
Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
finished 0.02, some bugs, not sure if its because i load a save from 0.01 or not, something about spying variable not set.
theres a lot of renders again and as expected its a game with detail, so we get to see a lot of stuff, that most games just skip. im fine with it, as the dev is not stingy with quantity of renders. so i give it a good vote yet again. looking forward for the next update in 1 month.


New Member
Oct 31, 2017
I loved the update. Favorite scene was the cello one. Negative points: The guitar part was a bit too long to my liking, maybe more flirt instead of that much talk about guitar chords (I play guitar but it was too much), although not worried by the lack of sex scenes, I really think Dev could take advantage of that cello scene even more, more teasing, more corruption without going explicit yet, more Sophia's doubt on son's friend actions. But nevertheless, it was almost dead on.

The thing about these games for me is, I always go full corruption, I don't even want to see the husband close, corruption, corruption, corruption, lol! Anyone tried go family +1 all the way? ;)

So far, Basketball & cello scenes ftw & I will definitely pledge the game. Good job Dev!


Aug 13, 2017
I gotta give it to L&P... This update did not miss a step in terms of quality. Every scene is crafted with detail, and thought. There was a lot of set up for the future with Lesbian choices (which is fantastic), but it was all pretty much on the same wavelength as the previous update. Nothing too crazy, but definitely some naughty moments.

I can't wait to see what this game will look like a few months down the line. When we start to get to the sexual content, and the scenes have this level of detail... it will be truly amazing. I just hope this game gets to live long enough to realize it's potential.

If I had any criticism... I would say that L&P can definitely benefit from trimming down some of the fat. The detail of these scenes is unprecedented in this type of game, but I sometimes think that is a bit overkill sometimes. We don't need 30+ images to convey a message in a single conversation. I'm not advocating completely gutting scenes, but in my opinion the text carries a scene just as much as the images.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
Honest review

The content is varied from good to great. It will turn people off as it's looking like another huge blue ball simulator but for people like me, I love that shit. Build up is handled exceptionally well and the incest is probably the best handled incest i've seen in a game thus far.

Main issue is the length given how long this took to make. Frankly, i'm given the developer a pass. He released this game in late October and since then completely moved it onto a new engine and added around 20-30 minutes of new content within 3~ months.

Another issue is how it really does look like you are forced to choose the "filthy" options otherwise you get some pretty underwhelming content as a whole. This is why there should be more sexual content with the husband if you follow the good route so that both routes are satisfying. It defeats the purpose of multiple choice.

So I guess we wait for 0.03, because most good games with potential have strong initial builds. It's when they start tapering off and when the developer starts missing deadlines that the problems start to arise.

TL;DR - Great start, cautiously optimistic for the next version.
3.20 star(s) 483 Votes