And again with the Sam bashing.... Yawn....
Sabertooth__ said:
Can Sam's route really be called romantic. I mean I get why people refer to it as a romantic path, Sam acting like a hopeless romantic etc but behind this facade the reality isn't pure at all. The guy too wants Sophia's body. We do know what he thinks about Sophia from his exchange with Dylan in the initial game days.
I don't want to use any negative terms but I wouldn't really call something with such adulterated or impure intentions a romantic path. It's just another approach to deceive Sophia and get in her pants.
Though yeah .....Everyone's free to have their own opinion.
Sabertooth__ we know you don't like Sam. But quit saying you appreciate other points of view when in reality you don't. I see Sam differently. Not perfect but, a teenager, immature, and swayed by emotions as well as hormones. Sophia has admitted in another world she could see dating Sam. She puts the romance option in right there. So you see it differently fine. We agree to disagree and quit with the 'I ain't bashing your point of view' bashing. Just Sayin'!
Here is a curious point. What is Sam's role. Dylan, Ellie Patricia incest. Ellie, Patricia, Alyssa, etc... Lesbianism. Aiden, Bennet Blackmail/forced. Liam, Andy, Cathy swingers? Sam romance. There are probably a dozen variations and other paths I cannot think of at the moment. Consider this, none of us can be, in the reality of our mind, Dylan or Ellie. They are Sophia's kids. Patricia is Sophia's sister. How do you get that blood relationship? Those are difficult positions to translate into. Therefore, it is, for me, difficult to relate to those paths. However, all of us can substitute for Sam or Alyssa. We can all easily place ourselves in that role since the only link is proximity. It is not Alyssa it is
GingerSweetGirl. It is not Sam it is
t3alqdansam. Maybe I am way to simplistic here. But, it works for me.