The thing is, L&P has a point on the finished product/update, but on a fracking teaser he cannot be more wrong. Teasers are by definition advertisment, to be spread as widely as possible to generate interest. What L&P wants is akin to showing a teaser for a new Star Wars movie in just a dozen cinemas worldwide, which is I let you insert the right word.
But what I find much more disturbing is L&P´s reaction, because a) as to this moment the Teaser has NOT been leaked here and b) going by the first leaked "hot and story revealing" teaser (and the reaction of the people how have seen this second one), it is the opposite of hot, completely harmless to the point of making Spongebob look like softcore and story revealing, what kind of reveal?
Sophia and Dylan coming home arm in arm, something that happens hundreds of times each day somewhere in the world totally harmless between Moms and Sons, Dads and Daughters and maybe Ellie leaving the house. Oh the Horror, Ellie is going shopping, meeting her friends or getting an icecream, the secret ending of AWAM revealed!

Considering that L&P praised the teaser as something totally hot and revealing several crucial storylines and charged 30€ for it, well, I let you decide what to think of it. Nobody but the most hidebound and needy person will find both the first and second "hot" teaser hot and they reveal nearly nothing about the coming storylines beyond the obvious.
And for a single teaser pic, which has not been leaked and does not live up to it´s promises in the slightest(!), there comes a foam around the mouth reaction from L&P.? If this is his normal reaction to a pic that will be forgotten in a couple weeks, he has far worse and different problems than being extremly late with the update.