I really enjoy incest stories. One of the tags I look for in games. In real life, on the other hand, it was astronomically far from what I think it is ok. From a parent point of view is just plainly aberration, as any other abuse of minors or not so minor people from an adult and moreover from the parent who should be looking for the best interest of their children. I would despise and abhore this kind of parenting. Fiction is fiction, reality is reality. Don't mix one with the other. So the mother overcome by lust could be fun to read and play (taking out the small detail of what age normally do to the phisical attractiveness of a woman) but I would think it is disgusting in reality and a prove that something is totally wrong with the brains of that people. I hope for the real world to be fairer and to put love as a principle, corny as it may sound. Perhaps it is because I AM a father, and I have being a son, and a brother, and a cousin, and I dont think of any kind of incest with my family as a good thing (quite the contrary). Sorry if I sound a drag and judgemental but I draw my line cleary there, but again: keep all kinds of weird, kinky, fetish fiction for the fiction, and RL healthy and sane.