I'm surprised: you are the romantic type!

I think L&P will let Sam get as far on this day as at the other events on that day. For me that means bare breasts and, as with Aiden, only voluntarily, a little breast massage. We cannot expect more whether Liam calls or not.
I'm not interested in the Sam / Sophia romantic route. I mean a romantic route ?! How many other games are there that follow such a path. For me, the Sam / Sophia route is like the Good-Wife route at the moment. I know that some people are looking forward to it, but for me this is totally boring at the moment.
Even the second romantic route, Alyssa / Sophia, is more interesting. Alyssa will bring a suitcase full of add-ons for Antonio from her business trip.
The reason why I haven't given up on the Sam route is, on the one hand, the question of whether Sam still proves himself to be the true son of his father. Also how L&P wants to tell the situation when Dylan and Sam realize that they have a relationship with each other's mother and when there is no Dylan / amber relationship, how the situation develops when Liam / Dylan / Elli about the love between Sophia and Sam experienced (Elli will probably not be a problem).