I think we all should be "impressed" that this time after about 3 months a new update has already come out. Of course, Sam-Sophia's now FINALLY sexual relationship didn't go any further. That would have gone way too fast!
But for that we got to see some nice boobs after a pointless mini game that you couldn't even skip. And there was also a half-started lesbian scene, even if it will definitely never really continue in the future.
The main story didn't go on at all, of course, but more pointless side stories instead. Apparently we have to wait a few more years for the Dylan-Sophia relationship.
The whole story might be the most realistic story you can find in such a game. But still, after all these years, you really could have shown a little more instead of getting lost in pointless side stories.
Thankfully, I haven't paid for this well-crafted, but mostly boring and very lengthy money-grabbing story for years.