Only because it's Dylan Day, and those like me that don't care about it are largely silent unless someone comes along to assert that we do. Much like most of my playthrough for this playable day, this update I'm likely to just get a blank screen and "to be continued ..."
I much preferred times like the v.130 update. Even though none of the major events were for my playthrough, I still got about 10 minutes of solid content. I'll be lucky if this entire playable day is more than 10 minutes for me. Probably be closer to 5. PD12 I got at least a good hour of content.
As someone playing the boarding school route, I'd much rather hear over a phone call that he's doing well and making new friends, including some girls. And if he's staying at the school over the weekend to be safe from Aiden, then there's even a chance Ellie can get some naked sunbathing done in the backyard. Alas, not to be.
But then with the earliest Sophia sex slated at PD19, probably closer to PD21 (particularly if we're talking sex with another male), on PD16 we're probably going to be focused more on Ellie sex. Possibly Sam, if my prediction of a Sam branch of the Ellie route is correct.