I wondered about this when she was introduced. BDSM seemed as likely as any other fetish, especially with her views on adherence to strict rules but there are some things which make such a development problematic. Sado-masochism hardly accords with her 17th century puritanical religious outlook, unless it's the old 'punishment is good for your soul....we'll beat the demons out of you' self-serving drivel. There's also the issue of what the apostles have to do with any of this, if it gets underway? Could a sound-proof basement be handy? Will they be present with all their ambiguous ages, or sent to their rooms with no supper?
On the other hand, her daughter has been studying in Japan, where she might have learned the art of shibari, if she was that way inclined. That's assuming Japan has particular significance, (after all she could have been studying in Canada, Barbados, or anywhere). Personally, while I think that shibari is very clever, even artistic, I don't find it erotic at all, (it does nothing for me) but no doubt some fans would enjoy it.
Now, imagine the howls of the morally offended, not to forget the "white knights", if any of the above happens. Think back to the dozens of outraged comments that Aiden & Bennett have inspired & which will increase following the 4th task, (& depressingly, every other task which manages to make it to completion). Will we witness Myers meltdown? If BDSM should occur, I won't be defending it, or posting answering comments, as I don't play the 2nd side job.
Nathalie, however, is a different matter. I will follow her developments with added interest after the last update. Still, I think it's too early to speculate much upon whether a classic porn sub/domme arrangement is being crafted. Really, I hope for something less average.