- Apr 27, 2020
- 50
- 194
What's the horror like in this game. I really want to give it a shot but I'm not a big fan of horror
Yep that's exactly it. It isn't a horror game, but it has horror elements on the last floor. And there is a generally eerie atmosphere in some places.Little bit of existential dread and there are a couple of points where you feel very unsafe, but its not a horror game tbh
The last floor before the current WIP end is pretty terrifying though.
Sorry about that! One thing I'm considering is an alternate start where you begin with a twin, though I probably wouldn't add a ton of unique content to it.I kept dying in that area just for that twin curse.
Started a new character and overburdened my new character with the debug option including ammo, ten medkits an escape balloon, went down solo, got the curse and basically fought tooth and nail to get back to the seventh floor then was able to use the escape balloon.
Which felt like a waste of time as i couldn't interact with the twin and couldn't figure out how to raise there affection so they would take on curses i wanted the twin to have willingly.
Though note that the twin does NOT have the purity gene and thus they must also take Curses to ascend. And because they are you, they just take the same Curses. So you wouldn't have much luck transferring Curses to them, since they'd already have taken the Curses themselves!
So, that's from foraging for food on layer 6. I'd recommend reading the Omen Eyes description to learn more. But you can double up on erogenous zones to make them extra sensitive. Level 2 erogenous zones result in the slightest touch feeling incredibly arousing. Beyond level 2 is not recommended. So, you can have some combination of your body erogenous to make up 189%, like 95% being level 2 or 100% being level 1 and 89% being level 2. It's... quite a high percentage though. Good luck with that lol.Okay, so I went back just to make sure I was remembering correctly and it was actually 40 days. It costs 100 corruption though, which is probably why 100 is what I remember. My bad lol. Also, I just noticed that apparently "63*3 percent" of my body is a highly erogenous zone. Is this supposed to be 63+(3/10)=63.3? Or does it actually mean 63*3=189? I know the number before the asterisk is dynamic because it changed throughout the playthrough but I still don't know what it means...
That's an interesting idea, though adding a new follower isn't likely right now due to how much content would be associated with a new follower.Would be interested in seeing more unique follower interactions based on their curses- and while really ambitious... would also like to see negative follower events if they dislike you enough- such as rape of the player- or such interactions between followers even if two girls acquire dick/futa curse etc and stuff. Or even have a follower thats designed to have events like that- added at a very low cost just played off like little is known about them. pursuers of opportunity.
Negative interactions are possible, though not exactly my forte. I'll say they might be happening, but I can't make any promises haha.
Thanks, this has been reported a few times and so is a known bug. We're working on a fix for now.Getting the following error in the shrines.
Instead of listing curses that each character is willing to take, it instead shows:
bunch of
Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Sex Switcheroo is not a function
First, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!Sorry, maybe it's way too late at night for me to be playing this, but how exactly do companions get Curses? I could've sworn I saw plenty of references to that in-game, but I can't seem to figure out how to spread them around.
On another note, what a neat game, I'm so glad I gave it a go!
Second, for companions getting Curses, what layer are you on? The ability to give companions Curses is available on layer 3 and 4 in two different ways. Though it seems that doing it willingly is broken in this build, but we'll have that fixed in!