
Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Most of the community seems to hate aiden. Besides, we wait months and get very little content anyway. so Why does the developer spends his time and money on aiden's (disturbing and not sexy at all) blackmail bullshit ?
Maybe he should open a pool and ask what the people who support him wants.
He spends time & money because there are those of us who DO like the Aiden route. In fact, IMO, it's one of the best things about AWAM. You see people have different tastes. It's meant to be disturbing & it's bound to spark controversy & if you find that you don't like it, simply don't play it. Blackmail appears in a large number of corruption games. Those who hate Aiden, (& he's not meant to be likeable FFS), are extremely vocal & have been for years. This can give a false impression. There's just been an update, in which any fan who wished, could get rid of Aiden. At no time have we ever been given the option to ditch any other character so emphatically. It was crafted as a scene of gang warfare & I thought it "put on a good show" for the anti-blackmail lobby, whether or not this was how it would have been dealt with in RL.

As for "sexy" I detect that you don't find the fantasy of having a degree of power over a beautiful, intelligent, mature career woman appealing. That's OK....I do, absolutely & I'm not alone. Have you ever considered that the reason people hate Aiden so much is because the Dev has written a nasty character for him? People hating Aiden is a tribute to L&P's writing skills.

He won't appear again in any meaningful way for another 3 years at the current snail's pace of roll-out. Dylan is about to occupy most of the rest of PD13, having already been elevated to the role of 2nd MC, no doubt because the tween/teenage Dylan supporter's club wanted it to be so. [e.g. Dev doing what the fans want]. I can't stand incest, so I'll try to give the route a wide berth. What I WON'T do is chime into this thread with expressions of loathing & carping criticisms of a character I could well do without. I respect those who want to see the lad in action, even though my tastes are diametrically & unequivocally opposed to what he represents in this game/VN.

Now, to the poll concept which you advocate. L&P has held polls..... Aiden is the 4th most popular character.

I thought that Don Morello's men would not only eject Aiden from the gaze of those who wanted him gone. I foolishly hoped that we would hear the last from the anti-blackmail lobby, as well. Seems not.....
Apr 12, 2021
He spends time & money because there are those of us who DO like the Aiden route. In fact, IMO, it's one of the best things about AWAM. You see people have different tastes. It's meant to be disturbing & it's bound to spark controversy & if you find that you don't like it, simply don't play it. Blackmail appears in a large number of corruption games. Those who hate Aiden, (& he's not meant to be likeable FFS), are extremely vocal & have been for years. This can give a false impression. There's just been an update, in which any fan who wished, could get rid of Aiden. At no time have we ever been given the option to ditch any other character so emphatically. It was crafted as a scene of gang warfare & I thought it "put on a good show" for the anti-blackmail lobby, whether or not this was how it would have been dealt with in RL.

As for "sexy" I detect that you don't find the fantasy of having a degree of power over a beautiful, intelligent, mature career woman appealing. That's OK....I do, absolutely & I'm not alone. Have you ever considered that the reason people hate Aiden so much is because the Dev has written a nasty character for him? People hating Aiden is a tribute to L&P's writing skills.

He won't appear again in any meaningful way for another 3 years at the current snail's pace of roll-out. Dylan is about to occupy most of the rest of PD13, having already been elevated to the role of 2nd MC, no doubt because the tween/teenage Dylan supporter's club wanted it to be so. [e.g. Dev doing what the fans want]. I can't stand incest, so I'll try to give the route a wide berth. What I WON'T do is chime into this thread with expressions of loathing & carping criticisms of a character I could well do without. I respect those who want to see the lad in action, even though my tastes are diametrically & unequivocally opposed to what he represents in this game/VN.

Now, to the poll concept which you advocate. L&P has held polls..... Aiden is the 4th most popular character.

I thought that Don Morello's men would not only eject Aiden from the gaze of those who wanted him gone. I foolishly hoped that we would hear the last from the anti-blackmail lobby, as well. Seems not.....
Not reading that essay


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Most of the community seems to hate aiden. Besides, we wait months and get very little content anyway. so Why does the developer spends his time and money on aiden's (disturbing and not sexy at all) blackmail bullshit ?
Maybe he should open a pool and ask what the people who support him wants.
Because doing the first few of Aiden's tasks is required for the Dylan route, Dylan being the most popular character. What disappoints me is that Ellie and Sam are more popular than Aiden, have more progress than him too, but get far less attention.
Never understand how can be Dylan first :FacePalm: Just an ordinary brat who tries to play the master of flirting or what. Ellie is much better well written character
Considering you can get Dylan points before we even get to know his character, I suspect it's just the M/S crowd
I do not go for Dylan+Ellie, that does not fit in the general fabric of the story. Dylan as a Milfchaser going after his mom is one thing, but Ellie and him are too different to be more than siblings. What we need is the possibility for Ellie to stay with Logan for the corruption paths of Sophia, Pat and Ellie and to be able to get Christine+Dylan progress without having to kick Logan out for the Burger scene.
So did this change in 0.161? Can we get the Burger scene for Christine+Dylan progress without having to kick Logan?
That Dylan is the exact opposite of what Ellie goes for in guys is one of the main reasons I've been arguing against the expectation of anything sexual happening between the two (for which the best people have been able to come up with against is along the lines of "It's gonna happen, so suck it up"). Dylan in-game isn't popular, isn't famous, and any even just a rumour of them getting sexual with each other would ruin the reputation that Ellie has so painstakingly crafted. And as we learnt in the last Ellie event, she is a virgin, so isn't the big dick loving slut she's initally portrayed as. Which is unfortunate for Dylan, since seeing him in the shower and knowing he has a big dick is a prerequisite for the bonus storyline.

That, and having any Dylan/Ellie sex scenes runs the risk of Patreon shutting down the game before his fans get to any Dylan/Sophia sex scenes


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
Whats funny about the poll was that by the time it was SUPPOSED to be closed, Aiden was getting bodied by other characters in a landslide... then people who think "lulz teenage gangbangers controlling adult women is the hotz!" somehow got ahold of their parents credit card, and joined L&P's milk machine scam, and took him to the top 5.

Aiden was def above people like Bennet despite Bennet story having infinately more potential due to the fact that 1. he is an adult male, and not a stupidass midget like most "teens" in the game. and 2. Being an adult he could have actually "corrupted" Sofia after the first blackmail sex, by fucking her so good, she would actually slowly be game to play out his fantasies... and finally 3. Bennet strikes me as a dude that would just want her as another trophy for himself, none of the BS "I want to share her with my boys, or toss this fine piece of meat to them cause its all about control for me, not actual sexual gratification" that Aiden seems to have.

I distinctly remember Aiden being in the "teens" like 17-19 on the board, which is why I was pissed when L&P "extended" the voting, and also allowed for "multiple votes to different people" in the same poll... As someone else said already "it seems like L&P Considers garbage Aiden as a pillar for this story, and wanted him to gain ground, so he didnt have to write him off.

By Allowing multiple votes most people would think "oh I am gonna check people I know are in different routes to maximize future content for this game waka waka".... Where as if he had kept it as one vote for poll, Aiden would have gotten demolished by half the lesbian options, and completely rolled over by the family members (except Liam cause everyone hates him apparently).


Nov 24, 2017
I have a question, which pairings are possible so far, even if they don't have any sex scenes?

So far I only know:
Sophia- Liam
Sophia- Sam
Sophia- Dylan
Sophia - Nathalie (if it should be one)
Ellie - Julia
What other pairings/combinations are there and how do I achieve them? In the walkthrough there is often something about Dylan and Emma. Emma always leaves my class, even when I take her shopping. Here in the forum the combo Dylan and Amber is mentioned. In the gallery there is a kissing scene by the pool with Elle, Sophia and Julia, how do I reach this scene? Which combis require the Aidan route? Guess all with Dylan, but are there more where Aidan is needed?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I have a question, which pairings are possible so far, even if they don't have any sex scenes?

So far I only know:
Sophia- Liam
Sophia- Sam
Sophia- Dylan
Sophia - Nathalie (if it should be one)
Ellie - Julia
What other pairings/combinations are there and how do I achieve them? In the walkthrough there is often something about Dylan and Emma. Emma always leaves my class, even when I take her shopping. Here in the forum the combo Dylan and Amber is mentioned. In the gallery there is a kissing scene by the pool with Elle, Sophia and Julia, how do I reach this scene? Which combis require the Aidan route? Guess all with Dylan, but are there more where Aidan is needed?
You're missing Sophia/Patricia and Ellie/Sam. And yes, Dylan/Emma, Dylan/Amber, but also Dylan/Marie (the daughter of the hairdresser). On playable day 16 the Ellie route splits into three. The way the route is going so far, presumably being Jules, Logan and Sam.

Aiden's tasks are only required for the Dylan route, and only so far. There is now no need to continue the tasks for those on the Dylan route. It's entirely possible to play the Sam, Ellie or Patricia route by refusing the tasks.

I suspect Sophia/Nat is likely to end up in a threesome with Liam, since the possibility was mentioned of a threesome on the GW route quite some time ago, and Nat is the only woman left for the GW route. There is also the opportunity for partner swapping between Sophia/Liam and Cathy/Andy.

Who Dylan might end up with on the bonus storyline is yet to be seen. The only thing we know is that it involves anyone shown in a particular shot, and although the two characters in the scene are Dylan and Ellie, on Ellie's laptop is a wallpaper showing Ellie with her friends Christine, Jules, Melanie, Elena and I think one other we don't know the name of, with Christine featuring prominently since. I doubt it will be Jules or Elena, since they are confirmed lesbians.


Aug 25, 2017
Now, to the poll concept which you advocate. L&P has held polls..... Aiden is the 4th most popular character.
doesn't that make him one of the less popular prominent characters? either way, i suspect most dylan fans (the actual most popular character) would rather not have their favorite sophia pairing locked behind aiden's path. dylan fans need to suffer through aiden or else dylan gets sent to boarding school. it's honestly past time their paths separate.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
doesn't that make him one of the less popular prominent characters? either way, i suspect most dylan fans (the actual most popular character) would rather not have their favorite sophia pairing locked behind aiden's path. dylan fans need to suffer through aiden or else dylan gets sent to boarding school. it's honestly past time their paths separate.
The paths have separated. You no longer need to do Aiden's tasks to keep Dylan in the story with Sophia.

Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
Alley_Cat I admire and respect your commitment to keeping everything straight for us, providing clarity where things are uncertain or obscured. But I gotta say, you give me trauma, man. Every time you list out the fact that Dylan has four or five love interests I just freeze up and think, why the fuck does AWAM have five love interests for the son, three for the daughter, and two for Sam.

I get that he's designed this around mutually exclusive routes. Even given that some of these overlap, aren't we still looking at a very silly number of permutations? By my reckoning (which is very suspect, I admit), there are 13 combinations of Dylan/Ellie relationships if Sophia does not get involved with either of her kids:

Ellie RoutesDylan Routes

I don't know if Ellie being with Sam, Jules or Logan makes any of Dylan's options impossible, so please correct me if I got this wrong.

Then, we can multiply these thirteen options by each of the paths available for Sophia where she doesn't pursue her kids:

So that's 13 x 6, 78 variants of the story. Multiply by two because there are two side jobs, 156.

Even if you knock off a few of the 13 Dylan/Ellie permutations and maybe two or three of the Sophia routes (exclusive of her kids) are taken out, let's say it's actually 9 x 3 x 2, still 54 permutations.

And to that we have to add back in the Sophia+Ellie, and Sophia+Ellie+Jules, so that's two times the three Dylan relationships, and then there's Dylan + Sophia multiplied by the other three Ellie relationships, both multiplied by the two side jobs, so 12 + 6, another 18 permutations.

So 72 or 174.

I don't know about how mutual exclusivity pans out and what relationships make other relationships impossible, and maybe I'm over inflating all this, let's just say there's comfortably more than 50 different possibilities, and we havent yet factored in any of these golden nuggets:
How many Aiden tasks did you complete, did you get involved with Morello, are Vicky and DeShawn still in play, how much movin did the movers get done, subway thuggery - did it happen and how did it resolve, how will you respond to Bennett (I know we're never getting there but just for the sake of argument), and probably even more branches/dialogue-impacting decisions and variants I have, quite rightly, completely overlooked because how on earth could anyone (other than Alley_Cat , a hero and a legend of this forum) keep this shit straight.

And, we've got 17.7 playable days left to sort this shit out.

Am I wrong in thinking this is a complete and total cluster fuck?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Alley_Cat I admire and respect your commitment to keeping everything straight for us, providing clarity where things are uncertain or obscured. But I gotta say, you give me trauma, man. Every time you list out the fact that Dylan has four or five love interests I just freeze up and think, why the fuck does AWAM have five love interests for the son, three for the daughter, and two for Sam.

I get that he's designed this around mutually exclusive routes. Even given that some of these overlap, aren't we still looking at a very silly number of permutations? By my reckoning (which is very suspect, I admit), there are 13 combinations of Dylan/Ellie relationships if Sophia does not get involved with either of her kids:

Ellie RoutesDylan Routes

I don't know if Ellie being with Sam, Jules or Logan makes any of Dylan's options impossible, so please correct me if I got this wrong.

Then, we can multiply these thirteen options by each of the paths available for Sophia where she doesn't pursue her kids:

So that's 13 x 6, 78 variants of the story. Multiply by two because there are two side jobs, 156.

Even if you knock off a few of the 13 Dylan/Ellie permutations and maybe two or three of the Sophia routes (exclusive of her kids) are taken out, let's say it's actually 9 x 3 x 2, still 54 permutations.

And to that we have to add back in the Sophia+Ellie, and Sophia+Ellie+Jules, so that's two times the three Dylan relationships, and then there's Dylan + Sophia multiplied by the other three Ellie relationships, both multiplied by the two side jobs, so 12 + 6, another 18 permutations.

So depending on how mutual exclusivity pans out and what relationships make other relationships impossible, and maybe I'm over inflating all this, let's just say there's comfortably more than 50 different possibilities, and we havent yet factored in any of these golden nuggets:
How many Aiden tasks did you complete, did you get involved with Morello, are Vicky and DeShawn still in play, how much movin did the movers get done, subway thuggery - did it happen and how did it resolve, how will you respond to Bennett (I know we're never getting there but just for the sake of argument), and probably even more branches/dialogue-impacting decisions and variants I have, quite rightly, completely overlooked because how on earth could anyone (other than Alley_Cat , a hero and a legend of this forum) keep this shit straight.

And, we've got 17.7 playable days left to sort this shit out.

Am I wrong in thinking this is a complete and total cluster fuck?
I used to play a game on here where the exclusive routes became a big problem. The dev had 3 main routes which further got divided. However after a while keeping track of everything, making exclusive dialogues and renders for each route, Along with the programming and coding became so much for the dev that it considerably slowed down development. The players of the game suggested to just abandon the least liked path. But as we know no storyteller likes to abandon their story paths, eventually, along with other personal reasons that game was abandoned entirely.
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Reactions: Talcum Powder


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Whats funny about the poll was that by the time it was SUPPOSED to be closed, Aiden was getting bodied by other characters in a landslide... then people who think "lulz teenage gangbangers controlling adult women is the hotz!" somehow got ahold of their parents credit card, and joined L&P's milk machine scam, and took him to the top 5.

Aiden was def above people like Bennet despite Bennet story having infinately more potential
What's funny here, or rather what's ironic here, is twofold. Firstly, although I do believe that many fans, especially on Patreon, have a lot of money to spend, (parent's credit card or not) & are relatively young & therefore can identify with Aiden, as well as with Dylan, (which no doubt boosts the popularity of both), the biggest defender of the blackmail routes on this thread has been me. I am old & not supporting AWAM on Patreon. I didn't join this thread to defend blackmail, (it wasn't even in the game when I arrived), I just got fed up with all the criticism of it, when it's a standard component of corruption games. Critics of the kink have never held back & I thought a different POV was needed, overdue, in fact. As a consequence I've spent what feels like half my time on here defending Aiden & the tasks, because he's now the name synonymous with blackmail in this VN.

Secondly, I was an advocate for Bennett from early on & remained so, even at the expense of Aiden, (who might never have been needed), until I saw what a waste of time that was. It was precisely because he was an adult, who I thought had more potential with an adult's knowledge, experience & especially an adult's sexual knowledge & experience, not to forget imagination that caused me to back him. His scene in the restaurant with Sophia remains one of the sexiest in the game IMO.

Unfortunately, L&P decided to side-line the character, (who I would now include amongst those I feel should be written out), for reasons not entirely clear but which I am almost certain pertained to the outraged backlash from paying Patrons against the odious teacher & his attempt to blackmail their "goddess". Again, this was a character who was not meant to be likeable within the story but the dislike was so visceral in RL that he was made to disappear. Yes, he's meant to return, when Sophia gives him an answer to the proposition he made in the restaurant but that's so many years in the future that we'll probably never see it & even if we do, events will have conspired to almost ensure rejection. L&P once said he didn't know what to do with him.....
3.20 star(s) 485 Votes