I suspect that the main problem of L&P is the burnout effect. It is the fact that he is remastering the first part that tells me about it. Of course, I may be wrong, but such a slow development of the game, such a long wait for updates, to some extent confirm my fears.
His 3D skills are at a high level, he is also engaged in programming, but writing is not just a set of knowledge. In order to write interesting, and for this game it is necessary to write exciting, the author needs inspiration. To maintain the level of involvement in the plot and inspiration at such a high level that it is still interesting to a large number of people, this is an extremely difficult task.
Those people who understand the problems faced by L&P and express some support and understanding to him here on the forum, are also subjected to very rude and inappropriate insults. They are called paid L&P lawyers, bastards, idiots and other nonsense.
To be honest, it's strange to watch this for so many years. This tells me that the nature of man does not change, we are the same as we were several centuries ago. Only the external manifestations change, but the essence remains the same.
You could have a point here.
Has AWAM become a job that L&P endures because it is how he provides for himself?
If the pacing and development speed of the AVN is a guide, then it seems like much of the 'fun' has gone out of this creation.
More time is being spent on side stories (shota boys/old men) and on newer things (animations/remastering early parts of the story), leaving less time to continue the subplots that brought so many of us to AWAM.
The trend of the slow tease/burn continues to play out. It took 6 years RL for a prim Sophia to evolve and allow one guy to be able to give her an orgasm by playing with and sucking her tits. She has still not reciprocated by giving pleasure to a guy (setting aside the good wife path which is hardly the primary focus of AWAM). She did give minor pleasure to Ellie and Julia, years ago - RL, but she has fallen back into her passive ways.
All this while development speed continues to slow.
IF he spends a significant part of his week creating, then this must be lonely since he has refused to build a team leaving him with no near peers to commiserate with or to celebrate successes. Friends and family are great, but they are not in the work trenches with you, so they really Don't get the grind of days into months into years poured into a creation or any other job.
If this has become 'just' a job for L&P, then he is missing one of the key reasons to stay at his job - the people.
Is L&P bored with AWAM now??
How many of us have stayed at a boring job because it paid the bills, and it was 'enough' for now... with now stretching into years or even decades.
We will likely never know the answer to many of these questions or receive confirmation/denial regarding some of the subjective assessment above, but the continued drop in development speed feels like an indicator that all is not well.
Do I think that AWAM will continue for years - yes.
At what point does L&P pull a 'Dread Pirate Roberts' - get a replacement who takes on the role of L&P while the artist formerly known as L&P retires?
Sarcastic... perhaps ... but....