George RR Martin of Game of Thrones fame, Douglas Adams of Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe fame. The list of amazing artists who are just shit with deadlines is a long one.
L&P is shit with deadlines, can we get over it already? The update is great, I loved it. Seriously, were you all expecting this to be the gangbang session? It's a slow burn game. I would recommend
Elena's Life if you want something faster.
There are loads of games that get straight to the sex, this isn't one of them!
For pitys sake every path is optional. I love Aiden's route, but why do people play the path if they don't enjoy it? Just close down any route you don't like, don't play the route and then moan.
For the record he could drop the animation if it speeds up output, it's not crucial
Look up
Innocence or Money if you want something similar but faster to action.