Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
You're forgetting that Dylan don't know what you, as the player, know for a long time. You know the police can't deal with Ayden, but Dylan didn't know that. O.K, he knew about Aiden's uncle, but as L&P already mentioned (and as natural as it is), Dylan didn't knew exactly what Ayden was capable of, nor he knew where he will take it.
H.B compared it with someone contracting a hitman to commit a murder, but this comparison is B.S! Better compare it with someone contracting a thug to punch someone, but instead the thug pulls out a shotgun and shoot that someone 12 times... Dylan couldn't know where Ayden will take his simple task. We know where he took it, because we have a different pov, but Dylan didn't have this perspective. For sure he's dumb, very dumb. But Some here take this way to personally... (imo)
The principle of the "hitman" analogy is that hiring/enlisting someone unscrupulous to do something illegal, like blackmail, makes the person who hired/enlisted them equally, if not more, guilty.

It's not enough to just say that Dylan "made a mistake". That minimises what is a truly despicable thing by making it seem like it's not a big deal. As Dr.Fapalot pointed out, Dylan seems to have known Aiden's reputation yet went ahead with his insane plane anyway, which means he knew it wasn't a good idea but still went ahead with it.

Perhaps a better analogy would be that of drunk driver; they know they shouldn't drive home drunk because they might hurt themselves or others, so when they run someone over and injure or kill them, trying to use the "it was a mistake" defense isn't going to work because they knew that what they were doing was wrong but did it anyway.

Hi Lust&Passion, first of all I want to clarify that my criticism tries to benefit your game, so I try to be the most objective possibly and not obey just to my personal taste.

The problem is that the reward that Dylan wantend (her mother wearing sexier clothes) is too little, too bland, for all the plan he made with someone, as you say, he doesn't even like. As I said Dylan can see Sophia in underwear and bikini in his own house, so wanting see her with sexier dresses in school for his own pleasure doesn't seem to justify all that he planned. Also, in the game was never mentioned before something like Dylan had worries about a Sophia's midlife crisis and it's not like she dresses like a nun or something, she wears pretty fine always. For example, the outfit with leggings that she had when she swings Dylan is pretty sexy, modern and youthful. So, from all the directions the plan seems absurd.

On the other hand, I think you should think not only in the reasons that Dylan could have to make that plan, but in the consequences of incorporating a twist like that in the story too. Dylan's character has been generating a lot of sympathy and empathy in the players as a shy and bullied boy. Many people was roothing for Dylan because of that and they had a huge expectation about what would happen after the self defense training, that was a suspenful part of the story. But now everything collapses: Dylan now is immensely dumb, a manipulator, he tells Aiden what to do, is not shy anymore, and Aiden was not bullying him. Then, this likeable character loses his charm. All in just one scene.

My advise is just simply delete those dialogs about the Dylan's confession. Cut it out. The expectation of what will happen between the bullied and the bully will still there. That conflict situation will continue being interesting and Dylan will not lose fans unnecessarily. I will give you an example: Back to the Future. Do you think that movie would have the same reputation without the Marty's conflict with the bully Biff?
I wish I could like this post 100 times because it is absolutely spot on and very well said. This revelation has ruined Dylan's character, not simply because his plan is far-fetched and preposterously presumptuous of so many things, but because it seems out of character for him to even think of putting his mother in such a position. Who in their right mind would ever think faking a blackmail could help someone, especially someone in your own family?

It's not just poor lack of judgement on Dylan's part, it's a poor subplot altogether.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Dylan doesn't want to see her in school, it's Aiden who does! Well, and Zac but because he's got a crush on her. For Dylan it's in general! That Sophia did the bikini fashion show is for Dylan the proof that his plan starts to work out. This way he also promises himself that maybe she will be more open in "educating" him.
How can your argument be "Dylan doesn't want to see her in school, it's Aiden who does", when Dylan is the one asking one of her students to make her "dress more sexy"? Aiden being the one to pressure her into doing it is somewhat irrelevant because although he certainly wants to see her dress this way, Dylan is still the one who instigated it. It doesn't matter that Dylan isn't in her class and won't see her dressed like this when he's at school, as he surely must be aware that this is where it's going to happen. Where else, exactly, does Dylan think this is going to happen? Does this mean that we are we now expected to believe that Dylan is so stupid as to think that Aiden would make her dress like this at home where Aiden can't see it?

I honestly fail to see why blackmailing Sophia into flashing cleavage at her class is necessary to make her model bikinis for her own son to help him practice photography or that this will make her more open to her son's sexual education. At the end of the day, he is still her son and doing things like this for him could simply be seen as a loving, motherly act and not dependent on an outside force making her do one small sexual thing. And even though this one small, seemingly insignificant thing is enough to give her that little push, it would still work if the blackmail was real and not a far-fetched ploy of Dylan's, so it makes Dylan being responsible for the blackmail seem quite superfluous.

Dylan doesn't like Aiden either. You can see that in the way he's talking to him! He uses him just to get something for himself and to help his mom to feel as she felt before. And Aiden exploits this situation just for fun to see how far his teacher would go for her son. Dylan could neither know that Aiden would try something like that nor that his mom would actually play along (and even starts to have fun with that!).
But the fact that Aiden isn't trustworthy and has a bad reputation should be a huge red flag for Dylan. He can't control what Aiden will do to make Sophia wear sexier clothing, so why trust him in the first place? It's essentially like giving a car thief the keys to a showroom and thinking that they won't steal the cars. As the saying goes, "ignorance of the law is no excuse", so Dylan's ignorance of Aiden is also no excuse, especially when he is aware that he's bad news.


And I don't remember that Dylan said anything against someone who was looking at his mom. A couple of times you had the chance to say something if some guy, for example Darnell, gave a salacious comment in her direction. But you could also stay quiet!
I feel like this gets to a big heart of the matter here. Yes, there are choices to make Dylan OK or not OK with other guys making suggestive comments about his mother (Darnell) or touching his mother (Sam), but for those who have gone down the "not OK" route, his actions here run counter to the impression that people have had about him; that he is protective of his mother. Getting someone who is knowingly unscrupulous to pretend to blackmail his mother does not seem like something a protective son would do.

What's happened here is that players are being forced into an unavoidable subplot that does not make sense with what they have seen of a certain character. If there was a way that Dylan being the instigator of the blackmail could be based on the choices of the player, then maybe it would be different, but this is now the universal constant on all paths and that's a big part of the problem for people whose perception of Dylan, based on what they have played, is that he would never do such a thing and that he's much smarter than this.

The other fundamental problem is that the results of the blackmail (bikini fashion show) would be exactly the same even without Dylan being the one who made it happen and if Aiden was actually bullying him. It's like the first Indiana Jones film, where the key events of that movie (Nazis find the Ark, take it to a remote island to open it, and they all die) would have happened anyway without Indy's involvement. Dylan being responsible for it is superfluous and actually damages the perception of his character rather than making him a sympathetic character as he was when it was believed he was the subject of actual bullying.


Oct 21, 2017
i get this error on day 18 (i think) .when sophia goes to the store.. what can i do ?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
ScriptError: could not find label 'day18_Back_home_kitchen'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "script4.rpyc", line 3182, in script
File "E:\Digital Desire\JOCURI\AWAM-0.100-pc\1 GAME FOLDER\renpy\ast.py", line 1697, in execute
rv = renpy.game.script.lookup(target)
File "E:\Digital Desire\JOCURI\AWAM-0.100-pc\1 GAME FOLDER\renpy\script.py", line 898, in lookup
raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'day18_Back_home_kitchen'.

A Wife And Mother Vers. 0.100 0.100
Thu Sep 17 16:38:22 2020
  • Like
Reactions: Switcher


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
i get this error on day 18 (i think) .when sophia goes to the store.. what can i do ?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
ScriptError: could not find label 'day18_Back_home_kitchen'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "script4.rpyc", line 3182, in script
File "E:\Digital Desire\JOCURI\AWAM-0.100-pc\1 GAME FOLDER\renpy\ast.py", line 1697, in execute
rv = renpy.game.script.lookup(target)
File "E:\Digital Desire\JOCURI\AWAM-0.100-pc\1 GAME FOLDER\renpy\script.py", line 898, in lookup
raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'day18_Back_home_kitchen'.

A Wife And Mother Vers. 0.100 0.100
Thu Sep 17 16:38:22 2020

learn to see back page

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
No the player has had the chance to refuse Aiden,players choice,so you do have a choice.
Sophia wore the summer dress that Alyssa bought her on her way back to Alyssa's house and also on her way home.
So this is an advancement.
The bikini fashion show was more about Sophia feeling good about herself and not just about sex with Dylan,the same with the pictures,Dylan wanted to show his mother how great she looked.
I really would of thought that we would of got past this by now.Fine if you agree or disagree with twist fine but remember you all had your choices on whether to accept the blackmail or not.
Here's the thing, and I'm going to be very blunt about this, I don't give a FUCK about the fact that the blackmail can be rejected! The issue is NOT that there is a blackmail attempt, it's about why it's even necessary for Dylan to be the one who instigated it.

If this were actual blackmail as we all believed it was, then things would be happening exactly the same way as they are now. By making Dylan responsible for it, all that does is paint Dylan in a very bad light because what the hell was going through his head to make him think that blackmail, that's BLACKMAIL, was a good idea to try to get his mother out of a perceived midlife crisis? It's insane to think that such a heinous thing would cross his mind, especially because this his own mother we're talking about it. Just think of the emotional turmoil he's putting her through, to put her in a position where she believes the safety and well-being of her own son is being threatened, all because he wants her to wear more revealing clothing. It is ludicrously extreme and fraught with huge potential to completely blow up in his face and ruin his relationship with Sophia. So why do it?

Sophia has a sister, Dylan's Aunt, and their neighbour is an old, close friend of Sophia's from where they used to live. If he wanted help, then ask them! Tell them he thinks she's in a funk and that she deserves to be shown a good time, to "loosen" her up, and they could invite her to do things with them that could shake her out of this supposed funk and give the exact same results. This is a much simpler, cleaner, and more believable scenario than what we currently have.

Radoslaw Wolf

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
These saves are at the end of update vers.0.100.
1-1-lT.save Filthy route/Alyssa/bennet/Aiden/morello/Nursing home.self defence.
1-2-LT.save.Filthy route/Yoga/Ellie/Julia/Bennet/Aiden/Home schooling.
1-3-LT.save Filthy route/Hone schooling/Bennet/No Aiden/boarding school.Morello.
1-4-LT.save Good Wife route.
Latest Walk Through
Mind sharing sub-route 1-3 BEFORE update vers.0.100, bud?

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Ask his aunt come on get real.patrica has already tried and so has Alyssa but to no avail.
So I will be blunt if you don't like the blackmail route don't play it simple, problem solved.
You had the choice and you decided to play it, so there is no use in crying about it now,let it go and move on to other things.
If Bennet does fuck Sophia ,I am not going to rant all week about it because I disagree with the outcome.I played that route so I will have to accept the result.
This is the last time that I will be talking about this as there are more interesting thing to discuss like the next update.
You're not getting it. It's not about playing that path or not playing it, it's about Dylan being responsible for it. It honestly does not make any sense at all because who in their right mind thinks that arranging a fake blackmail plot, against their own family member, with no guarantee of success, in order to achieve something so trivial, is justified?

There's no harm in speaking to Patricia or Amber about Sophia, but there is great harm in using someone like Aiden to stage a blackmail. And on the Patricia path, if the player chooses to accept everything she does, then it's pretty clear that Sophia is loosening up because of her influence. Same thing with Alyssa because, as we saw in this update, she rides a freaking a sybian, for Christ's sake! The Sophia at the beginning of the game would never have done that, and even without the influence of the blackmail, she can do that. This is because she's getting influenced by other things thereby showing that these other ways are effective.

Therefore, if Dylan really wanted to help his mother, asking Patricia and/or Amber for help would work because we've been shown, at least with Patricia, that Sophia IS changing because of her influence so that shows she can have an effect on her. It's also far more likely that Dylan would turn to one or both of these people for help than Aiden because if you're concerned for a family, your first port of call is always going to be family and friends to try and help them out.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Dylan is young/stupid and full of hormones
I'm sick of that excuse. Age is no excuse for thinking blackmail, real or fake, is acceptable, especially when using it on your own family for such a trivial reason. This is the kind of thing I never expected from a game of this calibre, and it is beyond disappointing that L&P has chosen to go down this non-sensical route.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Here's the thing, and I'm going to be very blunt about this, I don't give a FUCK about the fact that the blackmail can be rejected! The issue is NOT that there is a blackmail attempt, it's about why it's even necessary for Dylan to be the one who instigated it.

If this were actual blackmail as we all believed it was, then things would be happening exactly the same way as they are now. By making Dylan responsible for it, all that does is paint Dylan in a very bad light because what the hell was going through his head to make him think that blackmail, that's BLACKMAIL, was a good idea to try to get his mother out of a perceived midlife crisis? It's insane to think that such a heinous thing would cross his mind, especially because this his own mother we're talking about it. Just think of the emotional turmoil he's putting her through, to put her in a position where she believes the safety and well-being of her own son is being threatened, all because he wants her to wear more revealing clothing. It is ludicrously extreme and fraught with huge potential to completely blow up in his face and ruin his relationship with Sophia. So why do it?

Sophia has a sister, Dylan's Aunt, and their neighbour is an old, close friend of Sophia's from where they used to live. If he wanted help, then ask them! Tell them he thinks she's in a funk and that she deserves to be shown a good time, to "loosen" her up, and they could invite her to do things with them that could shake her out of this supposed funk and give the exact same results. This is a much simpler, cleaner, and more believable scenario than what we currently have.
Comes down to, Dylan isn't the little ray of light of his mothers ass everyone like to see him as....or...it's just plain bad writing. Or a combination of both. On my first point, I've always thought he came across as creepy and bad...not sure why he gets so much love.

I'm sick of that excuse. Age is no excuse for thinking blackmail, real or fake, is acceptable, especially when using it on your own family for such a trivial reason. This is the kind of thing I never expected from a game of this calibre, and it is beyond disappointing that L&P has chosen to go down this non-sensical route.
Exactly...utter bollox. I was never like that growing up. Such a lame ass cheat lazy excuse for behaviour.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Comes down to, Dylan isn't the little ray of light of his mothers ass everyone like to see him as....or...it's just plain bad writing. Or a combination of both. On my first point, I've always thought he came across as creepy and bad...not sure why he gets so much love.

Exactly...utter bollox. I was never like that growing up. Such a lame ass cheat lazy excuse for behaviour.
Dylan certainly came across as curious about Sophia, but he never quite reached the heights of creepiness we see in pretty much every other game and he certainly didn't seem stupid enough to make an arrangement like this or to be so manipulative.

People can say all they want that this was just "good intentions" that went awry, but what kind of fucked up justification is that to excuse a fake emotional blackmail of your own mother? In Kingsman, Valentine might have had "good intentions" in trying to solve the world's climate and resource problems, but he was committing mass genocide. It doesn't matter what your intentions are if your method is despicable. Age is not a reasonable excuse either unless you're an absolute sociopath which Dylan has certainly never appeared to be.

Ultimately, there is no good excuse or justification for this twist.

3.20 star(s) 485 Votes