Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
Because they're 2 or 3 sentence vapid, sycophantic responses that offer no feedback, whereas the ones that disagree actually have well thought-out analyses and explanations of why the twist feels so wrong. I would think that the latter is more useful than the former for a creator.
You could of just said subservient :ROFLMAO:,sorry I am bored


May 27, 2019
I really wish even if he didn't have the Dylan scenes play out he would at least incorporate them into fantasies. This is one of the few games where it feels like the fantasy options most games include would make sense. You can't tell me Dylan wouldn't relive the pool fight or yoga in his mind with even more than what happened.


Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
I hadn't expressed myself about the Dylan plan yet, but beyond your arguments I still think that the twist seems forced and out of nowhere. Faking being bullied and even being hit just to see her mom in sexier dresses in the school? First, he can see her in bikini and underwear in his own house. Second, you have given us hints about Dylan being unconfortable of how others look at her. Now, does he want to share her mother attributes with his schoolmates?

The twists that nobody expect are interesting as long as they are coherent and happen in a logic and realistic territory, something that in this case doesn't ocurr.

On the other hand, I noticed that the animations quality dropped in this update. I know that is a lot of work behind the game, but try not to decrease the quality of those things.

That also happened in the other events, like Sophia over the sybian.

But I don't want to mention only the negative aspects of this update. I think that the Sophia/Ellie/Julia event was
impeccable. That event has your trademark: great build up, good pace, tension and huge erotism. The opposite of Liam scenes in this update. The Alyssa event was great too.
Dylan doesn't want to see her in school, it's Aiden who does! Well, and Zac but because he's got a crush on her. For Dylan it's in general! That Sophia did the bikini fashion show is for Dylan the proof that his plan starts to work out. This way he also promises himself that maybe she will be more open in "educating" him. Dylan doesn't like Aiden either. You can see that in the way he's talking to him! He uses him just to get something for himself and to help his mom to feel as she felt before. And Aiden exploits this situation just for fun to see how far his teacher would go for her son. Dylan could neither know that Aiden would try something like that nor that his mom would actually play along (and even starts to have fun with that!). And I don't remember that Dylan said anything against someone who was looking at his mom. A couple of times you had the chance to say something if some guy, for example Darnell, gave a salacious comment in her direction. But you could also stay quiet!

And as for the animations. I'm just not using many frames, that's all! I don't want to spend 20 frame renders just for a flewd back and forth on the sybian! As soon as we get to the real interesting scenes I will use more frames and the animations will look much better.

I mean seriously? You think taking her out and then he will ask her "Mom, can you please wear skimpy dresses from now on? Preferably braless, by showing much of your legs and cleavage. Like you did earlier". You think Sophia would say yes???

... uhm!? What was that in the bikini show? She did say yes!? Or? :unsure: :cautious:
The bikini fashion show only takes place if Sophia accepted Aiden's deal! If she didn't, there's another event with Amber and Sam at the pool (chicken fight)! So, it actually could be that the moment when the class saw her wide cleavage (that exciting feeling in this situation), plus the good relationship to her son, helped her with that decision! And she also didn't know which kind of bikinis Dylan would buy. And there's even a short moment in that bikini show when Dylan says silently "I can't believe it really worked!" And Sophia asks "Um, sorry?" Dylan: "Ah, nothing. I... just think you look so great in it that... I can't think of any words to describe it." Here you can already see that Dylan thinks that his plan works out!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
Because they're 2 or 3 sentence vapid, sycophantic responses that offer no feedback, whereas the ones that disagree actually have well thought-out analyses and explanations of why the twist feels so wrong. I would think that the latter is more useful than the former for a creator.
lol :WaitWhat::FacePalm:You mean like the one I gave you detailing why I thought your analysis of the situations was incorrect? It's more like you can't accept anyone else's opinion unless it agrees with your own and anyone who doesn't you react childishly towards. :WeSmart:No matter. You antics are amusing to watch none the less :KEK:
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Jan 29, 2020
Hey I have script error day18_back_home_kitchen ... I saw someone say main page and click fix icon but I don't find if someone can help ?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I'm finding it amusing that I seem to be one of the few people that thinks that the Dylan twist is entirely within his character.

I'm just disappointed he turns up in the Yoga event. Personally I would have liked to leave him in town and picked him up after yoga. Let him stew in his idiocy for a few hours.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
No no you have to read between the lines. See what happened is that in order for Dylan to look appropriately beat up, but not damaged in any way, he had to get a professional fixer to do it. So he heard about Don Morello and his ties with organized crime and went to him for some help. Intrigued by what Dylan wanted he asked why and found out about Sophia's problem so he in turn also wanted to help her and concocted the scheme of her trying to impress his brother so she would also have to dress sexy for that as well. Getting back to Dylan he sent his best bruiser to take care of him and set up his well placed marks. The most dreaded man in all of the underworld that nobody would dare cross.... Mr. Murray the postman.
If this was true, would've been a better explanation than what we've got!


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
You're forgetting that Dylan don't know what you, as the player, know for a long time. You know the police can't deal with Ayden, but Dylan didn't know that. O.K, he knew about Aiden's uncle, but as L&P already mentioned (and as natural as it is), Dylan didn't knew exactly what Ayden was capable of, nor he knew where he will take it.
H.B compared it with someone contracting a hitman to commit a murder, but this comparison is B.S! Better compare it with someone contracting a thug to punch someone, but instead the thug pulls out a shotgun and shoot that someone 12 times... Dylan couldn't know where Ayden will take his simple task. We know where he took it, because we have a different pov, but Dylan didn't have this perspective. For sure he's dumb, very dumb. But Some here take this way to personally... (imo)
you maybe right that dylan didnt know everything about aiden, BUT and yes it is a BIG BUT, zac has lived there for years meaning he DID know all about aiden, and he kwen all about the deal dylan and aiden made. just get her to dress a little sexier, NOT a 12yr old show and tell show, which would make zac as big or even bigger asshole than dylan, reason why, zac was in the classroom too and she did both shows right after she talked aiden in the back of the room, and where was zac? in front row seating with a close up view and he never said one word to his so called friend dylan. some friend he is, lol. and she should have caught all of this about zac when he tried to play young and dumb too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
Also, if he was to say that Dylan planned this as a way to get back at his mother for trying to send him to boarding school, that would be hard to swallow, but would make a lot more sense.
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Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
You're forgetting that Dylan don't know what you, as the player, know for a long time. You know the police can't deal with Ayden, but Dylan didn't know that. O.K, he knew about Aiden's uncle, but as L&P already mentioned (and as natural as it is), Dylan didn't knew exactly what Ayden was capable of, nor he knew where he will take it.
H.B compared it with someone contracting a hitman to commit a murder, but this comparison is B.S! Better compare it with someone contracting a thug to punch someone, but instead the thug pulls out a shotgun and shoot that someone 12 times... Dylan couldn't know where Ayden will take his simple task. We know where he took it, because we have a different pov, but Dylan didn't have this perspective. For sure he's dumb, very dumb. But Some here take this way to personally... (imo)
you maybe right that dylan didnt know everything about aiden, BUT and yes it is a BIG BUT, zac has lived there for years meaning he DID know all about aiden, and he kwen all about the deal dylan and aiden made. just get her to dress a little sexier, NOT a 12yr old show and tell show, which would make zac as big or even bigger asshole than dylan, reason why, zac was in the classroom too and she did both shows right after she talked aiden in the back of the room, and where was zac? in front row seating with a close up view and he never said one word to his so called friend dylan. some friend he is, lol. and she should have caught all of this about zac when he tried to play young and dumb too.
The thing is Dylan knew who Aiden was and his background when he made the deal. He even admits this when he confesses to Sophia in the Dorm Room.

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