
Jan 31, 2020


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
So here it is guys the reason why you don't see the mc banging left and right is cuz the dev is fearing that ppl will get bored and then who will he milk on... what a pathetic thought from him, dude look at OrbOrigin and his game A Mother's Love, we pretty much can bang the the main LI from the start and ppl can't wait to play the game to see what's next (me included) no one got bored that we can bang her and see her naked a lot if you have a good story behind your game... this is such a lame excuse from some developers that don't know how to portrait the story of their carachter in game so then they come with this bs of excuse that ppl are getting bored of too much nudity or sex, really man since when can you be bored by that?!?!
As you are comparing it to A Mother's Love. What is the approximate length in which the game ends. A mother's love is close to the end. A few more chapters and it's done. One thing I can bet you is that it won't be anything like the possibility of this game which is around 60000 renders by the end.
Also I would like an honest answer, is L&P more creative with his scenes than orb origin or not ? All you need is the plain in and out motions between 2 3d characters and when someone is trying to do something different it bugs you. It is not like he is advertising there is going to be a sex scene next update and then does not give it. He has made clear and yet a lot of you don't understand.

One thing I can give him is that he understands erotism which majority here have no clue of.

Though A mother's love is a well written game. The initial excuse to get them to the point of getting sexually involved was lame and childish. And once the doors to sex open there is no stopping. The MC bangs Nichole everytime they meet, is it as intresting as it was the first time. Absolutely not. The character of Nichole keep you invested. Frankly other than Nichole there is not a single character that can actually carry the scene.

And finally once again I propose this question. Why do you play a game the developer of which is a scamster According to you, the game whose development speed is so slow that it would take an eternity. The sex scene you are looking for won't happen for another 7 years minimum. The content of this game just blueballing and appalling to you. Why do you continue to play this game if there is nothing right about it.
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Aug 16, 2021
In terms of Dylan and Ellie, this update is a complete bust.
I wouldn't call the Dylan Ellie event a complete bust. There weren't any moments like Dylan checking out Ellie or Ellie finding out Dylan's lewd magazines like in the last event but I don't have to remind you that Ellie has always disliked her brother and for some kinky things to happen between them there needs to be some ground work that has to be laid and thats how I see this event. That's what this game is known for.
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Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
The next Sam event is scheduled for the afternoon of playable day 13. The only event in playable day 13 that isn't Dylan route.
I think it'll be a minor step backwards for him, Sophia may chide him for what happened in the hot tub, but I don't think she'll be too upset. And if Sam went and picked Ellie up, that could completely change Sophia's attitude. But I don't see Sam getting anywhere close to the same sort of action that he got in the hot tub. He'll need a few more events before he takes another big step forward.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I wouldn't call the Dylan Ellie event a complete bust. There weren't any moments like Dylan checking out Ellie or Ellie finding out Dylan's lewd magazines like in the last event but I don't have to remind you that Ellie has always disliked her brother and for something kinky things to happen between them there needs to be some ground work that needs to be laid and thats how I see this event. That's what this game is known for.
There was groundwork laid? As far as I'm aware, Ellie still considers her brother to be subhuman. Maybe an occasionally useful subhuman to be manipulated, but subhuman nonetheless. And has now already been shown, the "good guy" branch of the Ellie route is Sam, not Dylan. Dylan/Ellie is likely to fizzle out, especially since it's due to finish before the Ellie branches even start.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Really, he says sex in every update gets boring. there’s lots of sex scenes in BADIK every update with lots of different characters & guess what I’m not bored of it yet.
Not really an apples to apples comparison. BADIK is a great game, and I enjoy it far more than AWAM, but they're going for different things. BADIK has done an amazing job of balancing the sex and kept it interesting. Really, BADIK is so good that it's hard to compare almost any other game to it. AWAM though lives and dies by the tease and anticipation. I think it'll be a lot harder to maintain people's interest once Sophia has had sex for the third or fourth time. If Dylan is the first person she has sex with then the interest will really drop (that's why Dylan has to be last). But my point is that AWAM has built a reputation and eroticism on a very different foundation from BADIK.

A better comparison would probably be JOHN. In that game the MC has done a lot more sexual things than Sophia, but hasn't crossed the line into sex yet. The game has maintained it's fanbase and remained interesting. But it isn't tackling the same taboos as AWAM, so it still isn't a great comparison. That taboo, once crossed, is going to be such an enormous pressure release that AWAM is going to need to be very careful to not lose momentum.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
There was groundwork laid? As far as I'm aware, Ellie still considers her brother to be subhuman. Maybe an occasionally useful subhuman to be manipulated, but subhuman nonetheless. And has now already been shown, the "good guy" branch of the Ellie route is Sam, not Dylan. Dylan/Ellie is likely to fizzle out, especially since it's due to finish before the Ellie branches even start.
I don't know about that. I think the door has definitely opened for Dylan and Ellie to improve their relationship. You have to start somewhere, and in this case I think L&P handled it pretty well. At some point there will need to be a major event between the two of them that improves their relationship, but that can't happen until Ellie at least thinks enough of him to open the door to the idea that he isn't subhuman.

We also don't know what the end game is for those two. We don't know if there's a route for Dylan & Ellie, or if Ellie and Dylan need to have a contentious relationship in order for a future storyline. Whatever. Either way, I would say that Dylan and Ellie had a subtle, but important, interaction in this update. Not everything needs to be grandiose, small interactions can have big impacts. Maybe if Dylan begins to make inroads with Christine, Ellie will take notice and that will help their relationship too.

I just wouldn't be too dismissive about what happened in this update.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2017
Time for my update.

The "Good":
Content wise I didn't really have any problems with this update. We got EXACTLY what we expected. Natalie had the most progress, which we called; Sam had significant progress, which we called; and Andy & Cathy want to swing, which we called. The images were, as always, gorgeous.

The "Bad":
This update was incredibly tedious to get through, and the writing was awful. The writing was full of typos/syntax/localization errors. The dialog continues to be extremely stilted and rigidly formal. I don't feel like any character sounds unique because they're all so stilted. Yes, Sam talks about different things than Natalie, but the words and style of their dialog is all the same. And it's all sooooo tedious. By the time I got to the scene with Sam in the sauna, even I started to skip over some dialog. It just goes on...and on...and's exhausting. It isn't fun and it isn't interesting, it's self indulgent by L&P who definitely doesn't believe that brevity is the soul of wit. L&P definitely abides by a philosophy of "more is more".

And that philosophy bleeds into the images. There are sooo many images. Too many images. You click and click and click and click and nothing happens. It takes FOREVER to progress through a scene. You're bombarded with tedious dialog and a thousand images that need to be clicked through. The game would actually flow significantly better if the number of images were reduced by 20% and the text reduced by 30%.

I found the dialog so distracting that I don't really know what to make of Sam. I can't tell if L&P is trying to write him as a cringey, creepy, pompous weirdo; or if L&P thinks that he's writing Sam as a sincere and charming love struck kid. Maybe it's because I'm a woman and my experiences are very different from a man like L&P, but guys like Sam exist and they're always giant red flags. Young guys who think they're great at sweet talking like this often grow into poorly adjusted men who think that talking to a woman must consist of one-liners and platitudes. They'll recite poetry, and the LOVE to talk about music. So as I play the Sam scenes I'm not sure if I should find him creepy or if his bullshit is supposed to work well.


This leads me to Sophia herself. I really think that her corruption is moving along well and makes sense, but the Sam stuff pushes the lines of suspension of disbelief. When I tried to shut Sam down I didn't get feedback from Sophia that she was creeped out, just that she thought the situation was going too far. If Sophia had said "Ok, Sam is a creep, I need to shut this down" I may have stuck with those decisions. But every time you allow him to go further Sophia justifies it and admits that she likes what she's hearing, so that tells me that the game wants us to think Sam is charming. As I've said a million times, Day 12 is going to be remembered as the day that the game really picked up steam story wise. If there was a major missed opportunity, it was Sophia not letting Natalie get her off. Considering the situation I think it would have been totally in-character for Sophia to either say yes, or for Natalie to just go for it. L&P is too addicted to the slow burn that he's too quick to smother any embers of fire, and in this case it was a mistake. It would have been great story-wise to actually advance Sophia's sexuality. L&P could have reeled it back in, maybe the postman comes and interupts them and Sophia snaps out of it, but at least we would have seen Sophia take a major step forward in her sexuality instead of a baby step.

Cathy & Andy:
In theory I'm totally fine with this scene, but in practice it just felt tacked on to the update. I liked that it was, relatively, brief and got right to the point. But the dialog absolutely ruined it. It was so fucking painful to get through. It wasn't sexy, it wasn't fun, it wasn't anything other than tedious. It was fine that Sophia and Liam didn't have an answer right away, but nothing about the dialog showed me that these four are old friends who are really close, it all just felt really forced. I like that L&P didn't take 500 images with this scene, and that it was brief, but how he chose to make it brief was the problem. We needed more flirting, more fun, better banter, etc. And, god help me, the images were too static. I know I know, I bitch about the number of images in the update, but this scene either needs a couple more, or it needed different ones. The images were just too boring and didn't help tell a compelling story. It reminded me of the sauna scene with Vicky and DeShawn, just boring back and forth static images; only the sauna scene was hotter. Overall, this scene with Cathy & Andy needed more work.


I give this update 3 out of 5 stars. It was fine. Nothing special. Not terrible. The main problem is that it just takes too long for these updates to come out and they can never justify the time.
can i ask you which male character from the game is most realistic from your woman view?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I don't know about that. I think the door has definitely opened for Dylan and Ellie to improve their relationship. You have to start somewhere, and in this case I think L&P handled it pretty well. At some point there will need to be a major event between the two of them that improves their relationship, but that can't happen until Ellie at least thinks enough of him to open the door to the idea that he isn't subhuman.

We also don't know what the end game is for those two. We don't know if there's a route for Dylan & Ellie, or if Ellie and Dylan need to have a contentious relationship in order for a future storyline. Whatever. Either way, I would say that Dylan and Ellie had a subtle, but important, interaction in this update. Not everything needs to be grandiose, small interactions can have big impacts. Maybe if Dylan begins to make inroads with Christine, Ellie will take notice and that will help their relationship too.

I just wouldn't be too dismissive about what happened in this update.
Actually, we do. It was announced at the start of the bonus storyline that it would be completed by playable day 16, if not earlier. Now considering that playable day 15 is only the horseriding event with Patricia, can you honestly tell me that in the two odd events between now and then that Ellie can flip a complete 180?


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Actually, we do. It was announced at the start of the bonus storyline that it would be completed by playable day 16, if not earlier. Now considering that playable day 15 is only the horseriding event with Patricia, can you honestly tell me that in the two odd events between now and then that Ellie can flip a complete 180?
I honestly don't know what you're talking about. What's the bonus storyline? I think I'm missing some important context. I would be SHOCKED if Dylan and Ellie have no further story developments after PD 16. Shoot me a PM if you like, it may be easier to have a conversation there.
Mar 3, 2020
Tried this game for the first time in over a year. Just like before I can't get into it. Most female protag games are just slut trainer games. Which is why I gave this a try. Cause it's not just about taking a house wife from prude to a deviant no shame cum dumpster slut. But even not being like all the others wasn't enough for me to really like it. I don't know I guess I'm just weird. I can't get into female mc in these VN games. I like to picture myself from the MC's perspective. Which is kinda difficult to do since it's a chick and I'm a dude. But I do like the fact it's not a complete fuck fest. Seems more realistic the way its playing out as compared to the usual wife to cuck queen in just a few updates.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
can i ask you which male character from the game is most realistic from your woman view?
I guess it depends on what you mean by "realistic". There are definitely guys like Sam, so even though the situation is unrealistic his actions are pretty believable. Maybe the better question is "Who's unrealistic?" Aiden is definitely a character that is pure fiction. A 17 year old mastermind that can't be touched and manipulates everything around him? Sure. :rolleyes: Bennett was pretty dumb too, but he's played such a minor role that I don't count him.

Morello is also a character that could only exist in fiction. Handsome, powerful, dangerous, wealthy, criminal, with honor? Yeah...ok!

But that's ok, it's only a game and not every character has to be 100% realistic.
3.20 star(s) 484 Votes