I have concerns about those that choose to end the Aiden story. Clearly this is a storyline that L&P cares about and puts a lot of time into. If you decide to end Sophia's involvement (or if you never followed the story to begin with) then it's going to further diffuse the player base. If L&P continues to dedicate the same amount of time to the Aiden events, a lot of people are going to get only a fraction of the content in those updates (assuming you only play one path). It worries me that it's going to further complicate the development process. Either L&P just says "fuck it" and continues to do what he's currently doing, or he adjusts the script to include alternative concurrent events during Aiden's events. Either way, it sounds like another excuse for his development times to grow.
There's logic to ending the Aiden storyline for those who hate it but I don't think that it needs to automatically mean less stuff for those who do. Already we see that there's a Dylan-heavy day lined up in the 'near future'. There could be other days like this, so that major characters all receive a reasonable amount of attention. I follow & enjoy the Aiden route but I'm also a big Alyssa fan. It seems a long time since she was present & her next scheduled appearance is still years away. It's just something that has to be lived with. That's not to say I like the idea but it is what it is.
I assume that Dylan & Ellie & perhaps Patricia would never be left so long between appearances, so everyone should be at least as content with the content as they are now. Time jumps could be used to juggle events on different routes. All you need is a decent flow chart to avoid the spaghetti effect.
There is, however, another theoretical issue connected with Sophia's love making, (should it ever happen), which I thought of after I'd written about it recently & which applies to those, like me, who play one route. This has to do with whoever the exceptional character is, e. g. if it was to be Alyssa, those not on this path would feel hard done by. I use her as an example but there are others I can think of, whereby some fans playing one route would feel excluded from a very well anticipated action. There is a good case, therefore, for the person to be someone either present on all the routes, or a recently introduced character, something like a StarTrek OS redshirt, (demonstrating that the aliens are killers) but this one with a much better reason for existence!
These are the problems with multiple routes. Another answer could be to have sex with different people simultaneously, so to speak, dependent on which paths had been followed & choices made. This issue is not insoluble but sounds like a lot of work & may remain in the realm of theory, because another obvious solution, I've mentioned before, is for no-one except Liam to ever have sex with Sophia. This seems IMO, after 4 years, to be the answer, currently favoured by L&P. Creative solutions are a real possibility though, from an imaginative, innovative writer. As the Beach Boys say, in every other TV ad in the UK right now, "Wouldn't it be nice....."