Read my damn post.
"finalsaves" of course.
Let me put it this way. I know python, directory structures, files,. coding, etc. Not a moron. And yes first try, via forum post
How to transfer your saves from Part 1 to Part 2.txt
You must update AWAM Part 1 to its last version.
(or load your v.150 saves in latest and apply patch)
b) Or just apply a patch on your existing AWAM1 0.150 install. This patch must be placed in <AWAM1 folder>,
And unzip it there (it will replace files in game folder)
on boot, you should see "PART 1" on title graphic and not v.150 if successful
#1 Read my post. Did I not state that I got all the success migration, gui confirmations and also the "finalsave" final, which by the way were included in persistent storage folders but also attempted via /game/finalsaves folder with files. etc.
All failed. As noted. errors.