun is overused. She looks like a great reason
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Sep 30, 2017
I am not a fan of RPGM game i play only one .Is My New Life, this game will be te next one i play.I likr the history and the girls are super far better than those of my new life.Very GOOD WORK.


Oct 21, 2017
i know right? =) game is good. i would love to see more. i'll support if the project can move with a sufficient update or two. i also like how the "good" path is actually a "good wife" path. would love to see if that takes her on the route of doing stuff at her husband's request, like becoming a model at his work, dressing more the way he wants, get her involved in the dramas/situations/relationships/etc at his work, favors for his boss, who knows. a nice change on the usual boring good path bad path stuff
Likewise! I agree completely. I'm mainly worried about the "good wife path" is if it is a "waste of time" for Sophia. Especially if he cheats on her regardless. :confused:


Oct 21, 2017
Yep, his banging young girl already.
I wonder if we can steal the girl away from him?
I hate this guy already!! How that jerk can even think in let a wife like Sophia without sex for TWO WEEKS!!?
I'ts Unacceptable!!
I definitely will NOT turn Sophia into a whore and cuckold it's one of >>> MY <<< Top 5 Most Hated Fetishes, but this Liam deserves a lesson!
Same!!!! I honestly want Sophia to cheat on him with what's his name? Neil? The sister's husband. Cause he hates him. In general, I want him to suffer.


Sep 18, 2017
My two cents : some folks noticed that the Dev is "overly sensitive" about even mild criticism and a bit too eager to raise patreons. Way at the back of the thread, he said he's hoping he can get enough cash to quit his job and also quit college . For whatever reason, looks like he's gambling his whole life on this . And that would also explain why the Rpg Maker hard ceiling is a problem. Way back when, i also had my back against the Wall. I also was tempted to do a bold move to turn the tables on what i felt was a raw deal. There's nothing wrong with that. Quite the opposite, it takes some balls to do that. BUT i really hope he doesn't do the Cortes thing, and burn his ships. You always need a fallback plan. Always. I've taken a shine to this guy, even if i'm not playing his game. Hang in there, Lust & Passion, this is the first day of the rest of your long, long life. If it gets too much at times, just remember, in a hundred years, is someone gonna care about what's bugging you right now ? If not, you might as well shake it off too.


--Waifu maker--
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
Love this game so far,

NOT turning the MC into a whore or a slut tho, the husband most likely is cheating but that's fine,
that gave Sophia the motivation to get closer to her boy and her daughter seems to be in the direct collision with a mega spanking... she's also not turning into a slut, not while I have a say about her story ^^
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Apr 11, 2017
He will change the engine to Renpy and start from scratch, so... yeah, we will have another 0.1 in 3 weeks. Or maybe 6? Yeah. Great. Not.



Active Member
May 4, 2017
I've seen that, yes, he's switching to RenPy ! His demo was not so bad and pretty stable given the engine used, but I think it's a good choice for him and his game.

And I'm not happy, I have no more excuse for not giving him a buck :':)closedeyesmile:
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Oct 25, 2017
One of the best 0.1 version experiences I've had. Gonna check back in when the Renpy version is done and 0.2. Hope it goes well.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
My two cents : some folks noticed that the Dev is "overly sensitive" about even mild criticism and a bit too eager to raise patreons. Way at the back of the thread, he said he's hoping he can get enough cash to quit his job and also quit college . For whatever reason, looks like he's gambling his whole life on this . And that would also explain why the Rpg Maker hard ceiling is a problem. Way back when, i also had my back against the Wall. I also was tempted to do a bold move to turn the tables on what i felt was a raw deal. There's nothing wrong with that. Quite the opposite, it takes some balls to do that.
The biggest problem is not about turning his life around by gambling with this. The biggest problem is that he is extremely naive. Maybe because he's young, maybe that's just the way he is, I don't know. But what I do know is that anyone in any job has to keep their minds open.

If you looked at his posts, it showed how extremely proud he is with his product. His product is good, but quality alone is not equal to success. You can open a restaurant that serves higher quality food than McDonald's, but you might not make as much profit as McDonald's. That's why he's naive. He assumes that putting effort into making a great demo would suddenly bring in a lot of patrons to make him $10k+/month. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

Another example of the naivety is that he seems like he wants to run before he learns how to walk and he forgot that sometimes it just takes time before you can run. He's already talking about how his game will have 10k images. He's already talking about how $2k/month is not enough to make it worth his time. He doesn't seem to understand that through time, he can grow his brand. It's not a case of "1 good demo = people throwing their money at you". We don't even know what his timeline is. We don't know whether he can meet his deadline or not. Heck, now we might even have to wait 2 months for him to learn Renpy and rebuild the game.

Things change. Plans can change. Goal posts can move. The market moves. He needs to be flexible if he wants to achieve success. His naivety can cost him a great amount of money. He's upfront about money being his goal. That's fine. But understand just because he wants to make money, it doesn't mean that he will get the money. He needs to convince people that he is worth their money. One of the ways to convince people to be his patron is by having good PR. Unfortunately, his reaction to criticism, and his attack on other products/competitors haven't really been a good PR.

An easy example is my own criticism about the script needing to be proofread because of the many mistakes. I gave the example of "soccer court" and "basketball field". His initial reply was to say that those words weren't even in the game after he searched on his script. I replied and showed him the screenshots of the in-game texts. He replied further by saying that those shall remain in the game and I could easily fast-forward the text. Then he added that he could speak 5 languages and questioned how many languages I could speak. Lastly, he demanded me to name another game that has perfect Shakespeare-like English.

In that short exchange, what he did was:
1. He either lied that those mistakes didn't exist in the script. OR he couldn't actually search texts in his script. Either way, it's not a good sign.
2. Once proven that the mistakes exist, he didn't want to fix the mistakes. Another question mark because if it's a simple text mistakes like that and he already didn't want to fix them, then would he bother fixing other problems?
3. He wrote A LOT of dialogue/texts in the game, yet he suggested to fast-forward them as a solution. Why bother writing out a story if people are told to skip them? Not to mention that it doesn't solve the problem because obviously finding the mistake requires me having to read it first. If already read, there is no point in skipping it.
4. He boasted about being able to speak 5 languages. This is completely irrelevant because it wasn't about how many languages he can speak. Even native English speaker should proofread their script.
5. Asking for another game that has perfect English. Another irrelevant part because what other games do have exactly zero bearing on what he should be doing for his own game.

In conclusion, he is his own worst enemy. He can be the most successful creator in patreon, but he can also easily end up self-destruct. For better or worse, I do hope he can learn something from what happened this last week. It'd be such a shame if arguably the best demo ended up dead before it could really grow.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
I just hope he doesn't rush it.

Au Pair for instance, feels like a buggy mess on Ren'Py because the developer rushed to move it. Part of this games charm is how high quality it feels compared to the rest of RPGMaker games. Learning an entire engine in 3 weeks just doesn't seem doable whilst mainting the original polish/quality he had. Maybe he should look for a coder, there will be a plethora that see the clear monetary potential in his game and might want in on the action from the get go.

I think this is a mistake and this developers attitude is just giving me too many red flags. So far he has release exactly one demo, an extremely good demo admittedly, but still, it's a 0.01 demo. Now he's already talking about remaking it in another engine, talking about how he doesn't have far more patreons and talking about how RPGMaker won't handle his "10,000 images".

It's way to impulsive for my liking.

Let's just hope this is a good idea, because this really had a fuck load of potential.
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