
Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
Judging by the last wave of 10 or 15 reviews almost all of which were 1 star and half of the comments since the update being unhappy players shitting on this update or the game this was a major flop that has disappointed the crowds.

This is not the result of some sort of sudden change in the game. Sophia has not broken character at all. The pacing did not suddenly speed up or slow down. It has been on this trajectory for some time now.

This is not the result of less sex scenes. The opposite is actually true there were actually 3 very sexual scenes in this update.
1) Fucking husband
2) Sexual Fantasy about prisoner (7 renders no animation)
3) Mutual masturbation daughter

This is probably the MOST SEX scene in any update to this date.

This dissatisfaction stems from people playing this game since October 22 2017. That is a little over 3 years of build up... For what? Thousands of renders... THOUSANDS of renders of normal day to day life. If Sophia brushed her teeth, or combed her hair, or got tan, or went for a walk, or picked up groceries... Everything got a render. Rarely one render, often times a group of renders to tell that part of the story. What does it all culminate in? This long road that has been traveled full of swimming and stretching and watching the televeision after having breakfast... What's it all add up to that has people so upset? 7 renders... 7 that is all the renders allocated to the fantasy sex scene, and 0 animations.

It's as if you were watching something charge up and charge up and get more and more energy built up around an explosion. The build up is of nuclear weapon proportions! What is the boom though? Just 1 little stick of dynamite. It's one nice little boom yea sure... Not what was built up to though.

The addition of the new inmate character also only makes things so much worse for character fanbases. There are fanboys for Dylan. There are fanboys for Sam. Dylan first Dylan first no Sam first! Other characters like Aiden even though hated by many still have a fan base. Did any of these guys or other existing guys get any action in today's story? Not a drop. They live in the desert. Liam does not count after the first fuck he already got his. None of them even got a handjob unless you count sophia accidentally touching her son's junk during a tickle match. None of them has even gotten a "Fantasy Sex Scene" yet. This new guy we never met before that is in prison comes along then it's all like he gets that fantasy sex scene first? New guy day 1 huh? Those characters with hundreds of renders and hundreds of lines of dialogue all built up for what? To step aside and let piece of shit inmate get a hold of Sophia's fine ass first!? Come on now... It's OBVIOUS why people are pissed.

That is why people are seething. That is why this thread is full of rage. That is why people are dropping patreon support. A weak sexual explosion when a strong one has been called for coupled with that explosion being with the wrong 2 people. Liam who already got his and nobody gives a shit about ,and the inmate who is on day 1.

Don't get me wrong. I like L&P and I like this game. He, and I have chatted before on a couple of occasions and he is nice guy. I wish him well. One part of me respects that he is doing what is his artistic vision in spite of the crowds demands and has managed to do so for so long. Props for that. Another part of me says "Give the people what they want!" Playing his game has been inspirational in my own game development. Even chatted him up, and got his blessing on tossing Sophia a little cameo to our game. He has always been a perfect gentleman every time we spoke. Seems like a friendly guy. I got no beef with him.

As a newer lesser known developer I know just how difficult making a high quality game is. I work in a team of 2, L&P does it all by himself. We manage to get our first release off with over a thousand renders and 10 animations out on practically no patreon support at all (now 8 patrons and 17 bucks after our release all of which and more goes towards debts incurred while making a game and we are deep in the hole for now) racking up a fair amount of debt in the process... I know the financial griefs behind making a game. We don't work for free. We work for negative money slaves to our game at this point in time.

It can be difficult not to be envious of a man who releases a game with about 1/3 the renders and 0/10 of the animations that we have done in a similar time frame that is making significantly more money than we are. I can understand how some people's eyes would turn green with envy and be like "fuck that guy!" from my position. Not me though, I have spoken with him, and I wish the guy luck ,and hope he gets his supporters back one day, and his fan base eventually becomes happy when he finally decides to deliver with what has been built up for what seems like an eternity. He knows he would make more money if he delivered the sex sooner. He is keeping to his artistic vision in spite of the crowd chanting for something else.

If he keeps doing what he is doing, and my team keeps doing why my team does... I just hope he isn't green with envy when we pass him up on patreon one day. We will get there some day. Our last 9 reviews were 5 stars with 8 patrons, his last 9 reviews were 1 star with 1400+ patrons.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
What i wanna know is, why the fuck is the Vicky BF event is connected to a lesbian route and it doesn't show up in straight route when the event itself is so hetero focused?...
Cool, so I'm not the only one that has a problem that. As I was saying, if it was just a matter of being friends with Vicky without needing the lesbian points, it would have made sense
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Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
The prison scene sure has everyone's attention.

Here's something to think about if your version of Sophia is on the Filthy Route: this is one of the first opportunities we've had to interact with an unrelated man in a sexually charged situation.

Think about that.

After all of the updates, over all of these years, most of the men that Sophia has had to deal with are either related (by blood or other relationship), young, or professional associates. Since the movers, I don't believe there has been a man in Sophia's life that doesn't fall into one of those categories. Larry is the rare man that is purely someone outside of her social sphere, and that does change things. While nothing about this situation is "normal", Sophia also isn't limited by societal expectations like she is with the other men in her life. Larry is a blank slate, the rules of their relationship are not written yet. Not even DeShawn is as removed from her social sphere as Larry is.

I look at her interaction with Larry as the first opportunity we've had to see just how corrupted she has become. As I see it, the insinuations are clear:

1. Sophia isn't as innocent as we have been led to believe.
2. The taboo nature of her other relationships are the primary issue holding her back.

I've seen a few people mention how it doesn't make sense to them that Sophia would be so aggressive with Larry when she has rejected/fought against relationships with other men that she knows better. But clearly L&P is telling us that the taboos of incest and age are not going to be brushed aside easily. At the same time, Sophia is not a woman without desires and a sultry (not sluty!) side. When given the opportunity to be playful with an unrelated man who desires her, she wasn't appalled. The corruption is taking its toll. This is what we've been waiting for, it's just happening in a way that we didn't expect.

This leads me to believe that the first man to have sex with her that isn't Liam will be someone unrelated and older. Sam, Dylan, Aiden, Zach, etc, I think are out of the running. The pathway to her cheating now goes through the Morello plotline. She wants a man, not a boy, and frankly I think that makes total sense.

Perhaps too many of us have become too accustomed to incest storylines, but it seems L&P is digging in against the idea that incest will come easy. If you're into the realism of this story, this makes complete sense.

There's another benefit to this. It gives Sophia as a character more agency over her story. Instead of being the damsel in distress that is being corrupted, she is a woman who is owning her sexuality. That doesn't mean she's going to fuck everyone in sight, but it does make her a more interesting character. Instead of her constant hemming and hawing over her odd sexual interactions with her kids, we finally have a chance to see Sophia being assertive and proactive in her own story.

The problem with this thought is that L&P didn't really lay much ground work for it. I still maintain my poor opinion of this update.
A 38-year-old woman, 2 children, who also teaches biology, cannot be innocent.

But you have to take into account that she has had sex only with her husband, which makes her almost a virgin for some, as Patricia used to say.
This makes her a bit self-conscious when she meets Larry, and she brags about it.
Surprisingly, she finds herself dreaming of having sex with him, the desire is so great that it takes over. Note that there is no alcohol here.
As the postman said, when we remove the social prejudices we will see the real Sophia.
We can say that something stops Sophia in her relationship with others: being her family or being very young.

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
A 38-year-old woman, 2 children, who also teaches biology, cannot be innocent.

But you have to take into account that she has had sex only with her husband, which makes her almost a virgin for some, as Patricia used to say.
This makes her a bit self-conscious when she meets Larry, and she brags about it.
Surprisingly, she finds herself dreaming of having sex with him, the desire is so great that it takes over. Note that there is no alcohol here.
As the postman said, when we remove the social prejudices we will see the real Sophia.
We can say that something stops Sophia in her relationship with others: being her family or being very young.
Sophia may of only had sex with her husband since she has been married but before that she was not so innocent if you pick up on the clues that you get from conversations between Patricia and herself.
Sophia only calmed down it seems when she got pregnant and later married.
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New Member
Jan 3, 2019
It's really a good game, slowly building anticipation, has a good story, but the main problem right now is, slow update and little content within each update, I hope at least for the next updates we see more content.


Nov 29, 2019
Dunno why people are so confused about the prison scene in this update, this is the same woman who took a public shower with the black janitor and got aroused trying to sneak a peek at his dick... guess people forgot about that.

Not the best update but not the worst either. Would prefer more dylan / Zac content, or even have Dylan and ellie get into some awkward situations together. ;)


Mar 3, 2020
Forgive me, but you do not take into account many factors!
1. The meeting takes place in the development of previous events.
2. The special environment of the prison, the presence of police officers and a husband, who are not far away.
3. A nice, interesting guy who, despite being behind the glass, quite successfully dominates Sofia.
4. The need to solve the problem of the husband's debts.
5. In the end, she is just a woman and can have her weaknesses, which manifested themselves in the current situation.

I don't think it's worth it to assess Sophia's behavior as harshly as you are. ))
Absolutely agree. I found it interesting how quickly Morello got her to relax her inhibitions to the point that she was soon fantasising about the size of his cock and how it would feel inside her.

And I think we kind of forget that it was only a matter of a few days ago that Mr Bennett had her foot on his cock letting her know both physically and verbally just how big he was and how good he could make her feel.
(Incidentally, that made me think that his story-line still has some mileage even though I know many others will disgree).

If not then I hope that Don Morello insists that she go back to the prison for a conjugal visit to finally pay off the debt because it seemed that this was a remarkably easy way out to clear the massive amount of money that Liam supposedly lost in the casino!!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Sophia may of only had sex with her husband since she has been married but before that she was not so innocent if you pick up on the clues that you get from conversations between Patricia and herself.
Sophia only calmed down it seems when she got pregnant/married.
Do you think that youthful sexual excitement and interest in sex awakens in her?


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
No, we need to hold L&P's feet the fire on this one. Every time we (and I include myself in this) have made excuses for him, we have enabled him to put out an unsatisfactory update.

This update isn't "slow pace", it is as close to "no pace" as we can get. L&P took 100 days to move the story millimeters, not even inches. Anyone who follows this game knew the outline of this update, so I don't think any had unrealistic expectations. But that doesn't mean the story can't advance- that Sophia's characterization can't advance- more than a few millimeters.

Let's look at the sauna scene because I think everyone agrees that it is a huge wasted opportunity.

Putting aside for a second the lack of sexual content in this scene, let's just focus on the narrative progression. Since this is the first time we've interacted with DeShawn, it would be great to interact with him and see how he and Sophia relate; but instead we get boring exposition.

"And this is also what they did and got to know each other better.

Especially Sophia and DeShawn, who had a lot in common such as their enthusiasm for sports. They got along pretty well.

He told Sophia about his success in college with the basketball team, whereas Sophia revealed to him that she also played basketball in college and that she wasn't even that bad (Emphasis mine, but WTF???? Wasn't even that bad? What kind of back handed insult is this?)

But since women don't really earn much from it, she just studied sports and after her time as a lecturer, she decided to become a high school teacher.

In fact, Sophia found him very likable. And so they kept chatting about basketball and workouts, whereas Vicky, of course, also wasn't ignored."

What the hell is this writing? This is boring by every definition. This is a visual medium, the motto "show, don't tell" exists for a reason. Instead, we get 5 poorly written lines across 1 static image telling us about the conversation that we're supposed to be a part of. This is lazy in the worst possible way. This conversation should have been fluid, showing the three of them engaging in an interesting conversation and enjoying one another. Instead, we're told that they had a conversation, and that Sophia enjoyed it, but we don't actually get to see the conversation or experience it. This is an absolute master class in things you should not do when trying to tell a story. We get no sense of DeShawn as a character with this boring exposition. We don't even get any sense of Vicky as she is only referenced awkwardly in the last line "Whereas Vicky, of course, also wasn't ignored." Like, what the fuck is that?

Then, immediately following this exciting exchange, we get 16 consecutive frames of dialog that transition between the same two images. The images never change, the camera just transitions back and forth looking at DeShawn or Sophia. Here we get some actual conversation between the two of them...and it's boring. They're reciting facts to each other, but not really having an entertaining conversation. Sophia tells DeShawn about herself, sharing facts with him that we as the audience already know and don't need to hear again. Yes, she's a teacher. Yes, she's married. Yes, she has kids. Yes, her husband works in the fashion industry. Yes, she's only working part-time right now. We learn nothing about Sophia in this exchange. We could have learned more about Sophia in the previous exchange about sports, but L&P decided to skip over that so that he could show her repeating facts to us that we already know. All of this requires 16 clicks of the mouse to get through. 16 clicks between two images. It's boring, uninspired, and lazy.

And what happens when we get to the sexual content of this scene? From the beginning when you select "Stay and watch them a little bit" to the end when you select "Call attention to yourself", there are 5 frames of content, only 2 of which show any sexual content. The other three are the same image of Sophia at two different angles. We just spent 16 frames going over the same old boring details about Sophia that were established way back on Day 1, but when we get to the show L&P can't be bothered to create more than 2 new renders and only 5 total frames?

From top to bottom, this scene is a fucking disaster. We can like slow burns, but this can't even be considered a burn because there's no heat.
I understand your explanation and your reasons. For me , the game has a slow evolution compared to the time it takes to publish the new update, very slow indeed, is unbalance. I would like more sexual content and a quickly pace with spicy scenes too.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
Absolutely agree. I found it interesting how quickly Morello got her to relax her inhibitions to the point that she was soon fantasising about the size of his cock and how it would feel inside her.

And I think we kind of forget that it was only a matter of a few days ago that Mr Bennett had her foot on his cock letting her know both physically and verbally just how big he was and how good he could make her feel.
(Incidentally, that made me think that his story-line still has some mileage even though I know many others will disgree).

If not then I hope that Don Morello insists that she go back to the prison for a conjugal visit to finally pay off the debt because it seemed that this was a remarkably easy way out to clear the massive amount of money that Liam supposedly lost in the casino!!
Agree. But not forget that she felt aroused. Important.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Sopia has proven earlier that, at least in her mind, she doesn't only think about vanilla sex with her husband.
For example at the scene in the department store with her son when thinking about a gangbang. Or on her ride
on Antonio. Or the scenes with Elli. Or the extremely hot scene this time with her husband in the office.
By the way, when it comes to realism, when was the last time your 40-year-old wife had a blow job in the office?
Or just thought about it? The question is only theoretical!!!
The novella here is just a series of events that can only be linked very loosely. Because otherwise more people
would complain that the story is way too slow and gets lost in incidental matters.
Of course the story contains logical and emotional errors, and I will continue to bother me about them,
e.g. that the woman is talking about a new child the day before and pulling off a show like this in prison the next day,
but I don't expect a novel like the "the miserable".

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
Absolutely agree. I found it interesting how quickly Morello got her to relax her inhibitions to the point that she was soon fantasising about the size of his cock and how it would feel inside her.

And I think we kind of forget that it was only a matter of a few days ago that Mr Bennett had her foot on his cock letting her know both physically and verbally just how big he was and how good he could make her feel.
(Incidentally, that made me think that his story-line still has some mileage even though I know many others will disgree).

If not then I hope that Don Morello insists that she go back to the prison for a conjugal visit to finally pay off the debt because it seemed that this was a remarkably easy way out to clear the massive amount of money that Liam supposedly lost in the casino!!
It did seem way too easy and that is why I think that this may of been a test for Sophia of some kind.We will know the results of her visit on update 0.150.
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3.20 star(s) 485 Votes