This, as we've seen, time & again, is not likely. How he chooses to work is up to him, of course & as his own boss, so it should be. Patrons choose, again quite rightly, to subsidise his chosen work method, or at least to sponsor it. So far, so good. "Take it, or leave it" is the phrase which comes to mind & we do, whether Patron or pirate.
L&P won't change, except in one respect. What makes me think of PBR is the fact that the Dev has found numerous ways of slowing things down & this has developed some momentum, which means that delivery of the product, i.e. a finished game/VN, has become a very distant prospect. Any organisation observing such a pattern would take action, no doubt describing it as "positive," in order to find a mutually acceptable workable solution.
As the Patrons appear to have a rock solid core who opt not to vote with their wallets, change to the way Patreon operates becomes a subject for consideration.