I realize your sam fan friends are missing a point, Dylan is Sophia's son, and no woman loves another man as much or more than she loves her own son. When it comes to sex like here, being with your son is a difficult situation, there are many obstacles to overcome both morally and mentally. His relationship with sam is a bit of fun with his naughty neighbor-friend boy, but the dose of it can and will increase due to some memories from the past, but when he breaks the chains with dylan, sam unfortunately has to stay behind dylan because dylan and sophia live in the same house, in this case dylan samdan 1-0 gets ahead. Dylan could potentially be with sophia every time when sophia goes down to drink water, go to the toilet, get up in the morning in the shower, in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Sam is harder to do than Dylan. so this is my opinion. I don't know what you think. meanwhile, dylan has made undeniable progress in the bikini fashion show and the running event and foot massage, which, even if it's educational, situations that create a sexual connotation make Sophia more open to Dylan. At the end of the run, Sophia began to see Dylan as more of a man than a son. 'Dylan's fight for Sophia in the park even by chance and being a hero' is written on her behalf as + one point.