As an act of curiosity, I asked a question to the one of the co-developers of a really well-done animated series, why can't they produce content faster as the hardware improves over the course of time. He's honest reply right below in the link or, for the lazy one's, I put it after the link.
That's an answer from someone, who knows more about game or video development, in their case, than 99% of F95 users. There's even a render farm mentioning for its adepts.
It’s a bit much to explain, but rendering either uses resources from your CPU (not a great idea) or your GPU. So depending on how old it is, just a basic camera shot, depending on the amount of details you set it for, can go from minutes to hours.
Can’t speak for SFM, but Blender has a variety of settings that can make just poses take quite a while to pop out. And animation is like that, but tenfold, as it’s now moving pictures so to speak.
You could outsource it to a render farm, but as I’ve seen from other artists like Slayyed.coom, they are not always reliable and can sometimes screw up the work. And as mentioned, the rendering process takes a ton of resources, so unless ya got another computer, you won’t be doing much else on the rendering one.
If you want something fast, it’ll be short and low quality. You want something good, it’ll take time. A good comparison would be Opiumud. They put out lengthy content on a regular basis, but they suffer from really bad audio sync and the overall quality isn’t great either.
I used to be like those people that asked for the little things to add or why can’t it be faster. And then when I got my new computer, I started learning Blender myself and my eyes were opened. This shit ain’t easy.
I wish it were as simple as point A to point B. Maybe we’ll get some fancy VR tech in the future that lets us pose them like mannequins xD. But until you’re moving every piece of the bodies, making sure everything lines, avoiding clipping as much as possible, and hoping to god you don’t see something during the render you missed, or that something doesn’t line up right, or in the worst case, the program crashed and you hadn’t saved in a while because things like SFM are so old, auto save isn’t a thing.
So…yeah. Be appreciative of what you’re getting for free anyway, and don’t stress the artist