This game reminds me of something.
I think original idea of smartphone SMS driven plot considering interracial politics and white girl camp servitude you can dig up in the past belongs to
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, BBC PMV creator who was inspired heavily by all that BNWO politicisation kink.
Details may vary, but check that series out:
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There was even a motive of bestie demoralizing your loved ones:
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So I guess, "A Wife's Life", "A Wife's Phone" and "Strange Phone" creators took from this source and transfered all the tropes into more interactive form of entertainment. But all basic ingredients were already existing.
Okay, You gave me my love of interracial sex back >.> I'll just.... go now...
By the way, sorry about my rant. I actually do like this story.
I just don't like the idiot hero trope, especially when this guy clearly isn't an idiot.
He just has some stress going on from moving to a new place. He doesn't have a small dick
which is clear in all the videos of him having sex. He had a big beautiful penis. An easy match
for any mandingo shit. And he can clearly please his wife. He just has stress related intimacy
issues. It's okay and fixable. With communication. Which is always left out of these stories due
to the over use of that fucking idiot hero trope. Not confronting his wife about Autumn and showing
her receipts is stupid. Not showing his wife the messages from that inmate is stupid. Calling that
inmate instead of going to that camp and dealing with it face to face (which would have been better)
was extremely stupid. Then the inmate would be doing this shit to spite the MC without erroneously
calling him a cuck. Which is isn't. It would also make more sense why the inmate won't let it go
and leave her or his mom (especially his mom) alone if the MC went and popped him in his face.
Going after his mom makes no fucking sense. There's no reason or motive. It's just because.
Not going in Chris' office and telling him off was STUPID. No man would do that unless they are
a mega pussy. And the MC isn't one. I don't know about all of you but I would lose my shit if someone,
anyone was fucking in my bed. No, man. Just no. You want to be sleeping in someone else's mess?
really? That's a violation of space and home. The Red Wedding is less of an etiquette violation haha.
And I fucking hate this white man hate going on. I deal with it enough when I get lumped in with
manhaters because I'm a woman. I don't hate men. I don't hate white men. I love men. Cool your jets
And I do not subscribe to this bullshit that either race is superior to the other. Even as a kink.
White men have big beautiful dicks too. Even some Asian men do...
And the MC most DEFINITELY has a big beautiful penis. I am so happy I modded this game to make
than man my husband.
Yes I modded the game. Yes I changed the MC's wife's name to my own. Yes I read this injecting
myself in as the wife. It adds an extra element of emotion for me. Makes it more personal.
Shows how much I like this story. And if you guys would stop fucking everything that moves the
MC's wife might actually quit that damned camp. I did
Can't wait for the next update