I had already written that it was not an attack against them.I never claimed to be representing anything or anyone but my own opinion sorry if you thought otherwise and I certainly wasn't trying to "wage a campaign" I'm far to lazy for something like that. I've got nothing against L&P quite the opposite I actually respect the guys skills so much he and a few other devs made my want to try using Daz myself. I do believe he overreacted just a little to the leaked teaser, yes he asked for it not to be and has every right to be pissed about that and I respect that you feel otherwise but this is a piracy website and pirates are gonna pirate. I've also never to my knowledge partaken in any criticism of his work.
BTW I was only answering a question that was asked about DPC and didn't want to go completely of topic so added a little about L&P to remain somewhat on topic it wasn't meant as an attack so if it came off as one my bad.
Again, L&P did not overreact, it put an end to it!
But we both don't have to argue about it, we weren't the culprit. Even if we disagree on this matter.